How To Configure Multiple Gradle Repositories

If you want to make MicroEJ repositories available only to some projects, here is an example of configuration:

  • Create a folder repositories in $USER_HOME/.gradle/init.d.

  • Move microej.init.gradle.kts to the repositories folder.

  • Create a new repositories.init.gradle.kts file in $USER_HOME/.gradle/init.d with the following content:

    val defaultRepository = "myOtherRepo" // can be set to null
    val selectedRepository = System.getProperty("gradle.repository") ?: defaultRepository
    when (selectedRepository) {
       "microejCentral" ->
          apply {
    // "myOtherRepo" ->
    //    apply {
    //       from("repositories/other.gradle.kts")
    //    }
  • Add the following property to a file at the root of your SDK 6 projects:


This way, only projects defining the gradle.repository system property will use MicroEJ repositories. If you want to activate these repositories by default, you can edit the defaultRepository in the repositories.init.gradle.kts file.


The name of the property gradle.repository is only given as exemple. You can choose the name you want as long as the propety defined in your file and in repositories.init.gradle.kts is the same.


If you put a repository configuration file that ends with .gradle.kts at the root of $USER_HOME/.gradle/init.d, it will be automatically loaded. Contrary to what the official Gradle documentation says, the files does not need to end with .init.gradle.kts. That is the reason why we recommend to put the files in a folder. These files also need to end with .gradle.kts.