Low Level API

This chapter describes succinctly the available Low Level API, module by module. The exhaustive documentation of each LLAPI function is available in the LLAPI header files themselves. The required header files to implement are automatically copied in the folder include of the VEE Port at build time.

Low Level API Pattern


Each time the user has to supply the C code that links a VEE Port component to the target hardware, a Low Level API is defined. There is a standard pattern for the definition and implementation of these APIs. Each interface has a name and is specified by two header files:

  • [INTERFACE_NAME].h specifies the functions that make up the public API of the implementation. In some cases the user code will never act as a client of the API, and so will never use this file.

  • [INTERFACE_NAME]_impl.h specifies the functions that must be coded by the user in the implementation.

The user creates implementations of the interfaces, each captured in a separate C source file. In the simplest form of this pattern, only one implementation is permitted, as shown in the illustration below.

Low Level API Pattern (single implementation)

Low Level API Pattern (single implementation)

The following figure shows a concrete example of an LLAPI. The C world (the board support package) has to implement a send function and must notify the library using a receive function.

Low Level API Example

Low Level API Example

Multiple Implementations and Instances

When a Low Level API allows multiple implementations, each implementation must have a unique name. At run-time there may be one or more instances of each implementation, and each instance is represented by a data structure that holds information about the instance. The address of this structure is the handle to the instance, and that address is passed as the first parameter of every call to the implementation.

The illustration below shows this form of the pattern, but with only a single instance of a single implementation.

Low Level API Pattern (multiple implementations/instances)

Low Level API Pattern (multiple implementations/instances)

The #define statement in MYIMPL.c specifies the name given to this implementation.

LLMJVM: Core Engine

Naming Convention

The Low Level Core Engine API, the LLMJVM API, relies on functions that need to be implemented. The naming convention for such functions is that their names match the LLMJVM_IMPL_* pattern.

Header Files

Three C header files are provided:

  • LLMJVM_impl.h

    Defines the set of functions that the BSP must implement to launch and schedule the virtual machine

  • LLMJVM.h

    Defines the set of functions provided by virtual machine that can be called by the BSP when using the virtual machine

  • LLBSP_impl.h

    Defines the set of extra functions that the BSP must implement.

LLKERNEL: Multi-Sandbox

Naming Convention

The Low Level Kernel API, the LLKERNEL API, relies on functions that need to be implemented. The naming convention for such functions is that their names match the LLKERNEL_IMPL_* pattern.

Header Files

One C header file is provided:

  • LLKERNEL_impl.h

    Defines the set of functions that the BSP must implement to manage memory allocation of dynamically installed Applications.

LLSP: Shielded Plug

Naming Convention

The Low Level Shielded Plug API, the LLSP API, relies on functions that need to be implemented. The naming convention for such functions is that their names match the LLSP_IMPL_* pattern.

Header Files

The implementation of the Shielded Plug assumes some support from the underlying RTOS. It is mainly related to provide some synchronization when reading / writing into Shielded Plug blocks.

  • LLSP_IMPL_syncWriteBlockEnter and LLSP_IMPL_syncWriteBlockExit are used as a semaphore by RTOS tasks. When a task wants to write to a block, it “locks” this block until it has finished to write in it.

  • LLSP_IMPL_syncReadBlockEnter and LLSP_IMPL_syncReadBlockExit are used as a semaphore by RTOS tasks. When a task wants to read a block, it “locks” this block until it is ready to release it.

The [SP] specification provides a mechanism to force a task to wait until new data has been provided to a block. The implementation relies on functions LLSP_IMPL_wait and LLSP_IMPL_wakeup to block the current task and to reschedule it.

LLEXT_RES: External Resources Loader


This LLAPI allows to use the External Resource Loader. When installed, the External Resource Loader is notified when the Core Engine is not able to find a resource (an image, a file etc.) in the resources area linked with the Core Engine.

When a resource is not available, the Core Engine invokes the External Resource Loader in order to load an unknown resource. The External Resource Loader uses the LLAPI EXT_RES to let the BSP loads or not the expected resource. The implementation has to be able to load several files in parallel.

Naming Convention

The Low Level API, the LLEXT_RES API, relies on functions that need to be implemented. The naming convention for such functions is that their names match the LLEXT_RES_IMPL_* pattern.

Header Files

One header file is provided:

  • LLEXT_RES_impl.h

    Defines the set of functions that the BSP must implement to load some external resources.

LLCOMM: Serial Communications

Naming Convention

The Low Level Comm API (LLCOMM), relies on functions that need to be implemented by engineers in a driver. The names of these functions match the LLCOM_BUFFERED_CONNECTION_IMPL_* or the LLCOM_CUSTOM_CONNECTION_IMPL_*pattern.

Header Files

Four C header files are provided:


    Defines the set of functions that the driver must implement to provide a Buffered connection


    Defines the set of functions provided by ECOM Comm that can be called by the driver (or other C code) when using a Buffered connection


    Defines the set of functions that the driver must implement to provide a Custom connection


    Defines the set of functions provided by ECOM Comm that can be called by the driver (or other C code) when using a Custom connection


LLUI_INPUT API is composed of the following files:

  • the file LLUI_INPUT_impl.h that defines the functions to be implemented

  • the file LLUI_INPUT.h that provides the functions for sending events


LLUI_INPUT_IMPL_initialize is the first function called by the input engine, and it may be used to initialize the underlying devices and bind them to event generator IDs.

LLUI_INPUT_IMPL_enterCriticalSection and LLUI_INPUT_IMPL_exitCriticalSection  need to provide the Input Engine with a critical section mechanism for synchronizing devices when sending events to the internal event queue. The mechanism used to implement the synchronization will depend on the VEE Port configuration (with or without RTOS), and whether or not events are sent from an interrupt context.

LLUI_INPUT_IMPL_getInitialStateValue allows the input stack to get the current state for devices connected to the MicroUI States event generator, such as switch selector, coding wheels, etc.

Sending Events

The LLUI_INPUT API provides two generic functions for a C driver to send data to its associated event generator:

  • LLUI_INPUT_sendEvent:  Sends a 32-bit event to a specific event generator, specified by its ID. If the input buffer is full, the event is not added, and the function returns LLUI_INPUT_NOK; otherwise it returns LLUI_INPUT_OK.

  • LLUI_INPUT_sendEvents: Sends a frame constituted by several 32-bit events to a specific event generator, specified by its ID. If the input buffer cannot receive the whole data, the frame is not added, and the function returns LLUI_INPUT_NOK; otherwise it returns LLUI_INPUT_OK.

Events will be dispatched to the associated event generator that will be responsible for decoding them (see Generic Event Generators).

The UI extension provides an implementation for each of MicroUI’s built-in event generators. Each one has dedicated functions that allows a driver to send them structured data without needing to understand the underlying protocol to encode/decode the data. The following table shows the functions provided to send structured events to the predefined event generators:

LLUI_INPUT API for predefined event generators

Function name

Default event generator kind [1]




Constants are provided that define all standard MicroUI commands [MUI].






In the case of chronological sequences (for example, a RELEASE that may occur only after a PRESSED), it is the responsibility of the driver to ensure the integrity of such sequences.





In the case of chronological sequences (for example, a RELEASE that may occur only after a PRESSED), it is the responsibility of the driver to ensure the integrity of such sequences. Depending on whether a button of the pointer is pressed while moving, a DRAG and/or a MOVE MicroUI event is generated.



The initial value of each state machine (of a States) is retrieved by a call to LLUI_INPUT_IMPL_getInitialStateValue that must be implemented by the device. Alternatively, the initial value can be specified in the XML static configuration.





In the case of chronological sequences (for example, a RELEASE that may only occur after a PRESSED), it is the responsibility of the driver to ensure the integrity of such sequences. These APIs will generate a DRAG MicroUI event instead of a MOVE while they represent a touch pad over a display.

Event Buffer

Functions LLUI_INPUT_IMPL_log_xxx allow logging the use of event buffer. Implementation of these LLAPIs is already available on the Central Repository (LLUI_INPUT_LOG_impl.c). This implementation is using an array to add some metadata to each event. This metadata is used when the BSP is calling LLUI_INPUT_dump(). When no implementation is included in the BSP, the call to LLUI_INPUT_dump() has no effect (no available logger).


Principle & Naming Convention

The Graphics Engine provides some Low Level APIs to connect a display driver. The file LLUI_DISPLAY_impl.h defines the API headers to be implemented. For the APIs themselves, the naming convention is that their names match the *_IMPL_* pattern when the functions need to be implemented:

  • LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_initialize

  • LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_binarySemaphoreTake

  • LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_binarySemaphoreGive


Some additional Low Level APIs allow you to connect display extra features. These Low Level APIs are not required. When they are not implemented, a default implementation is used (weak function). It concerns backlight, contrast, etc.

This describes succinctly some LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL functions. Please refer to documentation inside header files to have more information.


Each Graphics Engine gets initialized by calling the function LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_initialize: It asks its display driver to initialize itself. The implementation function has to fill the given structure LLUI_DISPLAY_SInitData. This structure allows to retrieve the size of the virtual and physical screen, the back buffer address (where MicroUI is drawing). The implementation has to give two binary semaphores.

Image Heap

The display driver must reserve a runtime memory buffer for creating dynamic images when using MicroUI ResourceImage and BufferedImage classes methods. The display driver may choose to reserve an empty buffer. Thus, calling MicroUI methods will result in a MicroUIException exception.

The section name is .bss.microui.display.imagesHeap.

Functions LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_imageHeapXXX allow to control the image buffers allocation in the image heap. Implementation of these LLAPIs is already available on the Central Repository (LLUI_DISPLAY_HEAP_impl.c). This implementation is using a best fit allocator. It can be updated to log the allocations, the remaining space, etc. When no implementation is included in the BSP, the default Graphics Engine’s allocator (a best fit allocator) is used.

External Font Heap

The display driver must reserve a runtime memory buffer for loading external fonts (fonts located outside CPU addresses ranges). The display driver may choose to reserve an empty buffer. Thus, calling MicroUI Font methods will result in empty drawings of some characters.

The section name is .bss.microui.display.externalFontsHeap.

Flush and Synchronization

The back buffer (graphics buffer) address defined in the Initialization function is the address for the very first drawing. The content of this buffer is flushed to the external display memory by the function LLUI_DISPLAY_flush. The parameters define one or several rectangular regions of the content that have changed during the last drawing action and that must be flushed to the front buffer (dirty area). This function should be atomic: the implementation has to start another task or a hardware device (often a DMA) to perform the flush.

As soon as the Application performs a new drawing, the Graphics Engine locks the thread. It will automatically be unlocked when the BSP calls LLUI_DISPLAY_setBackBuffer at the end of the flush.

Display Characteristics

Function LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_isColor directly implements the method from the MicroUI Display class of the same name. The default implementation always returns true when the number of bits per pixel is higher than 4.

Function LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_getNumberOfColors directly implements the method from the MicroUI Display class of the same name. The default implementation returns a value according to the number of bits by pixel, without taking into consideration the alpha bit(s).

Function LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_isDoubleBuffered directly implements the method from the MicroUI Display class of the same name. The default implementation returns true. When LLAPI implementation targets a display in direct mode, this function must be implemented and return false.


LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_setContrast and LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_getContrast are called to set/get the current display contrast intensity. The default implementations don’t manage the contrast.


LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_hasBacklight indicates whether the display has backlight capabilities.

LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_setBacklight and LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_getBacklight are called to set/get the current display backlight intensity.

Color Conversions

The following functions are only useful (and called) when the display is not a standard display, see Pixel Structure.

LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_convertARGBColorToDisplayColor is called to convert a 32-bit ARGB MicroUI color in 0xAARRGGBB format into the “driver” display color.

LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_convertDisplayColorToARGBColor is called to convert a display color to a 32-bit ARGB MicroUI color.


The function LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_prepareBlendingOfIndexedColors is called when drawing an image with indexed color. See CLUT to have more information about indexed images.

Image Decoders

The API LLUI_DISPLAY_IMPL_decodeImage allows to add some additional image decoders.



The LEDs engine provides Low Level APIs for connecting LED drivers. The file LLUI_LED_impl.h, which comes with the LEDs engine, defines the API headers to be implemented.

Naming Convention

The Low Level APIs rely on functions that must be implemented. The naming convention for such functions is that their names match the *_IMPL_* pattern.


The first function called is LLUI_LED_IMPL_initialize, which allows the driver to initialize all LED devices. This method must return the available number of LEDs. Each LED has a unique identifier. The first LED has the ID 0, and the last has the ID NbLEDs – 1.

This UI extension provides support to efficiently implement the set of methods that interact with the LEDs provided by a device. Below are the relevant C functions:

  • LLUI_LED_IMPL_getIntensity: Get the intensity of a specific LED using its ID.

  • LLUI_LED_IMPL_setIntensity: Set the intensity of an LED using its ID.

LLVG: VectorGraphics


The VG Pack provides a Low Level API for initializing the Vector Graphics engine. The file LLVG_impl.h, which comes with the VG Pack, defines the API headers to be implemented.

Naming Convention

The Low Level APIs rely on functions that must be implemented. The naming convention for such functions is that their names match the *_IMPL_* pattern.


The function LLVG_IMPL_initialize is the first native function called by the MicroVG implementation. It allows to initialize all C components: GPU initialization, Font engine, heap management, etc.



The Matrix module provides Low Level APIs for manipulating matrices. The file LLVG_MATRIX_impl.h, which comes with the Matrix module, defines the API headers to be implemented.

Naming Convention

The Low Level APIs rely on functions that must be implemented. The naming convention for such functions is that their names match the *_IMPL_* pattern.


The matrix functions are divided in four groups:

  1. identity and copy: fill an identity matrix or copy a matrix to another one.

  2. setXXX: erase the content of the matrix by an operation (translate, rotation, scaling, concatenate).

  3. xxx (no prefix): perform an operation with the matrix as first argument: M' = M * xxx(x, y) where xxx is the operation (translate, rotation, scaling, concatenate).

  4. postXXX: perform an operation with the matrix as second argument: M' = xxx(x, y) * M where xxx is the operation (translate, rotation, scaling, concatenate).

LLVG_PATH: Vector Path


The Path module provides Low Level APIs for creating paths in target specific format. The file LLVG_PATH_impl.h, which comes with the Path module, defines the API headers to be implemented. The file LLVG_PAINTER_impl.h defines the API headers to be implemented to draw the paths (with a color or a gradient).

Naming Convention

The Low Level APIs rely on functions that must be implemented. The naming convention for such functions is that their names match the *_IMPL_* pattern.


The header file LLVG_PATH_impl.h allows to convert a MicroVG library format path in a buffer that represents the same vectorial path in the target specific format (generally GPU format).

The first function called is LLVG_PATH_IMPL_initializePath, which allows the implementation to initialize the path buffer. The buffer is allocated in the Java heap and its size is fixed by the MicroVG implementation. When the buffer is too small for the target specific format, the implementation has to return the expected buffer size instead of the keyword LLVG_SUCCESS.

The next steps consist in appending some commands in the path buffer. The command encoding depends on the target specific format. When the buffer is too small to add the new command, the implementation has to return a value that indicates the number of bytes the array must be enlarged with.

List of commands:

  • LLVG_PATH_CMD_CLOSE: MicroVG “CLOSE” command.

  • LLVG_PATH_CMD_MOVE: MicroVG “MOVE ABS” command.


  • LLVG_PATH_CMD_LINE: MicroVG “LINE ABS” command.


  • LLVG_PATH_CMD_QUAD: MicroVG “QUAD ABS” command.




List of operations:

  • LLVG_PATH_IMPL_appendPathCommand1: Adds a command with 1 point parameter in the array.

  • LLVG_PATH_IMPL_appendPathCommand2: Adds a command with 2 points parameter in the array.

  • LLVG_PATH_IMPL_appendPathCommand3: Adds a command with 3 points parameter in the array.

A path is automatically closed by the MicroVG implementation (by adding the command LLVG_PATH_CMD_CLOSE). A path can be reopened (function LLVG_PATH_IMPL_reopenPath), that consists in removing the last added command (LLVG_PATH_CMD_CLOSE command) from the buffer.


The header file LLVG_PAINTER_impl.h provides the functions called by the Application via VectorGraphicsPainter to draw a path.

  • A path can be drawn with a 32-bit color (ARGB8888): LLVG_PAINTER_IMPL_drawPath.

  • A path can be drawn with a linear gradient: LLVG_PAINTER_IMPL_drawGradient.

The drawing destination is symbolized by a MicroUI GraphicsContext: a pointer to a MICROUI_GraphicsContext instance. Like MicroUI Painter natives, the implementation has to synchronize the drawings with the MicroUI Graphics Engine.

LLVG_GRADIENT: Vector Linear Gradient


The Gradient module provides Low Level APIs for creating linear gradients in target specific format. The file LLVG_GRADIENT_impl.h, which comes with the Gradient module, defines the API headers to be implemented.

Naming Convention

The Low Level APIs rely on functions that must be implemented. The naming convention for such functions is that their names match the *_IMPL_* pattern.


Only one function has to be implemented: LLVG_GRADIENT_IMPL_initializeGradient. It consists in encoding the MicroVG LinearGradient in a buffer that represents the linear gradient in target specific format (generally GPU format).

This function allows the implementation to initialize the gradient buffer. The buffer is allocated in the Java heap and its size is fixed by the MicroVG implementation. When the buffer is too small for the target specific format, the implementation has to return the expected buffer size instead of the keyword LLVG_SUCCESS.

LLVG_FONT: Vector Font


The Font module provides Low Level APIs for decoding fonts (LLVG_FONT_impl.h) and rendering texts (LLVG_PAINTER_impl.h). Both header files, which come with the Font module, define the API headers to be implemented.

Naming Convention

The Low Level APIs rely on functions that must be implemented. The naming convention for such functions is that their names match the *_IMPL_* pattern.


The first function called is LLVG_FONT_IMPL_load_font, which allows the driver to open a font file from its name. This function takes a parameter to configure the text rendering engine:

  • Simple layout: uses the glyph advance metrics and the font kerning table.

  • Complex layout: uses the font GPOS and GSUB tables.

See VectorFont for more information.

The implementation must manage its own heap to keep the font opened. The font’s data are disposed by a call to LLVG_FONT_IMPL_dispose.

Font Characteristics

The other functions in LLVG_FONT_impl.h consist in retrieving some font characteristics according a text and a font size: string width, string height, baseline, etc.

See VectorFont for more information.


The header file LLVG_PAINTER_impl.h provides the functions called by the Application via VectorGraphicsPainter to draw a path.

  • A string can be drawn with a 32-bit color (ARGB8888): LLVG_PAINTER_IMPL_drawString.

  • A string can be drawn with a linear gradient: LLVG_PAINTER_IMPL_drawStringGradient.

  • A string can be draw on a circle: LLVG_PAINTER_IMPL_drawStringOnCircle and LLVG_FONT_PAINTER_IMPL_drawStringOnCircleGradient.

The drawing destination is symbolized by a MicroUI GraphicsContext: a pointer to a MICROUI_GraphicsContext instance. Like MicroUI Painter natives, the implementation has to synchronize the drawings with the MicroUI Graphics Engine.

LLNET: Network

Naming Convention

The Low Level API, the LLNET API, relies on functions that need to be implemented. The naming convention for such functions is that their names match the LLNET_IMPL_* pattern.

Header Files

Several header files are provided:

  • LLNET_CHANNEL_impl.h

    Defines a set of functions that the BSP must implement to initialize the Net native component. It also defines some configuration operations to setup a network connection.


    Defines a set of functions that the BSP must implement to create, connect and retrieve information on a network connection.


    Defines a set of functions that the BSP must implement to do some I/O operations on connection oriented socket (TCP). It also defines function to put a server connection in accepting mode (waiting for a new client connection).


    Defines a set of functions that the BSP must implement to do some I/O operations on connectionless oriented socket (UDP).

  • LLNET_DNS_impl.h

    Defines a set of functions that the BSP must implement to request host IP address associated to a host name or to request Domain Name Service (DNS) host IP addresses setup in the underlying system.


    Defines a set of functions that the BSP must implement to convert string IP address or retrieve specific IP addresses (lookup, localhost or loopback IP address).


    Defines a set of functions that the BSP must implement to retrieve information on a network interface (MAC address, interface link status, etc.).


Naming Convention

The Low Level API, the LLNET_SSL API, relies on functions that need to be implemented. The naming convention for such functions is that their names match the LLNET_SSL_* pattern.

Header Files

Three header files are provided:


    Defines a set of functions that the BSP must implement to create a SSL Context and to load CA (Certificate Authority) certificates as trusted certificates.


    Defines a set of functions that the BSP must implement to initialize the SSL native components, to create an underlying SSL Socket and to initiate a SSL session handshake. It also defines some I/O operations such as LLNET_SSL_SOCKET_IMPL_write or LLNET_SSL_SOCKET_IMPL_read used for encrypted data exchange between the client and the server.

  • LLNET_SSL_X509_CERT_impl.h

    Defines a function named LLNET_SSL_X509_CERT_IMPL_parse for certificate parsing. This function checks if a given certificate is an X.509 digital certificate and returns its encoded format type : Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) or Privacy-Enchanced Mail (PEM).

LLECOM_NETWORK: Network Interfaces

Naming Convention

The Low Level Network Interfaces API (LLECOM_NETWORK), relies on functions that need to be implemented by engineers in a driver. The names of these functions match the LLECOM_NETWORK_IMPL_* pattern.

Header Files

One header file is provided:


    Defines the set of functions that the BSP must implement to manage and configure and TCP/IP network interfaces.

LLECOM_WIFI: Wi-Fi Management

Naming Convention

The Low Level Wi-FI API (LLECOM_WIFI), relies on functions that need to be implemented by engineers in a driver. The names of these functions match the LLECOM_WIFI_IMPL_* pattern.

Header Files

One header file is provided:

  • LLECOM_WIFI_impl.h

    Defines the set of functions that the BSP must implement to manage and configure Wi-FI access points.


Naming Convention

The Low Level Bluetooth API (LLBLUETOOTH), relies on functions that need to be implemented by engineers in a driver. The names of these functions match the LLBLUETOOTH_IMPL_* pattern.

Header Files

Two header files are provided:

  • LLBLUETOOTH_defines.h

    Defines constants and types which are used by the functions to implement.

  • LLBLUETOOTH_impl.h

    Defines the set of functions that the BSP must implement to manage and configure and Bluetooth module.


Naming Convention

The Low Level Audio API (LLAUDIO), relies on functions that need to be implemented by engineers in a driver. The names of these functions match the LLAUDIO_*_IMPL_* pattern.

Header Files

Three header files is provided:

  • LLAUDIO_defines.h

    Defines constants and types which are used by the functions to implement.


    Defines the set of functions that the BSP must implement for audio recording.

  • LLAUDIO_TRACK_impl.h

    Defines the set of functions that the BSP must implement for audio playback.

LLEVENT: Event Queue

Naming Convention

The Low Level Event Queue API (LLEVENT), relies on functions that need to be implemented by engineers in a driver. The names of these functions match the LLEVENT_IMPL_* or LLEVENT_* pattern.

Header Files

Two header files are provided:

  • LLEVENT_impl.h

    Defines the set of functions that the BSP must implement to manage, offer/handle events from the Event Queue.


    Defines the set of functions that the BSP must implement to use the Event Queue from the native side.

LLFS: File System

Naming Convention

The Low Level File System API (LLFS), relies on functions that need to be implemented by engineers in a driver. The names of these functions match the LLFS_IMPL_* and the LLFS_File_IMPL_* pattern.

Header Files

Two C header files are provided:

  • LLFS_impl.h

    Defines a set of functions that the BSP must implement to initialize the FS native component. It also defines some functions to manage files, directories and retrieve information about the underlying File System (free space, total space, etc.).

  • LLFS_File_impl.h

    Defines a set of functions that the BSP must implement to do some I/O operations on files (open, read, write, close, etc.).

LLHAL: Hardware Abstraction Layer

Naming Convention

The Low Level API, the LLHAL API, relies on functions that need to be implemented. The naming convention for such functions is that their names match the LLHAL_IMPL_* pattern.

Header Files

One header file is provided:

  • LLHAL_impl.h

    Defines the set of functions that the BSP must implement to configure and drive some MCU GPIO.

LLDEVICE: Device Information

Naming Convention

The Low Level Device API (LLDEVICE), relies on functions that need to be implemented by engineers in a driver. The names of these functions match the LLDEVICE_IMPL_* pattern.

Header Files

One C header file is provided:

  • LLDEVICE_impl.h

    Defines a set of functions that the BSP must implement to get the Architecture name and unique device identifier.


Naming Convention

The Low Level Watchdog Timer API (LLWATCHDOG_TIMER), provides functions that allow the use of this API at the BSP level in C. The names of these functions match the LLWATCHDOG_TIMER_IMPL_* pattern.

The Watchdog API is delivered with a Generic C implementation on which the VEE Port must depend. This implementation relies on functions that need to be implemented by engineers in a driver. The name of these functions match the LLWATCHDOG_TIMER_IMPL_*_action pattern.

Header Files

One C header file is provided:


    Defines a set of functions that can be used at BSP level if required.

This C header file contains functions to implement:

  • watchdog_timer_helper.h

    Defines a set of functions that the BSP must implement to link the VEE Port watchdog timer to the Watchdog Timer library.

LLSEC: Security

Naming Convention

The Low Level Security API (LLSEC) provides functions that allow the use of this API at the BSP level in C. The names of these functions match the LLSEC_*_IMPL_* pattern.

Header Files

Several C header files are provided:

  • LLSEC_CIPHER_impl.h

    Defines a set of functions that must be implemented by the BSP in order to decrypt and encrypt data using cryptographic ciphers.


    Defines constants for certificates encoding formats.

  • LLSEC_DIGEST_impl.h

    Defines a set of functions that must be implemented by the BSP in order to support message digest algorithms such as SHA-1 or SHA-256.


    Defines the Security API error return codes.


    Defines a set of functions that must be implemented by the BSP in order to get keys informations such as algorithm or encoded form.


    Defines a set of functions that must be implemented by the BSP in order to generate private/public key pairs.

  • LLSEC_MAC_impl.h

    Defines a set of functions that must be implemented by the BSP in order to support MAC algorithms.


    Defines a set of functions that must be implemented by the BSP in order to encode private keys in DER format.


    Defines a set of functions that must be implemented by the BSP in order to encode public keys.

  • LLSEC_RANDOM_impl.h

    Defines a set of functions that must be implemented by the BSP in order to generate random data.

  • LLSEC_SIG_impl.h

    Defines a set of functions that must be implemented by the BSP in order to support signatures functionalities.

  • LLSEC_X509_CERT_impl.h

    Defines a set of functions that must be implemented by the BSP in order to manage X509 certificates operations like getting the public key, extracting the issuer, etc.