Migration Guide

From 14.3.3 to 14.4.1


  • Update the SystemView description file for MicroUI logs as described here.

Front Panel

From 14.2.0 to 14.3.3

Front Panel

From 14.1.1 to 14.2.0


  • [VEE Port configuration project]

  • [BSP project]

    • Delete the properties file cco_microui.properties.

    • Build the VEE Port.

From 14.0.3 to 14.1.1

BSP without GPU

  • [VEE Port configuration project]

  • [BSP project]

    • Delete the properties file cco_microui.properties.

    • Build the VEE Port.

    • Configure ui/inc/ui_configuration.h, based on your previous settings in ui/inc/microui_event_decoder_conf.h and ui/inc/ui_display_brs_configuration.h.

      • Notice that the name (prefix) of the options changed, see Changelog.

      • If the BSP uses the MicroUI C Module’s image heap allocator instead of using the Graphics Engine’s image heap allocator, set the preprocessor value UI_FEATURE_ALLOCATOR=UI_FEATURE_ALLOCATOR_BESTFIT.

      • Comment the line that starts with #error (...).

    • Delete configuration files ui/inc/microui_event_decoder_conf.h and ui/inc/ui_display_brs_configuration.h.

    • Add the source file in ui/src/ui_font_drawing.c to the project.

    • Update c and h files and BSP configuration (if any) to use the new preprocessor values:















BSP with DMA2D

BSP with VGLite

BSP with NemaGFX

From 14.0.1 to 14.0.3

BSP without GPU

  • [VEE Port configuration project]

    • Set the dependency to the C Module MicroUI 4.1.0.

    • Delete the properties file cco_microui.properties.

    • Build the VEE Port.

BSP with DMA2D

  • [VEE Port configuration project]

  • [BSP project]

    • In the directory ui, delete the following files:

      • inc/ui_drawing_dma2d.h,

      • src/ui_drawing_dma2d.c.

    • Delete the properties files cco_microui.properties and cco_display-dma2d.properties.

    • Build the VEE Port.

    • Configure ui_dma2d/inc/ui_dma2d_configuration.h, based on your previous settings in ui/inc/ui_drawing_dma2d_configuration.h.

    • Delete ui/inc/ui_dma2d_configuration.h.

    • Add the source files in ui_dma2d/src to the project.

    • Add the path ui_dma2d/inc to the include path.

BSP with VGLite

  • [VEE Port configuration project]

  • [BSP project]

    • In the directory ui, delete the following files:

      • inc/color.h,

      • inc/ui_drawing_vglite.h,

      • inc/ui_drawing_vglite_path.h,

      • inc/ui_drawing_vglite_process.h,

      • inc/ui_vglite.h,

      • src/ui_drawing_vglite.c,

      • src/ui_drawing_vglite_path.c,

      • src/ui_drawing_vglite_process.c.

    • In the directory util, delete the following files:

      • inc/mej_math.h,

      • src/mej_math.c,

    • In LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_initialize:

      • Call UI_VGLITE_initialize to initialize the VGLite controller and the VGLite library.

      • Replace the call to UI_VGLITE_init with UI_VGLITE_start.

    • Delete the properties files cco_microui.properties and cco_microui-vglite.properties.

    • Build the VEE Port.

    • Configure ui_vglite/inc/ui_vglite_configuration.h, based on your previous settings in ui/inc/ui_vglite_configuration.h.

    • Delete ui/inc/ui_vglite_configuration.h.

    • Add the source files in ui_vglite/src to the project.

    • Add the path ui_vglite/inc to the include path.

BSP with NemaGFX

  • [VEE Port configuration project]

  • [BSP project]

    • Delete ui/src/ui_drawing_nema.c.

    • Replace the following calls with the new function names:

      • UI_DRAWING_NEMA_initialize becomes UI_NEMA_initialize,

      • UI_DRAWING_NEMA_post_operation becomes UI_NEMA_post_operation,

      • UI_DRAWING_NEMA_configure_memcpy becomes UI_NEMA_configure_memcpy,

      • UI_DRAWING_NEMA_start_memcpy becomes UI_NEMA_start_memcpy.

    • Delete the properties files cco_microui.properties and cco_microui-nemagfx.properties.

    • Build the VEE Port.

    • Configure ui_nemagfx/inc/ui_nema_configuration.h, based on your previous settings in ui/inc/ui_drawing_nema_configuration.h.

    • Add the source files in ui_nemagfx/src to the project.

    • Add the path ui_nemagfx/inc to the include path.

    • If you were using the task mode, switch to interrupt mode.

      • Remove your implementation of UI_DRAWING_NEMA_IMPL_operation_submitted.

      • Remove the task that called UI_DRAWING_NEMA_post_operation.

      • Look for any use of the macro NEMA_INTERRUPT_MODE, which denotes a differentiation between the task mode and the interrupt mode. This macro is no longer used. Adjust your code so that only the code targeting the interrupt mode remains.

      • Follow the steps detailed in the section Implementation.

From 13.7.x to 14.0.1

Front Panel

  • Fetch Front Panel Widgets 4.0.1 (it fetches by transitivity the UI Pack 14.0.1):

    <dependency org="ej.tool.frontpanel" name="widget" rev="4.0.1"/>
  • Re-organize imports of all Java classes (classes MicroUIImageFormat, MicroUIImage and MicroUIGraphicsContext have been extracted from LLUIPainter).

  • Remove all calls to MicroUIGraphicsContext.setDrawingLimits. This method has been removed as it is no longer needed.

  • The doubleBufferFeature attribute has been removed from the Display widget. The bufferPolicyClass replaces it (see Buffer Refresh Strategy on the Simulator).

    <ej.fp.widget.Display x="0" y="0" width="480" height="272" bufferPolicyClass="ej.fp.widget.display.buffer.SwapDoubleBufferPolicy"/>
  • The FlushVisualizerDisplay widget has been merged with the Display widget. To use this functionality, use the Display widget instead of the FlushVisualizerDisplay widget in the Front Panel .fp file and set the option ej.fp.display.flushVisualizer=true in the options of the application launcher.

BSP Without GPU

  • [VEE Port configuration project]

  • [BSP project]

    • Delete the VEE Port include folder (often /platform/inc).

    • Delete the properties file cco_microui.properties.

    • In the C project configuration, include the new C files ui_display_brs.c, ui_display_brs_legacy.c, ui_display_brs_predraw.c, ui_display_brs_single.c and ui_rect_util.c.

    • Read the documentation about the display Buffer Refresh Strategy; then configure the C module by setting the right configuration in ui_display_brs_configuration.h.

    • Comment the line #error "This header must [...]".

    • The next actions depend on the available numbers of buffers allocated in the MCU memories and if the front buffer is mapped on an MCU’s buffer (if not, that means the LCD device owns a buffer). The following table redirects the next steps according to the display connection with the MCU:

      Transmit and/or Swap actions



      Next Actions

      2 (1+1)


      [Display “Transmit”]



      [Display “Swap double buffer”]



      [Display “Swap triple buffer”]

      3 (2+1)


      [Display “Transmit and Swap”]

  • [Display “Transmit”]

    • Set the value of the define UI_DISPLAY_BRS: UI_DISPLAY_BRS_SINGLE.

    • Set the value of the define UI_DISPLAY_BRS_DRAWING_BUFFER_COUNT: 1.


    • Change the signature and the implementation of the function flush: void LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_flush(MICROUI_GraphicsContext* gc, uint8_t flush_identifier, const ui_rect_t regions[], size_t length)

      • Store (in a static field) the rectangle to flush (the array contains only one rectangle).

      • Store (in a static field) the flush identifier.

      • Unlock (immediately or wait for the LCD tearing signal interrupt) the flush task (hardware or software) that will transmit the back buffer data to the front buffer.

      • Remove the returned value (the back buffer address).

    • At the end of the flush (in an interrupt or at the end of the software flush task), replace the call to LLUI_DISPLAY_flushDone() with LLUI_DISPLAY_setBackBuffer(): it will unlock the Graphics Engine. Give the back buffer address (same address as at start-up) and the flush identifier.

  • [Display “Swap double buffer”]

    • Set the value of the define UI_DISPLAY_BRS: UI_DISPLAY_BRS_PREDRAW.

    • Set the value of the define UI_DISPLAY_BRS_DRAWING_BUFFER_COUNT: 2.

    • Change the signature and the implementation of the function flush: void LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_flush(MICROUI_GraphicsContext* gc, uint8_t flush_identifier, const ui_rect_t regions[], size_t length)

      • Store (in a static field) the back buffer address (LLUI_DISPLAY_getBufferAddress(&gc->image)).

      • Store (in a static field) the flush identifier.

      • Unlock (immediately or wait for the LCD tearing signal interrupt) the swap task (hardware or software) that will swap the back buffer and the front buffer.

      • Remove the static fields ymin and ymax (now useless).

      • Remove the returned value (the back buffer address).

    • Case of hardware swap (LCD swap interrupt): change the implementation of the LCD swap interrupt:

      • Remove all the code concerning the post-flush restoration (remove the flush task or the use of a DMA). In both cases, the call to LLUI_DISPLAY_flushDone() is removed.

      • Unlock the Graphics Engine by calling LLUI_DISPLAY_setBackBuffer(), giving the new back buffer address and the flush identifier.

    • Case of software swap (dedicated swap task): change the task actions:

      • Swap back and front buffers.

      • Wait for the end of the buffers swap: ensure the LCD driver does not use the old front buffer anymore.

      • Remove all the code concerning the post-flush restoration (the call to memcpy or the use of a DMA). In both cases, the call to LLUI_DISPLAY_flushDone() is removed.

      • Unlock the Graphics Engine by calling LLUI_DISPLAY_setBackBuffer(), giving the new back buffer address and the flush identifier.

  • [Display “Swap triple buffer”]

    • Set the value of the define UI_DISPLAY_BRS: UI_DISPLAY_BRS_PREDRAW.

    • Set the value of the define UI_DISPLAY_BRS_DRAWING_BUFFER_COUNT: 3.

    • Change the signature and the implementation of the function flush: void LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_flush(MICROUI_GraphicsContext* gc, uint8_t flush_identifier, const ui_rect_t regions[], size_t length)

      • Store (in a static field) the back buffer address (LLUI_DISPLAY_getBufferAddress(&gc->image)).

      • Store (in a static field) the flush identifier.

      • Unlock (immediately or wait for the LCD tearing signal interrupt) the swap task that will swap the buffers.

      • Remove the static fields ymin and ymax (now useless).

      • Remove the returned value (the back buffer address).

    • In the swap task: change the task actions:

      • Swap buffers.

      • Remove all the code concerning the post-flush restoration (the call to memcpy or the use of a DMA). In both cases, the call to LLUI_DISPLAY_flushDone() is removed.

      • Unlock the Graphics Engine by calling LLUI_DISPLAY_setBackBuffer(), giving the new back buffer address and the flush identifier (the Graphics Engine can be unlocked immediately because a buffer is freed for sure).

      • Wait for the end of the buffers swap: ensure the LCD driver does not use the old front buffer anymore.

  • [Display “Transmit and Swap”]

    • Set the value of the define UI_DISPLAY_BRS: UI_DISPLAY_BRS_PREDRAW.

    • Set the value of the define UI_DISPLAY_BRS_DRAWING_BUFFER_COUNT: 2.


    • Change the signature and the implementation of the function flush: void LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_flush(MICROUI_GraphicsContext* gc, uint8_t flush_identifier, const ui_rect_t regions[], size_t length)

      • Store (in a static field) the rectangle to flush (the array contains only one rectangle).

      • Store (in a static field) the back buffer address (LLUI_DISPLAY_getBufferAddress(&gc->image)).

      • Store (in a static field) the flush identifier.

      • Unlock (immediately or wait for the LCD tearing signal interrupt) the transmit & swap task that will transmit the current back buffer data to the front buffer, and that will swap the back buffers.

      • Remove the returned value (the back buffer address).

    • In the transmit & swap task: change the “transmit & swap” actions:

      • Start the transmission of the current back buffer (called buffer A) data to the front buffer.

      • Swap back buffer A and back buffer B.

      • Wait for the end of the back buffers swap: ensure the LCD driver is now using the buffer A as the transmission buffer.

      • Remove all the code concerning to the post-flush restoration (the call to memcpy or the use of a DMA). In both cases, the call to LLUI_DISPLAY_flushDone() is removed.

      • Unlock the Graphics Engine by calling LLUI_DISPLAY_setBackBuffer(), giving the back buffer B address and the flush identifier.

      • Wait for the end of the transmission: ensure the LCD driver has finished to flush the data.

      • (optional) Unlock again the Graphics Engine by calling LLUI_DISPLAY_setBackBuffer(), giving the buffer A address and the flush identifier:

        • The call to LLUI_DISPLAY_setBackBuffer() returns false: that means at least one drawing has been performed in the buffer B; there is nothing else to do.

        • The call to LLUI_DISPLAY_setBackBuffer() returns true: that means no drawing has started yet in the buffer B. In that case, the Graphics Engine will reuse the buffer A as a back buffer, and the restoration of the past becomes useless. The back buffers swap is so canceled; update the LCD driver status in consequence.

BSP with DMA2D

  • [VEE Port configuration project]

  • [BSP project]

    • Prerequisite: follow the migration steps of BSP Without GPU.

    • Check the content of the configuration file ui_drawing_dma2d_configuration.h (a versioning has been added).

    • Comment the line #error [...]".

    • According to the display Buffer Refresh Strategy, unlock the MicroUI Graphics Engine in the LCD interrupt or the DMA2D memcpy callback (see C Module: MicroUI Over DMA2D).

BSP with VGLite

  • [VEE Port configuration project]

  • [BSP project]

    • Prerequisite: follow the migration steps of BSP Without GPU.

    • Migrate VGLite library to the version 3.0.15_rev7.

    • Modify the VGLite library 3.0.15_rev7 by applying the patch 3.0.15_rev7.patch (see README.md near the patch file for more information).

    • In the file vglite_window.c, add the function VGLITE_CancelSwapBuffers() and its prototype in vglite_window.h:

    void VGLITE_CancelSwapBuffers(void) {
        fb_idx = fb_idx == 0 ? (APP_BUFFER_COUNT - 1) : (fb_idx ) - 1;

BSP with NemaGFX

  • [VEE Port configuration project]

  • [BSP project]

    • Prerequisite: follow the migration steps of BSP Without GPU.

    • Check the content of the configuration file ui_drawing_nema_configuration.h (new version 2).

From 13.6.x to 13.7.2

Front Panel

  • (optional) Fetch explicitly the UI Pack 13.7.2 to use the new API of the UI Pack:

    <dependency org="com.microej.pack.ui" name="ui-pack" rev="13.7.2">
           <artifact name="frontpanel" type="jar"/>

BSP without GPU

  • [VEE Port configuration project]

  • [BSP project]

    • Optionally, implement UI_DRAWING_freeImageResources(MICROUI_Image* image) (single-output buffered image format) or UI_DRAWING_freeImageResources_X(MICROUI_Image* image) (mulitple-output buffered image formats, where X is the image format identifier) to free the resources associated with a buffered image when it is closed.

BSP with DMA2D

BSP with VGLite

BSP with NemaGFX

  • [VEE Port configuration project]

  • [BSP project]

    • Prerequisite: follow the migration steps of BSP without GPU.

    • Review all options of ui_drawing_nema_configuration.h (version 2).

From 13.5.x to 13.6.2

Front Panel

  • (optional) Fetch Front Panel Widgets 3.0.0 to use the new features of the Front Panel Widget library:

    <dependency org="ej.tool.frontpanel" name="widget" rev="3.0.0"/>
  • (optional) Fetch explicitly the UI Pack 13.6.2 to use the new API of the UI Pack:

    <dependency org="com.microej.pack.ui" name="ui-pack" rev="13.6.2">
           <artifact name="frontpanel" type="jar"/>

BSP with VGLite

These steps are for a VEE Port that manages its own implementation of LLUI_DISPLAY_impl.h (that did not use the old implementation which was available in this C Module):

  • [VEE Port configuration project]

  • [BSP project]

    • Delete the properties file cco_microui-vglite.properties.

    • Delete the following files from the file-system and from the C project configuration:

      • inc/display_utils.h

      • inc/display_vglite.h

      • inc/drawing_vglite.h

      • inc/vglite_path.h

      • src/display_stub.c

      • src/display_utils.c

      • src/display_vglite.c

      • src/drawing_vglite.c

      • src/vglite_path.c

    • Add the new files to the C project configuration:

      • src/ui_drawing_vglite_path.c

      • src/ui_drawing_vglite_process.c

      • src/ui_vglite.c

    • Review all imports of the removed header files.

    • In the implementation of LLUI_DISPLAY_impl.h, call UI_VGLITE_init() during the initialization step.

    • In the GPU interrupt rountine, call UI_VGLITE_IRQHandler().

    • Review all options of ui_vglite_configuration.h.

    • Implement UI_VGLITE_IMPL_notify_gpu_xxx() instead of DISPLAY_IMPL_notify_gpu_xxx().

    • Implement UI_VGLITE_IMPL_error() instead of DISPLAY_IMPL_error().

    • Change all calls to DISPLAY_VGLITE_xxx() functions to UI_VGLITE_xxx() functions.

    • Change all calls to DRAWING_VGLITE_xxx() functions to UI_DRAWING_VGLITE_PROCESS_xxx() functions.

    • Change all calls to VGLITE_PATH_xxx() functions to UI_DRAWING_VGLITE_PATH_xxx() functions.

    • Change all calls to DISPLAY_UTILS_xxx() functions to UI_VGLITE_xxx() functions.

BSP With MCU i.MX RT595

These steps are for a VEE Port that uses the implementation of LLUI_DISPLAY_impl.h which was available in the C Module VGLite:

  • [VEE Port configuration project]

  • [BSP project]

    • Follow the steps of BSP with VGLite (described above) except the calls to UI_VGLITE_init() and UI_VGLITE_IRQHandler().

    • Implement DISPLAY_DMA_IMPL_notify_dma_xxx() instead of DISPLAY_IMPL_notify_dma_xxx().

BSP with NemaGFX

  • [VEE Port configuration project]

  • [BSP project]

    • Add all the C files available in src folder.

    • Configure the C project to include the inc folder.

    • Read the comments in ui_drawing_nema_configuration.h and configure the C module.

From 13.4.x to 13.5.1

Front Panel

  • (optional) Fetch explicitly the UI Pack 13.5.1 to use the new API of the UI Pack:

    <dependency org="com.microej.pack.ui" name="ui-pack" rev="13.5.1">
            <artifact name="frontpanel" type="jar"/>
  • Replace any calls to LLUIPainter.setDrawer() and LLDWPainter.setDrawer() to LLUIDisplay.Instance.registerUIDrawer().

  • Replace any calls to LLUIPainter.getDrawer() and LLDWPainter.getDrawer() to LLUIDisplay.Instance.getUIDrawer().

  • Replace any calls to LLUIDisplay.getDWDrawerSoftware() to LLUIDisplay.Instance.getUIDrawerSoftware().

  • Implementation of the interface UIDrawingDefault: implement the interface UIDrawing instead.

  • Implementation of the interfaces DWDrawing and DWDrawingDefault: implement the interface UIDrawing instead.

  • Implementation of the service BufferedImageProvider: implement handledFormat() and remove the parameter format from newBufferedImage().


BSP without GPU

  • [VEE Port configuration project]

  • [BSP project]

    • Delete the VEE Port include folder (often /platform/inc).

    • Delete the properties file cco_microui.properties.

    • In the C project configuration, include the new C files ui_drawing.c, ui_image_drawing.c and ui_drawing_stub.c.

BSP with DMA2D

  • Prerequisite: follow the migration steps of BSP without GPU.

  • [VEE Port configuration project]

  • [BSP project]

    • Delete the properties file cco_display-dma2d.properties.

    • Read the comments about the cache in drawing_dma2d_configuration.h.

    • Uncomment the expected define DRAWING_DMA2D_CACHE_MANAGEMENT (enable or disable the cache management).

    • Delete the C files drawing_dma2d.h and drawing_dma2d.c and remove them from the C project configuration.

    • In the C project configuration, include the new C file ui_drawing_dma2d.c.

    • Replace the import drawing_dma2d.h by ui_drawing_dma2d.h.

    • Replace the calls to functions DRAWING_DMA2D_xxx() by UI_DRAWING_DMA2D_xxx().

BSP with VGLite


The C Module is designed to target the NXP i.MX RT500; however it can be locally customized for other boards (see [Custom project])

  • Prerequisite: follow the migration steps of BSP without GPU.

  • [VEE Port configuration project]

  • [BSP project]

    • Delete the properties file cco_microui-vglite.properties.

    • Delete the C files vg_drawer.h and vg_drawer.c and remove them from the C project configuration.

    • Verify the options in display_configuration.h.

    • In the C project configuration, include the new C file ui_drawing_vglite.c.

From 13.3.x to 13.4.1

BSP without GPU

  • [VEE Port configuration project]

  • [BSP project]

    • Delete the properties file cco_microui.properties.

BSP with DMA2D

  • Prerequisite: follow the migration steps of BSP without GPU.

  • [VEE Port configuration project]

  • [BSP project]

    • Delete the properties file cco_display-dma2d.properties.

BSP with VGLite


The C Module is designed to target the NXP i.MX RT500; however it can be locally customized for other boards (see [Custom project])

  • Prerequisite: follow the migration steps of BSP without GPU.

  • [VEE Port configuration project]

  • [BSP project]

    • Migrate VGLite library to the version 3.0.15_rev4.

    • Modify the VGLite library 3.0.15_rev4 by applying the patch 3.0.15_rev4.patch (see README.md near patch file for more information).

From 13.2.x to 13.3.1

Front Panel

  • (optional) Fetch explicitly the UI Pack 13.3.1 to use the new API of the UI Pack:

    <dependency org="com.microej.pack.ui" name="ui-pack" rev="13.3.1">
           <artifact name="frontpanel" type="jar"/>

BSP without GPU

  • [VEE Port configuration project]

  • [BSP project]

    • Delete the properties file cco_microui.properties.

BSP with DMA2D

  • Prerequisite: follow the migration steps of BSP without GPU.

  • [VEE Port configuration project]

  • [BSP project]

    • Delete the properties file cco_display-dma2d.properties.

BSP with VGLite


The C Module is designed to target the NXP i.MX RT500; however it can be locally customized for other boards (see [Custom project]).

  • Prerequisite: follow the migration steps of BSP without GPU.

  • [VEE Port configuration project]

  • [BSP project]

    • Read the comments in display_configuration.h and configures the C module.

    • Add all C files available in src folder.

    • Configure the C project to include the inc folder.

    • Modify the VGLite library 3.0.11_rev3 by applying the patch 3.0.11_rev3.patch (see README.md near patch file for more information).

  • [Custom project]

    • Modify or remove the C files display_dma.c, display_frambuffer.c, LLUI_DISPLAY_impl.c, display_dma.c, vglite_support.c and vglite_window.c.

From 13.1.x to 13.2.0

Front Panel

  • (optional) Fetch explicitly the UI Pack 13.2.0 to use the new API of the UI Pack:

    <dependency org="com.microej.pack.ui" name="ui-pack" rev="13.2.0">
           <artifact name="frontpanel" type="jar"/>

From 13.0.x to 13.1.0

Front Panel

  • (optional) Fetch Front Panel Widgets 2.1.0 to use the new features of the Front Panel Widget library (it fetches by transitivity the UI Pack 13.1.0):

    <dependency org="ej.tool.frontpanel" name="widget" rev="2.1.0"/>
  • (optional) Or fetch explicitly the UI Pack 13.1.0 to use the new API of the UI Pack:

    <dependency org="com.microej.pack.ui" name="ui-pack" rev="13.1.0">
           <artifact name="frontpanel" type="jar"/>

BSP without GPU

  • [VEE Port configuration project]

  • [BSP project]

    • Delete the properties file cco_microui.properties.

    • Add a cast when using MICROUI_Image* object: (MICROUI_ImageFormat)image->format .

    • Remove parameter MICROUI_GraphicsContext* when calling LLUI_DISPLAY_setDrawingLimits().

    • Ensure to call LLUI_DISPLAY_setDrawingLimits() before calling LLUI_DISPLAY_setDrawingStatus() or LLUI_DISPLAY_notifyAsynchronousDrawingEnd().

    • (optional) Add an implementation of LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_image_heap_xxx to control the images heap allocation; by default the internal Graphics Engine’s allocator is used. Another implementation is also available in the MicroUI C module.

    • (optional) Add the UI event logger available in the MicroUI C module.

BSP with DMA2D

  • Prerequisite: follow the migration steps of BSP without GPU.

  • [VEE Port configuration project]

  • [BSP project]

    • Delete the properties file cco_display-dma2d.properties.

From 12.x to 13.0.7

VEE Port Configuration Project

  • Update Architecture version: 7.16.0 or higher.

  • Add the following module in the module description file:

    <dependency org="com.microej.clibrary.llimpl" name="microui" rev="1.0.3"/>
  • If not already set, set the ea:property bsp.project.microej.dir in the module ivy file to configure the BSP output folder where is extracted the module.


Update the BSP with the new MicroUI C module files as described here.

Hardware Accelerator

  • Open -configuration project > display > display.properties

  • Remove optional property hardwareAccelerator. If old value was dma2d, add the following module in the module description file:

    <dependency org="com.microej.clibrary.llimpl" name="display-dma2d" rev="1.0.8"/>
  • For the hardware accelerator DMA2D, please consult STM32F7Discovery board updates. Add the file lldisplay_dma2d.c, the global defines DRAWING_DMA2D_BPP=16 (or another value) and STM32F4XX or STM32F7XX

  • For the others hardware accelerators, please contact MicroEJ support.


Update the BSP with the new C modules files as described here.

Front Panel

This chapter resumes the changes to perform. The available changes in Front Panel API are described in next chapter.

  • If not already done, follow the Front Panel version 6 migration procedure detailed in chapter From 11.x to 12.1.5.

  • Fetch the new Front Panel Widget library:

    <dependency org="ej.tool.frontpanel" name="widget" rev="2.0.0"/>
  • ej.fp.event.MicroUIButtons has been renamed in ej.microui.event.EventButton, and all others ej.fp.event.MicroUIxxx in ej.microui.event.Eventxxx

  • Display abstract class AbstractDisplayExtension (class to extend widget Display when targeting a custom display) has been converted on the interface DisplayExtension. Some methods names have changed and now take in parameter the display widget.

Front Panel API

  • ej.drawing.DWDrawing

    • [Added] Equivalent of dw_drawing.h and dw_drawing_soft.h**: allows to implement some drawing algorithms and/or to use the ones provided by the Graphics Engine. The drawing methods are related to the library ej.api.drawing.

    • [Added] Interface DWDrawingDefault: default implementation of DWDrawing which calls the Graphics Engine algorithms.

  • ej.drawing.LLDWPainter

    • [Added] Equivalent of module com.microej.clibrary.llimpl#microui (LLDW_PAINTER_impl.c): implements all ej.api.drawing natives and redirect them to the interface DWDrawing.

    • [Added] setDrawer(DWDrawing): allows to configure the implementation of DWDrawing the LLDWPainter has to use. When no drawer is configured, LLDWPainter redirects all drawings to the internal Graphics Engine software algorithms.

  • ej.fp.event.MicroUIButtons

    • [Removed] Replaced by EventButton.

  • ej.fp.event.MicroUICommand

    • [Removed] Replaced by EventCommand.

  • ej.fp.event.MicroUIEventGenerator

    • [Removed] Replaced by LLUIInput.

  • ej.fp.event.MicroUIGeneric

    • [Removed] Replaced by EventGeneric.

  • ej.fp.event.MicroUIPointer

    • [Removed] Replaced by EventPointer.

  • ej.fp.event.MicroUIStates

    • [Removed] Replaced by EventState.

  • ej.fp.event.MicroUITouch

    • [Removed] Replaced by EventTouch.

  • ej.fp.widget.MicroUIDisplay

    • [Removed] Replaced by LLUIDisplayImpl. Abstract widget display class has been replaced by an interface that a widget (which should simulate a display) has to implement to be compatible with the Graphics Engine.

    • [Removed] AbstractDisplayExtension, all available implementations and setExtensionClass(String): the standard display formats (RGB565, etc.) are internally managed by the Graphics Engine. For generic formats, some APIs are available in LLUIDisplayImpl.

    • [Removed] finalizeConfiguration(), getDisplayHeight(), getDisplayWidth(), getDrawingBuffer(), setDisplayWidth(int), setDisplayHeight(int), start(): LLUIDisplayImpl is not an abstract widget anymore, these notions are widget dependent.

    • [Removed] flush().

    • [Removed] getNbBitsPerPixel().

    • [Removed] switchBacklight(boolean).

  • ej.fp.widget.MicroUILED

    • [Removed] Replaced by LLUILedImpl. Abstract widget LED class has been replaced by an interface that a widget (which should simulate a LED) has to implement to be compatible with the Graphics Engine.

    • [Removed] finalizeConfiguration(): LLUILedImpl is not an abstract widget anymore, this notion is widget dependent.

    • [Removed] getID(): MicroUI uses the widget (which implements the interface LLUILedImpl)’s label to retrieve the LED. The LED labels must be integers from 0 to n-1.

  • ej.microui.display.LLUIDisplay

    • [Added] Equivalent of LLUI_DISPLAY.h: several functions to interact with the Graphics Engine.

    • [Added] blend(int,int,int): blends two ARGB colors and opacity level.

    • [Added] convertARGBColorToColorToDraw(int): crops given color to display capacities.

    • [Added] getDisplayPixelDepth(): replaces MicroUIDisplay.getNbBitsPerPixel().

    • [Added] getDWDrawerSoftware(): gives the unique instance of Graphics Engine’s internal software drawer (instance of DWDrawing).

    • [Added] getUIDrawerSoftware(): gives the unique instance of Graphics Engine’s internal software drawer (instance of UIDrawing).

    • [Added] mapMicroUIGraphicsContext(byte[]) and newMicroUIGraphicsContext(byte[]): maps the graphics context byte array (GraphicsContext.getSNIContext()) on an object which represents the graphics context in front panel.

    • [Added] mapMicroUIImage(byte[]) and newMicroUIImage(byte[]): maps the image byte array (Image.getSNIContext()) on an object which represents the image in front panel.

    • [Added] requestFlush(boolean): requests a call to LLUIDisplayImpl.flush().

    • [Added] requestRender(void): requests a call to Displayable.render().

  • ej.microui.display.LLUIDisplayImpl

    • [Added] Replaces MicroUIDisplay, equivalent of LLUI_DISPLAY_impl.h.

    • [Added] initialize(): asks to initialize the widget and to return a front panel image where the Graphics Engine will perform the MicroUI drawings.

    • [Changed] flush(MicroUIGraphicsContext, Image, int, int, int, int): asks to flush the graphics context drawn by MicroUI in image returned by initialize().

  • ej.microui.display.LLUIPainter

    • [Added] Equivalent of module com.microej.clibrary.llimpl#microui (LLUI_PAINTER_impl.c): implements all ej.api.microui natives and redirect them to the interface UIDrawing.

    • [Added] MicroUIGraphicsContext: representation of a MicroUI GraphicsContext in front panel. This interface (implemented by the Graphics Engine) provides several function to get information on graphics context, clip, etc.

    • [Added] MicroUIGraphicsContext#requestDrawing(): allows to take the hand on the back buffer.

    • [Added] MicroUIImage: representation of a MicroUI Image in front panel. This interface (implemented by the Graphics Engine) provides several function to get information on image.

    • [Added] setDrawer(UIDrawing): allows to configure the implementation of UIDrawing the LLUIPainter has to use. When no drawer is configured, LLUIPainter redirects all drawings to the internal Graphics Engine software algorithms.

  • ej.microui.display.UIDrawing

    • [Added] Equivalent of ui_drawing.h and ui_drawing_soft.h**: allows to implement some drawing algorithms and/or to use the ones provided by the Graphics Engine. The drawing methods are related to the library ej.api.microui.

    • [Added] Interface UIDrawingDefault: default implementation of UIDrawing which calls the Graphics Engine algorithms.

  • ej.microui.event.EventButton

    • [Added] Replaces MicroUIButton.

  • ej.microui.event.EventCommand

    • [Added] Replaces MicroUICommand.

  • ej.microui.event.EventGeneric

    • [Added] Replaces MicroUIGeneric.

  • ej.microui.event.EventPointer

    • [Added] Replaces MicroUIPointer.

  • ej.microui.event.EventQueue

    • [Added] Dedicated events queue used by MicroUI.

  • ej.microui.event.EventState

    • [Added] Replaces MicroUIState.

  • ej.microui.event.EventTouch

    • [Added] Replaces MicroUITouch.

  • ej.microui.event.LLUIInput

    • [Added] Replaces MicroUIEventGenerator.

  • ej.microui.led.LLUILedImpl

    • [Added] Replaces MicroUILED.

Image Generator

This chapter resumes the changes to perform. The available changes in Image Generator API are described in next chapter.

This chapter only concerns VEE Port with a custom display. In this case a dedicated image generator extension project is available. This project must be updated.

  • Reorganize project to use source folders src/main/java and src/main/resources

  • Add new module.ivy file:

    <ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:ea="http://www.easyant.org" xmlns:m="http://www.easyant.org/ivy/maven" xmlns:ej="https://developer.microej.com" ej:version="2.0.0">
       <info organisation="com.is2t.microui" module="imageGenerator-xxx" status="integration" revision="1.0.0">
          <ea:build organisation="com.is2t.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-std-javalib" revision="2.+"/>
       <configurations defaultconfmapping="default->default;provided->provided">
          <conf name="default" visibility="public" description="Runtime dependencies to other artifacts"/>
          <conf name="provided" visibility="public" description="Compile-time dependencies to APIs provided by the VEE Port"/>
          <conf name="documentation" visibility="public" description="Documentation related to the artifact (javadoc, PDF)"/>
          <conf name="source" visibility="public" description="Source code"/>
          <conf name="dist" visibility="public" description="Contains extra files like README.md, licenses"/>
          <conf name="test" visibility="private" description="Dependencies for test execution. It is not required for normal use of the application, and is only available for the test compilation and execution phases."/>
          <dependency org="com.microej.pack.ui" name="ui-pack" rev="[UI Pack version]">
             <artifact name="imageGenerator" type="jar"/>

The artifact name prefix must be imageGenerator-.

  • Update project classpath: remove classpath variable IMAGE-GENERATOR-x.x and add ivy file dependency

  • Instead of implementing GenericDisplayExtension, the extension class must extend BufferedImageLoader class; check class methods to override.

  • Add the file src/main/resources/META-INF/services/com.microej.tool.ui.generator.MicroUIRawImageGeneratorExtension; this file has to specify the class which extends the BufferedImageLoader class, for instance:

  • Build the easyant project

  • Copy the jar in the VEE Port -configuration project > dropins folder

  • Rebuild the VEE Port after any changes

Image Generator API

  • com.is2t.microej.microui.image.CustomDisplayExtension

    • [Removed] Replaced by ImageConverter and MicroUIRawImageGeneratorExtension.

  • com.is2t.microej.microui.image.DisplayExtension

    • [Removed]

  • com.is2t.microej.microui.image.GenericDisplayExtension

    • [Removed] Replaced by ImageConverter and MicroUIRawImageGeneratorExtension.

  • com.microej.tool.ui.generator.BufferedImageLoader

    • [Added] Pixelated image loader (PNG, JPEG etc.).

  • com.microej.tool.ui.generator.Image

    • [Added] Representation of an image listed in a images.list file.

  • com.microej.tool.ui.generator.ImageConverter

    • [Added] Generic converter to convert an image in an output stream.

  • com.microej.tool.ui.generator.MicroUIRawImageGeneratorExtension

    • [Added] Graphics Engine RAW image converter: used when the image (listed in images.list) targets a RAW format known by the Graphics Engine.


  • Open optional font(s) in -configuration project > microui/**/*.ejf

  • Remove all Dynamic styles (select None or Built-in for bold, italic and underline); the number of generated fonts must be 1 (the feature to render Dynamic styles at runtime have been removed)

  • Save the file(s)


This chapter resumes the changes to perform. The available changes in LLAPI are described in next chapter.

  • Delete all VEE Port header files (folder should be set in -configuration project > bsp > bsp.properties > property output.dir)

  • If not possible to delete this folder, delete all UI headers files:

    • intern/LLDISPLAY*

    • intern/LLINPUT*

    • intern/LLLEDS*


    • LLINPUT*

    • LLLEDS*

  • Replace all #include "LLDISPLAY.h", #include "LLDISPLAY_EXTRA.h" and #include "LLDISPLAY_UTILS.h" by #include "LLUI_DISPLAY.h"

  • Replace all #include "LLDISPLAY_impl.h", #include "LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_drawing.h" and #include "LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_impl.h" by #include "LLUI_DISPLAY_impl.h"


  • All LLDISPLAY_IMPL_xxx functions have been renamed in LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_xxx

  • LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_initialize has now the paremeter LLUI_DISPLAY_SInitData* init_data; fill it as explained in C doc.

  • Implement new functions void LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_binarySemaphoreTake(void* sem) and void LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_binarySemaphoreGive(void* sem, bool under_isr)

  • Signature of LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_flush has changed

  • All LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_IMPL_xxx functions have been renamed in LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_xxx

  • Fix some functions signatures (LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_hasBacklight(), etc)

  • Remove the functions LLDISPLAY_IMPL_getGraphicsBufferAddress, LLDISPLAY_IMPL_getHeight, LLDISPLAY_IMPL_getWidth, LLDISPLAY_IMPL_synchronize, LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_IMPL_waitPreviousDrawing, LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_IMPL_error

  • Add the end of asynchronous flush copy, call LLUI_DISPLAY_flushDone

  • Add the files LLUI_PAINTER_impl.c and LLDW_PAINTER_impl.c in your C configuration project

  • Replace the prefix LLINPUT in all header files, functions and defines by the new prefix LLUI_INPUT

  • Replace the prefix LLLEDS in all header files, functions and defines by the new prefix LLUI_LED

  • Replace the prefix LLDISPLAY in all header files, functions and defines by the new prefix LLUI_DISPLAY


  • dw_drawing_soft.h

    • [Added] List of internal Graphics Engine software algorithms to perform some drawings (related to library ej.api.drawing).

  • dw_drawing.h

    • [Added] List of ej.api.drawing library’s drawing functions to optionally implement in VEE Port.

  • LLDISPLAY.h and intern/LLDISPLAY.h

    • [Removed]


    • [Removed]

  • LLDISPLAY_EXTRA.h and intern/LLDISPLAY_EXTRA.h merged in LLUI_PAINTER_impl.h and LLDW_PAINTER_impl.h

    • [Changed] LLDISPLAY_SImage: replaced by MICROUI_Image.

    • [Removed] LLDISPLAY_SRectangle, LLDISPLAY_SDecoderImageData, LLDISPLAY_SDrawImage, LLDISPLAY_SFlipImage, LLDISPLAY_SScaleImage and LLDISPLAY_SRotateImage

  • LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_drawing.h

    • [Removed]

  • LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_impl.h and intern/LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_impl.h merged in LLUI_DISPLAY_impl.h, ui_drawing.h and dw_drawing.h

    • [Changed] LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_IMPL_setContrast(int32_t): replaced by LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_setContrast(uint32_t) (_optional_).

    • [Changed] LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_IMPL_getContrast(void): replaced by LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_getContrast(void) (_optional_).

    • [Changed] LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_IMPL_hasBackLight(void): replaced by LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_hasBacklight(void) (_optional_).

    • [Changed] LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_IMPL_setBacklight(int32_t): replaced by LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_setBacklight(uint32_t) (_optional_).

    • [Changed] LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_IMPL_getBacklight(void): replaced by LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_getBacklight(void) (_optional_).

    • [Changed] LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_IMPL_isColor(void): replaced by LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_isColor(void) (_optional_).

    • [Changed] LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_IMPL_getNumberOfColors(void): replaced by LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_getNumberOfColors(void) (_optional_).

    • [Changed] LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_IMPL_isDoubleBuffered(void): replaced by LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_isDoubleBuffered(void) (_optional_).

    • [Changed] LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_IMPL_getBacklight(void): replaced by LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_getBacklight(void) (_optional_).

    • [Changed] LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_IMPL_fillRect(void*,int32_t,void*,int32_t): replaced by UI_DRAWING_fillRectangle(MICROUI_GraphicsContext*,jint,jint,jint,jint) (_optional_).

    • [Changed] LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_IMPL_drawImage(void*,int32_t,void*,int32_t,void*): replaced by UI_DRAWING_drawImage(MICROUI_GraphicsContext*,MICROUI_Image*,jint,jint,jint,jint,jint,jint,jint) (_optional_).

    • [Changed] LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_IMPL_flipImage(void*,int32_t,void*,int32_t,void*): replaced by DW_DRAWING_drawFlippedImage(MICROUI_GraphicsContext*,MICROUI_Image*,jint,jint,jint,jint,jint,jint,DRAWING_Flip,jint) (_optional_).

    • [Changed] LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_IMPL_scaleImage(void*,int32_t,void*,int32_t,void*): replaced by DW_DRAWING_drawScaledImageNearestNeighbor(MICROUI_GraphicsContext*,MICROUI_Image*,jint,jint,jfloat,jfloat,jint) and DW_DRAWING_drawScaledImageBilinear(MICROUI_GraphicsContext*,MICROUI_Image*,jint,jint,jfloat,jfloat,jint) (_optional_).

    • [Changed] LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_IMPL_rotateImage(void*,int32_t,void*,int32_t,void*): replaced by DW_DRAWING_drawRotatedImageNearestNeighbor(MICROUI_GraphicsContext*,MICROUI_Image*,jint,jint,jint,jint,jfloat,jint) and DW_DRAWING_drawRotatedImageBilinear(MICROUI_GraphicsContext*,MICROUI_Image*,jint,jint,jint,jint,jfloat,jint) (_optional_).

    • [Changed] LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_IMPL_convertARGBColorToDisplayColor(int32_t) and LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_IMPL_convertDisplayColorToARGBColor(int32_t): replaced respectively by LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_convertARGBColorToDisplayColor(uint32_t) and LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_convertDisplayColorToARGBColor(uint32_t) (_optional_).

    • [Changed] LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_IMPL_prepareBlendingOfIndexedColors(void*,void*): replaced by LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_prepareBlendingOfIndexedColors(uint32_t*,uint32_t*) (_optional_).

    • [Changed] LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_IMPL_decodeImage(int32_t,int32_t,int32_t,void*): replaced by LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_decodeImage(uint8_t*,uint32_t,MICROUI_ImageFormat,MICROUI_Image*,bool*) (_optional_).

    • [Removed] LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_IMPL_getGraphicsBufferMemoryWidth(void) and LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_IMPL_getGraphicsBufferMemoryHeight(void): replaced by elements in structure LLUI_DISPLAY_SInitData (_optional_).

    • [Removed] LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_IMPL_backlightOn(void) and LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_IMPL_backlightOff(void).

    • [Removed] LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_IMPL_enterDrawingMode(void) and LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_IMPL_exitDrawingMode(void).

    • [Removed] LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_IMPL_error(int32_t).

    • [Removed] LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_IMPL_waitPreviousDrawing(void): implementation has to call LLUI_DISPLAY_notifyAsynchronousDrawingEnd(bool) instead.

  • LLDISPLAY_impl.h and intern/LLDISPLAY_impl.h merged in LLUI_DISPLAY_impl.h

    • [Changed] LLDISPLAY_IMPL_initialize(void): replaced by LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_initialize(LLUI_DISPLAY_SInitData*) (_mandatory_).

    • [Changed] LLDISPLAY_IMPL_flush(int32_t,int32_t,int32_t,int32_t,int32_t): replaced by LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_flush(MICROUI_GraphicsContext*,uint8_t*, uint32_t,uint32_t,uint32_t,uint32_t) (_mandatory_).

    • [Removed] LLDISPLAY_IMPL_getWidth(void), LLDISPLAY_IMPL_getHeight(void) and LLDISPLAY_IMPL_getGraphicsBufferAddress(void): replaced by elements in structure LLUI_DISPLAY_SInitData.

    • [Removed] LLDISPLAY_IMPL_synchronize(void): implementation has to call LLUI_DISPLAY_flushDone(bool) instead.


    • [Changed] LLDISPLAY_UTILS_getBufferAddress(int32_t): replaced by LLUI_DISPLAY_getBufferAddress(MICROUI_Image*).

    • [Changed] LLDISPLAY_UTILS_setDrawingLimits(int32_t,int32_t,int32_t,int32_t,int32_t): replaced by LLUI_DISPLAY_setDrawingLimits(MICROUI_GraphicsContext*,jint,jint,jint,jint).

    • [Changed] LLDISPLAY_UTILS_blend(int32_t,int32_t,int32_t): replaced by LLUI_DISPLAY_blend(uint32_t,uint32_t,uint32_t).

    • [Changed] LLDISPLAY_UTILS_allocateDecoderImage(void*): replaced by LLUI_DISPLAY_allocateImageBuffer(MICROUI_Image*,uint8_t).

    • [Changed] LLDISPLAY_UTILS_flushDone(void): replaced by LLUI_DISPLAY_flushDone(bool).

    • [Changed] LLDISPLAY_UTILS_drawingDone(void): replaced by LLUI_DISPLAY_notifyAsynchronousDrawingEnd(bool).

    • [Removed] LLDISPLAY_UTILS_getWidth(int32_t), LLDISPLAY_UTILS_getHeight(int32_t) and LLDISPLAY_UTILS_getFormat(int32_t): use MICROUI_Image elements instead.

    • [Removed] LLDISPLAY_UTILS_enterDrawingMode(void) and LLDISPLAY_UTILS_exitDrawingMode(void).

    • [Removed] LLDISPLAY_UTILS_setClip(int32_t,int32_t,int32_t,int32_t,int32_t).

    • [Removed] LLDISPLAY_UTILS_getClipX1/X2/Y1/Y2(int32_t): use MICROUI_GraphicsContext elements instead.

    • [Removed] LLDISPLAY_UTILS_drawPixel(int32_t,int32_t,int32_t) and LLDISPLAY_UTILS_readPixel(int32_t,int32_t,int32_t).

  • LLDW_PAINTER_impl.h

  • LLLEDS_impl.h and intern/LLLEDS_impl.h merged in LLUI_LED_impl.h


    • [Changed] LLLEDS_IMPL_initialize(void): replaced by LLUI_LED_IMPL_initialize(void).

    • [Changed] LLLEDS_IMPL_getIntensity(int32_t): replaced by LLUI_LED_IMPL_getIntensity(jint).

    • [Changed] LLLEDS_IMPL_setIntensity(int32_t,int32_t): replaced by LLUI_LED_IMPL_setIntensity(jint,jint).

  • LLINPUT.h and intern/LLINPUT.h merged in LLUI_INPUT.h

    • [Changed] LLINPUT_sendEvent(int32_t,int32_t): replaced by LLUI_INPUT_sendEvent(jint,jint).

    • [Changed] LLINPUT_sendEvents(int32_t,int32_t*,int32_t): replaced by LLUI_INPUT_sendEvents(jint,jint*,jint).

    • [Changed] LLINPUT_sendCommandEvent(int32_t,int32_t): replaced by LLUI_INPUT_sendCommandEvent(jint,jint).

    • [Changed] LLINPUT_sendButtonPressedEvent(int32_t,int32_t): replaced by LLUI_INPUT_sendButtonPressedEvent(jint,jint).

    • [Changed] LLINPUT_sendButtonReleasedEvent(int32_t,int32_t): replaced by LLUI_INPUT_sendButtonReleasedEvent()jint,jint.

    • [Changed] LLINPUT_sendButtonRepeatedEvent(int32_t,int32_t): replaced by LLUI_INPUT_sendButtonRepeatedEvent(jint,jint).

    • [Changed] LLINPUT_sendButtonLongEvent(int32_t,int32_t): replaced by LLUI_INPUT_sendButtonLongEvent(jint,jint).

    • [Changed] LLINPUT_sendPointerPressedEvent(int32_t,int32_t,int32_t,int32_t,int32_t): replaced by LLUI_INPUT_sendPointerPressedEvent(jint,jint,jint,jint,LLUI_INPUT_Pointer).

    • [Changed] LLINPUT_sendPointerReleasedEvent(int32_t,int32_t): replaced by LLUI_INPUT_sendPointerReleasedEvent(jint,jint).

    • [Changed] LLINPUT_sendPointerMovedEvent(int32_t,int32_t,int32_t,int32_t): replaced by LLUI_INPUT_sendPointerMovedEvent(jint,jint,jint,LLUI_INPUT_Pointer).

    • [Changed] LLINPUT_sendTouchPressedEvent(int32_t,int32_t,int32_t): replaced by LLUI_INPUT_sendTouchPressedEvent(jint,jint,jint).

    • [Changed] LLINPUT_sendTouchReleasedEvent(int32_t): replaced by LLUI_INPUT_sendTouchReleasedEvent(jint).

    • [Changed] LLINPUT_sendTouchMovedEvent(int32_t,int32_t,int32_t): replaced by LLUI_INPUT_sendTouchMovedEvent(jint,jint,jint).

    • [Changed] LLINPUT_sendStateEvent(int32_t,int32_t,int32_t): replaced by LLUI_INPUT_sendStateEvent(jint,jint,jint).

    • [Changed] LLINPUT_getMaxEventsBufferUsage(void): replaced by LLUI_INPUT_getMaxEventsBufferUsage(void).

  • LLINPUT_impl.h and intern/LLINPUT_impl.h merged in LLUI_INPUT_impl.h

    • [Changed] LLINPUT_IMPL_initialize(void): replaced by LLUI_INPUT_IMPL_initialize(void) (_mandatory_).

    • [Changed] LLINPUT_IMPL_getInitialStateValue(int32_t,int32_t): replaced by LLUI_INPUT_IMPL_getInitialStateValue(jint,jint) (_mandatory_).

    • [Changed] LLINPUT_IMPL_enterCriticalSection(void): replaced by LLUI_INPUT_IMPL_enterCriticalSection(void) (_mandatory_).

    • [Changed] LLINPUT_IMPL_leaveCriticalSection(void): replaced by LLUI_INPUT_IMPL_leaveCriticalSection(void) (_mandatory_).


    • [Added] Renaming of LLDISPLAY_UTILS.h.

    • [Added] Several functions to interact with the Graphics Engine and to get information on images, graphics context, clip, etc.

    • [Added] LLUI_DISPLAY_requestFlush(bool): requests a call to LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_flush().

    • [Added] LLUI_DISPLAY_requestRender(void): requests a call to Displayable.render().

    • [Added] LLUI_DISPLAY_freeImageBuffer(MICROUI_Image*): frees an image previously allocated by LLUI_DISPLAY_allocateImageBuffer(MICROUI_Image*,uint8_t).

    • [Added] LLUI_DISPLAY_requestDrawing(MICROUI_GraphicsContext*,SNI_callback): allows to take the hand on the shared back buffer.

    • [Added] LLUI_DISPLAY_setDrawingStatus(DRAWING_Status): specifies the drawing status to the Graphics Engine.

  • LLUI_DISPLAY_impl.h

    • [Added] Merge of LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_impl.h and LLDISPLAY_impl.h.

    • [Added] Structure LLUI_DISPLAY_SInitData: implementation has to fill it in LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_initialize(LLUI_DISPLAY_SInitData*).

    • [Added] LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_binarySemaphoreTake(void*) and LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_binarySemaphoreGive(void*,bool): implementation has to manage a binary semaphore (_mandatory_).

    • [Added] LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_getNewImageStrideInBytes(MICROUI_ImageFormat,uint32_t,uint32_t,uint32_t): allows to set an image stride different than image side (_optional_).

  • LLUI_PAINTER_impl.h

    • [Added] List of ej.api.microui library’s native functions implemented in module com.microej.clibrary.llimpl#microui.

    • [Added] MICROUI_ImageFormat: MicroUI Image pixel format.

    • [Added] MICROUI_Image: MicroUI Image representation.

    • [Added] MICROUI_GraphicsContext: MicroUI GraphicsContext representation.

  • ui_drawing_soft.h

    • [Added] List of internal Graphics Engine software algorithms to perform some drawings (related to library ej.api.microui).

  • ui_drawing.h

    • [Added] List of ej.api.microui library’s drawing functions to optionally implement in VEE Port.

Custom Native Drawing Functions

  • In custom UI native methods, replace LLDISPLAY_UTILS_getBufferAddress(xxx); by (uint32_t)LLUI_DISPLAY_getBufferAddress(xxx) (new function returns uint8_t*), where uint32_t xxx is replaced by MICROUI_Image* xxx or by MICROUI_GraphicsContext* xxx.

  • Replace LLDISPLAY_UTILS_getFormat(xxx) by xxx->format, where uint32_t xxx is replaced by MICROUI_Image* xxx or by MICROUI_GraphicsContext* xxx.

  • Replace call to LLDISPLAY_allocateDecoderImage by a call to LLUI_DISPLAY_allocateImageBuffer

  • Optional: implement drawing functions listed in ui_drawing.h following the available examples in LLUI_PAINTER_impl.c and LLDW_PAINTER_impl.c files comments.


From 11.x to 12.1.5

VEE Port Configuration Project

  • Update Architecture version: 7.11.0 or higher.

Front Panel

  • Create a new Front Panel Project (next sections explain how to update each widget):

    1. Verify that FrontPanelDesigner is at least version 6: Help > About > Installations Details > Plug-ins.

    2. Create a new front panel project: File > New > Project… > MicroEJ > MicroEJ Front Panel Project, choose a name and press Finish.

    3. Move files from [old project]/src to [new project]/src/main/java.

    4. Move files from [old project]/resources to [new project]/src/main/resources.

    5. Move files from [old project]/definitions to [new project]/src/main/resources, except your xxx.fp file.

    6. If existing delete file [new project]/src/main/java/microui.properties.

    7. Delete file [new project]/src/main/resources/.fp.xsd.

    8. Delete file [new project]/src/main/resources/.fp1.0.xsd.

    9. Delete file [new project]/src/main/resources/widgets.desc.

    10. Open [old project]/definitions/xxx.fp.

    11. Copy device attributes (name and skin) from [old project]/definitions/xxx.fp to [new project]/src/main/resources/xxx.fp.

    12. Copy content of body (not body tag itself) from [old project]/definitions/xxx.fp under device group of [new project]/src/main/resources/xxx.fp.

  • Widget “led2states”:

    1. Rename led2states by ej.fp.widget.LED.

    2. Rename the attribute id by label.

  • Widget “pixelatedDisplay”:

    1. Rename pixelatedDisplay by ej.fp.widget.Display.

    2. Remove the attribute id.

    3. (if set) Remove the attribute initialColor if its value is 0

    4. (if set) Rename the attribute mask by filter; this image must have the same size in pixels than display itself (width * height).

    5. (if set) Rename the attribute realWidth by displayWidth.

    6. (if set) Rename the attribute realHeight by displayHeight.

    7. (if set) Rename the attribute transparencyLevel by alpha; change the value: newValue = 255 - oldValue.

    8. (if set) Remove the attribute residualFactor (not supported).

    9. (if set) If extensionClass is specified: follow next notes.

  • Widget “pixelatedDisplay”: ej.fp.widget.Display Extension Class:

    1. Open the class

    2. Extends ej.fp.widget.MicroUIDisplay.AbstractDisplayExtension instead of com.is2t.microej.frontpanel.display.DisplayExtension.

    3. Rename method convertDisplayColorToRGBColor to convertDisplayColorToARGBColor.

    4. Rename method convertRGBColorToDisplayColor to convertARGBColorToDisplayColor.

  • Widget “pointer”:

    1. Rename pointer by ej.fp.widget.Pointer.

    2. Remove the attribute id.

    3. (if set) Rename the attribute realWidth by areaWidth.

    4. (if set) Rename the attribute realHeight by areaHeight.

    5. Keep or remove the attribute listenerClass according next notes.

  • Widget “pointer”: ej.fp.widget.Pointer Listener Class:

    This extension class is useless if the implementation respects these rules:

    • (a) press method is sending a press MicroUI Pointer event.

    • (b) release method is sending a release MicroUI Pointer event.

    • (c ) move method is sending a move MicroUI Pointer event.

    • (d) The MicroUI Pointer event generator name is POINTER when ej.fp.widget.Pointer’s touch attribute is false (or not set).

    • (e) The MicroUI Pointer event generator name is TOUCH when ej.fp.widget.Pointer’s touch attribute is true.

    If only (d) or (e) is different:

    1. Open the listener class.

    2. Extends the class ej.fp.widget.Pointer.PointerListenerToPointerEvents instead of implementing the interface com.is2t.microej.frontpanel.input.listener.PointerListener.

    3. Implements the method getMicroUIGeneratorTag().

    In all other cases:

    1. Open the listener class.

    2. Implements the interface ej.fp.widget.Pointer.PointerListener instead of com.is2t.microej.frontpanel.input.listener.PointerListener.

  • Widget “push”:

    1. Rename push by ej.fp.widget.Button.

    2. Rename the attribute id by label.

    3. (if set) Review filter image: this image must have the same size in pixels than the button skin.

    4. (if set) Remove the attribute hotkey (not supported).

    5. Keep or remove the attribute listenerClass according next notes.

  • Widget “push”: ej.fp.widget.Button Listener Class:

    This extension class is useless if the implementation respects these rules:

    • (a) press method is sending a press MicroUI Buttons event with button label (equals to old button id) as button index.

    • (b) release method is sending a release MicroUI Buttons event with button label (equals to old button id) as button index.

    • (c ) The MicroUI Buttons event generator name is BUTTONS.

    If only (c ) is different:

    1. Open the listener class.

    2. Extends the class ej.fp.widget.Button.ButtonListenerToButtonEvents instead of implementing the interface com.is2t.microej.frontpanel.input.listener.ButtonListener.

    3. Overrides the method getMicroUIGeneratorTag().

    In all other cases:

    1. Open the listener class.

    2. Implements the interface ej.fp.widget.Button.ButtonListener instead of com.is2t.microej.frontpanel.input.listener.ButtonListener.

  • Widget “repeatPush”:

    1. Rename repeatPush by ej.fp.widget.RepeatButton.

    2. (if set) Remove the attribute sendPressRelease (not supported).

    3. Same rules than widget push.

  • Widget “longPush”:

    1. Rename longPush by ej.fp.widget.LongButton.

    2. Same rules than widget push.

  • Widget “joystick”:

    1. Rename joystick by ej.fp.widget.Joystick.

    2. Remove the attribute id.

    3. (if set) Rename the attribute mask by filter; this image must have the same size in pixels than joystick skin.

    4. (if set) Remove the attribute hotkeys (not supported).

    5. Keep or remove the attribute listenerClass according next notes.

  • Widget “joystick”: ej.fp.widget.Joystick Listener Class:

    This extension class is useless if the implementation respects these rules:

    • (a) press methods are sending some MicroUI Command events UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT and SELECT.

    • (b) repeat methods are sending same MicroUI Command events UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT and SELECT.

    • (c) release methods are sending nothing.

    • (d) The MicroUI Command event generator name is JOYSTICK.

    If only (d) is different:

    1. Open the listener class

    2. Extends the class ej.fp.widget.Joystick.JoystickListenerToCommandEvents instead of implementing the interface com.is2t.microej.frontpanel.input.listener.JoystickListener.

    3. Overrides the method getMicroUIGeneratorTag().

    In all other cases:

    1. Open the listener class.

    2. Implements the interface ej.fp.widget.Joystick.JoystickListener instead of com.is2t.microej.frontpanel.input.listener.JoystickListener.

  • Others Widgets:

    These widgets may have not been migrated. Check in ej.tool.frontpanel.widget library if some widgets are compatible or write your own widgets.


From 10.x to 11.2.0

VEE Port Configuration Project

  • Update Architecture version: 7.0.0 or higher.

From 9.x to 10.0.2

VEE Port Configuration Project

  • Update Architecture version: 6.13.0 or higher.

  • Edit display/display.properties

  • Add property imagesHeap.size=xxx; this value fixes the images heap size when using the VEE Port in command line (to build a firmware)

  • In VEE Port linker file (standalone mode with MicroEJ linker): remove the image heap reserved section and put the section .bss.microui.display.imagesHeap instead.


  • In BSP linker file: remove the image heap reserved section and put the section .bss.microui.display.imagesHeap instead

  • Edit LLDISPLAY*.c: remove the functions LLDISPLAY_IMPL_getWorkingBufferStartAddress and LLDISPLAY_IMPL_getWorkingBufferEndAddress


From 8.x to 9.4.1

VEE Port Configuration Project

  • Update Architecture version: 6.13.0 or higher.


From 7.x to 8.1.0

VEE Port Configuration Project

  • Update Architecture version: 6.4.0 or higher.

  • Edit display/display.properties: remove property mode=xxx


  • Edit LLDISPLAY*.c


    • Remove the function LLDISPLAY_SWITCH_IMPL_getDisplayBufferAddress()

    • Replace the function void LLDISPLAY_SWITCH_IMPL_getDisplayBufferAddress() by int32_t LLDISPLAY_IMPL_flush()

    • In this function, return the old front buffer address

    • Replace the function LLDISPLAY_COPY_IMPL_getBackBufferAddress() by LLDISPLAY_IMPL_getGraphicsBufferAddress()


    • Replace the function void LLDISPLAY_COPY_IMPL_copyBuffer() by int32_t LLDISPLAY_IMPL_flush()

    • In this function, return the back buffer address (given in argument)

    • Replace the function LLDISPLAY_COPY_IMPL_getBackBufferAddress() by LLDISPLAY_IMPL_getGraphicsBufferAddress()


    • Add the function void LLDISPLAY_IMPL_synchorize(void) (do nothing)

    • Add the function int32_t LLDISPLAY_IMPL_flush()

    • In this function, just return the back buffer address (given in argument)



  • Remove the argument int32_t type from getWidth and getHeight

STM32 VEE Ports with DMA2D only

  • In VEE Port configuration project, edit display/display.properties

  • Add property hardwareAccelerator=dma2d

  • In BSP project, edit LLDISPLAY*.c

  • simplify following functions (see STM32F7Discovery board implementation)

  • Add the following function

    void LLDISPLAY_EXTRA_IMPL_error(int32_t errorCode)
       printf("lldisplay error: %d\n", errorCode);
  • Launch an application with images and fillrect

  • Compile, link and debug the BSP

  • Set some breakpoints on three functions

  • Ensure the functions are called