How To Disable Ivy Descriptor Publication

By default, SDK 6 adds an Ivy descriptor file to published artifacts in order for SDK 5 projects to be able to consume the module (e.g. an application built with SDK 5 depending on a library published with SDK 6).

Disable Ivy Descriptor Publication by Default

If you don’t need SDK 5 backward compatibility, you can disable Ivy descriptor publication by setting the Gradle property enable.ivy.descriptor.default=false.

This property can be set in a file in $USER_HOME/.gradle/ to apply it globally, or at the root of the Gradle project to apply it at project level. It can also be passed to command line with -Penable.ivy.descriptor.default=false option.

Force Ivy Descriptor Publication When Disabled by Default

Even when Ivy descriptor publication is globally disabled with the Gradle property, it can be forced in a project by adding withIvyDescriptor() to the microej block in build.gradle.kts file:

microej {