Kernel APIs
Kernel API files (kernel.api
) specify among all types owned by the Kernel which ones must be used by
Features, and for those types which members (method, and static fields) are allowed to be accessed by
Features. When a type is not declared in a Kernel API, the Kernel and each Feature can have their own version of that type,
but if a type is declared in a Kernel API file only the Kernel version will be used by the Kernel and all the Features.
For mode details refer to the Class Spaces chapter of the Kernel & Features Specification (KF).
Kernel API Definition
A Kernel API file is an XML file named kernel.api
declared at the root of one or more path composing the Application classpath.
<type name=""/>
<type name="java.lang.String"/>
<type name="java.lang.System"/>
<field name="java.lang.System.out"/>
<method name=""/>
The table below describes the format of the XML elements. The full XML schema is available in the Kernel & Features Specification (KF).
Tag |
Attributes |
Description |
require |
The root element |
field |
Static field declaration. Declaring a field as a Kernel API automatically sets the declaring type as a Kernel API |
name |
Fully qualified name on the form |
method |
Method or constructor declaration. Declaring a method or a constructor as a Kernel API automatically sets the declaring type as a Kernel API |
name |
Fully qualified name on the form |
type |
Type declaration, allowed to be loaded from a Feature using Class.forName() |
name |
Fully qualified name on the form |
Writing Kernel APIs
This section lists different ways to help to write kernel.api
Default Kernel APIs Derivation
MicroEJ Corp. provides predefined kernel API files for the most common libraries provided by a Kernel. These files are packaged as MicroEJ modules in the Developer Repository under the com/microej/kernelapi organisation.
The packaged file kernel.api
can be extracted from the JAR file and edited
in order to keep only desired types, methods and fields.
Kernel API Generator
MicroEJ Kernel API Generator is a tool that help to generate a kernel.api
file based on a
Java classpath.
In the SDK, create a new MicroEJ Tool launch, Run > Run Configurations > MicroEJ Tool, choose your Platform, select Kernel API Generator for the Settings options, and don’t forget to set the output folder.

Define the classpath to use in the
Configuration tab, and Press Run.
A kernel.api
file is
generated in the output folder and it contains all classes, methods and
fields found in the given classpath.
Category: Kernel API Generator

Group: Classpath
Option Name: kernel.api.generator.classpath
Default value: (empty)
Group: Types Filters
Option(text): Includes Patterns
Option Name: kernel.api.generator.includes.patterns
Default value: **/*.class
Description: Comma separated list of ANT Patterns for types to include.
Option(text): Excludes Patterns
Option Name: kernel.api.generator.excludes.patterns
Default value: (empty)
Description: Comma separated list of ANT Patterns for types to exclude.