
Using PO Files

  • PO files are a good way to handle Internationalization.

  • Documentation is available here.

  • In this example, let’s create two PO files for two different languages(English and Portuguese) and add them to resources/nls.


    msgid ""
    msgstr ""
    "Language: en_US\n"
    "Language-Team: English\n"
    "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
    "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
    msgid "Label1"
    msgstr "My label 1"
    msgid "Label2"
    msgstr "My label 2"


    msgid ""
    msgstr ""
    "Language: pt_BR\n"
    "Language-Team: Portuguese\n"
    "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
    "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
    msgid "Label1"
    msgstr "Minha label 1"
    msgid "Label2"
    msgstr "Minha label 2"
  • These PO files have to be converted to be usable by the application.

  • In order to let the build system know which PO files to process, they must be referenced in MicroEJ Classpath using a myapp.nls.list file.

Configuring NLS in MicroEJ

  • First add those two dependencies to the module.ivy of your projet:

    <dependency org="ej.library.runtime" name="nls" rev="4.0.0"/>
    <dependency org="com.microej.library.runtime" name="binary-nls" rev="3.0.0"/>
  • Then, let’s create a myapp.nls.list file, and put it in the src/main/resources/list folder. The file looks like this:



    For each line, PO files whose name starts with the interface name (Labels in the example) are retrieved from the MicroEJ Classpath and used to generate:

    • a Java interface with the given fully qualified name, containing a field for each msgid of the PO files.

    • a NLS binary file containing the translations.


  • Import the interface set in the myapp.nls.list file:

    import com.mycompany.myapp.generated.Labels;
  • Print the available locales:

    for (String locale : Labels.NLS.getAvailableLocales()) {
  • Print the current locale:

  • Change the current locale:

  • Finally, put a message from NLS in a label. The code looks like this:

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Desktop desktop = new Desktop();
        // For english locale uncomment the line below and comment the pt_BR locale setter call.
        // Labels.NLS.setCurrentLocale("en_US");
        Label label = new Label(Labels.NLS.getMessage(Labels.Label1));
  • The result looks like this:

  • Setting the locale to “en_US” the result is as follows:


Loading Translations as an External Resource

When building the Application or running it on Simulator, the Resource Buffer Generator is executed.

A resource containing translations is generated. This resource can be loaded as external resource in order to be loaded from an external memory (e.g. from a FileSystem).


This mode requires to setup the External Resources Loader in the VEE Port.

Follow the steps below to declare translations as external resources:

  • Add a myapp.nls.externresources.list file in the src/main/resources/list folder,

  • Add the following path inside the file:


    This path can be found in src-adpgenerated/binarynls/java/com/mycompany/myapp/generated/Labels.nls.resources.list

  • Build the application for the target,

  • Open the file to check that the resource is not embedded anymore in the application binary. The xxx_Labels.nls line should not appear anymore in the ApplicationResources section.

  • The resource containing translations is now located in the com.mycompany.myapp.Main/externalResources folder. This resource must be embedded on the target and loaded using the External Resources Loader.

A simple implementation of the External Resources Loader is available on GitHub: Example-ExternalResourceLoader.