How To Build an Executable With Multiple VEE Ports

When creating an Application, only one VEE Port must be defined to build an Executable. However, it is possible to build an Executable for a list of VEE Ports by using a Gradle multi-project.

For example, if you want to build an Executable for two VEE Ports, you can create a multi-project composed of two subprojects:

|- rootProject
|   |- myApplicationVeePort1
|   |   |- src/main/java
|   |   |- src/main/resources
|   |   |- build.gradle.kts
|   |- myApplicationVeePort2
|   |   |- build.gradle.kts
|   |- settings.gradle.kts
|   |- build.gradle.kts
  • The myApplicationVeePort1 subproject is the Application project in which the first VEE Port is defined and the applicationEntryPoint property is set to the Fully Qualified Name of your main class.

  • The myApplicationVeePort2 subproject is an Application project that only contains a build.gradle.kts file in which the second VEE Port is defined and the applicationEntryPoint property is set to the Fully Qualified Name of your main class. To avoid having to duplicate the Source code of the Application, a SourceSet must be defined to use the Source code of the myApplicationVeePort1 subproject:

    sourceSets {
            main {
                    java {
  • In the build.gradle.kts file of the multi-project, you can define the Gradle configuration that is common to all subprojects to avoid duplicates, for example:

    plugins {
        id("com.microej.gradle.application") version "1.0.0" apply false
    subprojects {
        apply(plugin = "com.microej.gradle.application")
        val implementation by configurations
        dependencies {
  • For each VEE Port, the Application configuration properties can be defined in the configuration folder of the corresponding Application project.

The Executable of the Application can now be built for a VEE Port by executing the buildExecutable task on the corresponding subproject:

./gradlew myApplicationVeePort1:buildExecutable

To build the Executable for all VEE Ports, a new task can be created in the build.gradle.kts file of the multi-project:

subprojects {

All Executables can now be built by executing the buildAllExecutables task:

./gradlew buildAllExecutables

For each VEE Port, the Executable is generated in the build/output/application folder of the corresponding subproject.