SDK Distribution Changelog

[24.01] - 2024-01-31


This release requires a JDK 11 and therefore an Architecture 7.17.0 or higher. Please refer to System Requirements for more details.

  • Included SDK 5.8.2.
  • Enabled the “Terminate and Relaunch while launching” launcher option by default when a new Workspace is created.

[23.07] - 2023-07-03


This release requires a JDK 11 and therefore an Architecture 7.17.0 or higher. Please refer to System Requirements for more details.

  • Included SDK 5.8.0.
  • Downgraded to Eclipse version 2022-03 to fix incompatibilities of components with JDK 11.
  • Fixed no JDK found error when launching the installer in the case the JDK path has not been set in the Windows registry.

[23.02] - 2022-02-28


This release requires a JDK 11 and therefore an Architecture 7.17.0 or higher. Please refer to System Requirements for more details.

  • Included SDK 5.7.0.
  • Updated to Eclipse version 2022-12.

[22.06] - 2022-06-29


This release requires a JDK 11 and therefore an Architecture 7.17.0 or higher. Please refer to System Requirements for more details.

  • Included SDK 5.6.0.
  • Added support for macOS aarch64 (M1 chip).
  • Updated to Eclipse version 2022-03.
  • Changed required Java Runtime to JDK 11 (JRE and other versions are not supported anymore).

[21.11] - 2021-11-15


This release prepares for a future JRE 11 support. However, the only officially supported JRE version is still JRE 8. Please refer to System Requirements for more details.

  • Included SDK 5.5.0.
  • Updated installer to accept both JRE 8 and JRE 11.
  • Fixed error Error while loading manipulator when installing SDK updates on MacOS.
  • Updated End User License Agreement.

[21.03] - 2021-03-25

  • Included SDK 5.4.0.
  • Updated End User License Agreement.


  • The following error occurs when installing an SDK update on MacOS:
!MESSAGE Error while loading manipulator.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error while loading manipulator.
    at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.touchpoint.eclipse.LazyManipulator.loadDelegate(
    at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.touchpoint.eclipse.LazyManipulator.getConfigData(
    at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.touchpoint.eclipse.actions.UninstallBundleAction.uninstallBundle(
    at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.touchpoint.eclipse.actions.UninstallBundleAction.execute(
    at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.ParameterizedProvisioningAction.execute(
    at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.Phase.mainPerform(
    at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.Phase.perform(
    at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.PhaseSet.perform(
    at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.Engine.perform(
    at org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.Engine.perform(
    at org.eclipse.equinox.p2.operations.ProvisioningSession.performProvisioningPlan(
    at org.eclipse.equinox.p2.operations.ProfileModificationJob.runModal(

The workaround is to replace /eclipse/plugins/ by /Eclipse/plugins/ (capital E) in\Contents\Eclipse\eclipse.ini.

[20.12] - 2020-12-11

[20.10] - 2020-10-30

  • Included SDK 5.3.0
  • Updated to Eclipse version 2020-06
  • Fixed low quality MacOS SDK icons


Starting with this release, only 64bits JRE are supported because 32bits JRE support has been removed since Eclipse version 2018-12.


  • Projects configured with Null Analysis must be updated to import EDC API 1.3.3 or higher in order to avoid an Eclipse JDT builder error (see also this link for more details).
  • The default settings file for connecting MicroEJ Central Repository is not automatically installed. To connect to the MicroEJ Central Repository, follow the procedure:
    • For Windows, create the folder: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\.microej.
    • For Linux, create the folder: /home/$USER/.microej.
    • For macos, create the folder: /Users/$USER/.microej.
    • Download and save this file microej-ivysettings-5.xml to the previously created .microej folder.
  • By default, a check is done on the JRE version required by the plugins on install/update. Since CDT requires JRE 11, it prevents to install/update a newer SDK version. The CDT documentation explains that this can be bypassed by disabling the option Windows > Preferences > Install/Update > Verify provisioning operation is compatible with currently running JRE.

[20.07] - 2020-07-28

  • Included MicroEJ SDK 5.2.0
  • Updated the default microej repository folder name (replaced SDK version by the distribution number)
  • Added Dist. prefix in installer name (e.g. MicroEJ SDK Dist. 20.07) to avoid confusion between SDK distribution vs SDK version
  • Updated SDK End User License Agreement
  • Disabled popup window when installing a SDK update site (allow to install unsigned content by default)

[19.05] - 2019-05-17

  • Included SDK version 5.1.0
  • Updated MicroEJ icons (16x16 and 32x32)
  • Updated the publisher of Windows executables (MicroEJ instead of IS2T SA.)
  • Updated the JRE link to download in case the default JRE is not compatible. ( is deprecated)

[19.02] - 2019-02-22

  • Updated to Eclipse Oxygen version 4.7.2
  • Included SDK version 5.0.1
  • Included Sonarlint version 4.0.0

SDK Changelog

[5.9.0] - 2024-07-23


  • Hide MicroEJ project wizards when SDK 5 is installed in an Eclipse distribution including SDK 6 plugins.

MicroEJ Module Manager


  • Upgraded Testsuite Engine to version 5.8.1 to separate test cases in the testsuite reports and escape console output in HTML report to prevent code injection.

Build Types

  • Set default Java test compile version to 1.8 for build-std-javalib and build-microej-mock build types.
  • New build types added:
    • build-application#9.3.0
    • build-firmware-singleapp#2.4.0
    • build-microej-javaimpl#5.3.0
    • build-microej-javalib#6.3.0
    • build-microej-mock#2.2.1
    • build-microej-testsuite#4.3.0
    • build-std-javalib#3.3.1

[5.8.2] - 2024-01-31


  • Added the --keep-going option for the MMM Command Line Interface to continue the build of the meta-build when a subproject fails.

MicroEJ Module Manager


  • Upgraded Front Panel plugin to version 6.3.0 to use FP framework dependency only by default.

Build Types

  • Set default Java compile version to 1.8 for build-std-javalib build type.
  • Fixed hardcoded dependency line in generated javadoc of artifacts repositories.
  • Fixed incompatibility of the Artifact Checker with modules published with the SDK 6.
  • New build types added:
    • build-firmware-multiapp#8.2.0
    • build-firmware-singleapp#2.3.0
    • build-std-javalib#3.3.0

[5.8.1] - 2023-09-19


  • Fixed unreadable tooltip because of black text on black background for the VEE Ports and Architectures views.
  • Fixed wrong value for the example in the StackOverflow error message in the Memory Map Analyzer plugin.
  • Fixed Configuration tab content disappearing when navigating in Run Configurations.

MicroEJ Module Manager


  • Remove legacy configuration fields for application project wizard (Application ID, Printable Name and Description).

Build Types

  • New build types added:
    • None


  • Add section in README of the build-addon-processor skeleton to document how to override a generated source file.

[5.8.0] - 2023-07-03


  • Added improvements in Outline view and Instance Browser view (new Owner column, new filters) of the Heap Viewer.
  • Enabled on/off tags in the MicroEJ Java format profile.
  • Updated Code template for Widget.handleEvent to use MWT 3 API.
  • Fixed default Ivy settings file not created at startup.
  • Fixed topological order in Application classpath.

MicroEJ Module Manager


Build Types

  • Added Gradle dependency line in the generated Javadoc of an artifact repository (build-artifact-repository build type).
  • New build types added:
    • build-artifact-repository#3.4.0
    • build-izpack#3.3.0


  • Removed META-INF folder from firmware-multiapp skeleton.

[5.7.0] - 2023-02-27


  • Added latest BSD license and SDK/BSD license and deprecate ESR.
  • Added the capability to resolve a Front Panel dependency as a project in the workspace, as any other module type.
  • Added the capability to resolve a Front Panel Mock dependency as a project in the workspace, as any other module type.
  • Added the support to fetch Maven modules from MMM projects.
  • Changed the error message displayed by the Memory Map Analyzer to show the real error message.
  • Fixed build error when an ADP is opened in the workspace.
  • Fixed slowness issue during Ivy resolution on Windows with JDK 11.
  • Fixed syntaxic coloration lost in an opened module.ivy file after an SDK restart.
  • Fixed inadequate colors in editors and console in Dark theme.
  • Fixed failing Ivy resolution after an SDK restart.
  • Fixed the freeze of the Heap Analyzer when opening a large heap file or clicking on a large byte array.
  • Fixed error when building a VEE Port using the Build Platform button in the .platform file.
  • Fixed “Resolve Foundation Library in workspace” option unchecked after closing and re-opening the workspace.
  • Fixed Addon Processor modules not resolved when opened in the workspace.

MicroEJ Module Manager


  • Fixed release version of a runtime API module.
  • Fixed build of a module that uses the obf-proguard plugin with JDK 11.
  • Upgraded ProGuard to version 7.2.1 to support JDK 11.
  • Fixed Application external jars resolution at compile time.
  • Fixed resolution in workspace error depending on a Mock’s name.
  • Fixed error message when an Easyant target is executed in a folder that does not contain a module.ivy file.

Build Types

  • Fixed build-std-javalib compilation with JDK 11.
  • Fixed Artifact Checker’s execution on build-std-javalib.
  • Fixed build-artifact-repository build type which couldn’t find the previous release of the repository to merge it.
  • New build types added:
    • build-addon-processor#2.2.0
    • build-application#9.2.0
    • build-artifact-repository#3.3.0
    • build-custom#2.2.0
    • build-firmware-customizer#3.2.0
    • build-firmware-multiapp#8.1.0
    • build-firmware-singleapp#2.2.0
    • build-izpack#3.2.0
    • build-microej-extension#2.2.0
    • build-microej-javaapi#5.2.0
    • build-microej-javaimpl#5.2.0
    • build-microej-javalib#6.2.0
    • build-microej-mock#2.2.0
    • build-microej-ri#3.2.0
    • build-microej-testsuite#4.2.0
    • build-product-java#2.2.0
    • build-runtime-api#4.1.0
    • build-std-javalib#3.2.0


  • Aligned Kernel APIs dependencies between runtime-api and firmware-multiapp skeletons.
  • Changed default compilation level to Java 8 for Mock projects.
  • Fixed Build Executable options to make the “No BSP Connection” work.

[5.6.2] - 2022-08-31


  • Fixed error when opening some heap dump files.
  • Fixed error when saving a EJF file with the Font Designer.

MicroEJ Module Manager


  • Fixed invalid module name when using spaces in the project name.


  • Fixed wrong package name in the class generated when creating a firmware-multiapp project.

[5.6.1] - 2022-07-08


  • Removed check on JRE version when opening a workspace.

[5.6.0] - 2022-06-29


  • Added support for JDK 11.
  • Changed Easyant targets executed by mmm build from clean,verify to clean,package.
  • Upgraded Front Panel plugin to version 6.1.3 to remove warning on fp framework.
  • Updated Workspace settings to ignore errors in Ant build files by default.
  • Fixed error when opening a Heap Dump file not part of the workspace.
  • Fixed error when opening a Map file not part of the workspace.
  • Removed Resources Center view.

MicroEJ Module Manager


  • Added the capability to override module organisation/name/revision with Build System Options.
  • Added error message when using non-supported Eclipse Link Folders.
  • Updated End User License Agreement.
  • Fixed MMM failure when resolving a dependency with a version containing a number with 4 digits.
  • Fixed error when building a meta-build project with public sub-modules and using target verify.

Build Types

  • Added support for Kernel Runtime Environments (build-firmware-multiapp, build-runtime-api and build-application).
  • Added option javadoc.modules.excludes to exclude modules from Javadoc generation when building a module repository.
  • New build types added:
    • build-addon-processor#2.1.0
    • build-application#9.1.0
    • build-artifact-repository#3.2.0
    • build-custom#2.1.0
    • build-firmware-customizer#3.1.0
    • build-firmware-multiapp#8.0.0
    • build-firmware-singleapp#2.1.0
    • build-izpack#3.1.0
    • build-microej-extension#2.1.0
    • build-microej-javaapi#5.1.0
    • build-microej-javaimpl#5.1.0
    • build-microej-javalib#6.1.0
    • build-microej-mock#2.1.0
    • build-microej-ri#3.1.0
    • build-microej-testsuite#4.1.0
    • build-product-java#2.1.0
    • build-runtime-api#4.0.0
    • build-std-javalib#3.1.0

Build Plugins

  • Updated elf-utils plugin to load the ELF related tools from the architecture/platform.


  • Added JUnit dependency to all Java module skeletons (including default JUnit tests pattern).
  • Updated firmware-singleapp and firmware-multiapp skeletons for building the executable by default.
  • Updated Sandboxed Application skeleton (application) to be compatible with any Kernel (based on KF FeatureEntryPoint).

[5.5.3] - 2022-05-03

MicroEJ Module Manager

  • Fixed error Can't parse module descriptor when building a Module on Windows with a JDK 8.0.331+.

[5.5.2] - 2021-12-22


  • Fixed Addon Processors of a project in a workspace being applied to others projects.

MicroEJ Module Manager

Build Plugins

  • Updated Log4j in Artifact Checker and Cobertura plugins to version 2.17.0.

[5.5.1] - 2021-12-02


  • Fixed wrong category name in New Project wizard.

[5.5.0] - 2021-11-15


This release prepares for a future JRE 11 support. However, the only officially supported JRE version is still JRE 8. Please refer to System Requirements for more details.


  • Added Add-On Processor resolution in workspace.
  • Updated tools for both JRE 8 and JRE 11 compatibility.
  • Fixed corrupted font file created by the Font designer when importing large number of glyphs.
  • Updated Architecture version check during Pack import (greaterOrEqual instead of compatible). This allows to import Architecture Specific Pack and Legacy Generic Pack on future Architecture versions 8.x.
  • Updated End User License Agreement.

MicroEJ Module Manager

  • Added bin folder to .gitignore file of module natures Java project skeleton.
  • Added Null Analysis configuration to artifact-checker. When building a module repository, null analysis configuration is only checked on the highest module version included in the repository.
  • Added Eclipse Public License v2.0 to the list of default licenses allowed for artifact-checker.
  • Clarified input messages of mmm init command.
  • Updated artifact-checker plugin binding to target verify. This allow module checks to be executed on builds triggered by a pull request (no publication).
  • Fixed missing artifact-checker plugin to some module natures (custom, firmware-multiapp, firmware-singleapp, microej-javaimpl, microej-mock, microej-testsuite, product-java).
  • Fixed mmm run execution on a firmware-singleapp module (do not trigger the Firmware build).
  • Fixed kf-testsuite plugin test project build.
  • Added support of branch analysis with Sonar.
  • Added ability to package private dependencies to mock module natures (configuration embedded).
  • Added testsuite and javadoc plugin to firmware-singleapp module nature.
  • Added ssh deployment to microej-kf-testsuite plugin.
  • Updated firmware-multiapp to remove the bsp directory in Virtual Devices.
  • Updated firmware-multiapp to allow Virtual Devices for launching a specific main class other than the Kernel main class. This is useful for running JUnit tests using a Virtual Device instead of a Platform.
  • Updated firmware-multiapp to allow Virtual Devices for automatically launching a Sandboxed Application project in the SDK.
  • Updated firmware-multiapp to automatically configure the Virtual Device Kernel UID when a Firmware is built.
  • Fixed firmware-multiapp skeleton default dependencies with only modules available in MicroEJ Central Repository.
  • Fixed firmware-multiapp unexpected build error when no declared pre-installed Application.
  • Fixed firmware-multiapp build which may fail an unexpected Unresolved Dependencies error the first time, for Kernel APIs module dependencies (configuration kernelapi) or Virtual Device specific modules dependencies (configuration default-vd).
  • Fixed firmware-multiapp unexpected build error when no Application (.wpk file) found in the dropins folder.
  • Fixed firmware-multiapp unexpected build error when no declared pre-installed Application.
  • Fixed firmware-singleapp and firmware-multiapp skeletons wrong package name generation for the default Main class.
  • Fixed artifact-repository changelog check for modules with a snapshot version.
  • New build types added:
    • build-addon-processor#2.0.0
    • build-application#9.0.0
    • build-artifact-repository#3.0.0
    • build-custom#2.0.0
    • build-firmware-customizer#3.0.0
    • build-firmware-multiapp#7.0.0
    • build-firmware-singleapp#2.0.0
    • build-izpack#3.0.0
    • build-microej-extension#2.0.0
    • build-microej-javaapi#5.0.0
    • build-microej-javaimpl#5.0.0
    • build-microej-javalib#6.0.0
    • build-microej-mock#2.0.0
    • build-microej-ri#3.0.0
    • build-microej-testsuite#4.0.0
    • build-product-java#2.0.0
    • build-runtime-api#3.0.0
    • build-std-javalib#3.0.0
    • microej-meta-build#3.0.0

[5.4.1] - 2021-04-16


This release is both compatible with Eclipse version 2020-06 and Eclipse Oxygen, so it can still be installed on a previous SDK Distribution.

MicroEJ Module Manager

  • Fixed missing repository configuration in artifact-repository skeleton (this configuration is required to include modules bundled in an other module repository)
  • Fixed missing some old build types versions that were removed by error. (introduced in SDK 5.4.0, please refer to the Known Issues section for more details)
  • Fixed wrong version of module built in a meta-build (module was published with the module version instead of the snapshot version)
  • Fixed code coverage analysis on source code (besides on bytecode) thanks to the property cc.src.folders (only for architectures in version 7.16.0 and beyond)
  • New build types added:
    • microej-meta-build#2.0.1

[5.4.0] - 2021-03-25


This release is both compatible with Eclipse version 2020-06 and Eclipse Oxygen, so it can still be installed on a previous SDK Distribution.

Known Issues

  • Some older build types versions have been removed by error. Consequently, using SDK 5.4.0, it may be not possible to build modules that have been created with an older SDK version (For example, MicroEJ GitHub code). The list of missing build types:
    • build-application 7.0.2
    • build-microej-javalib 4.1.1
    • build-firmware-singleapp 1.2.10
    • build-microej-extension 1.3.2


  • Added MicroEJ Module Manager Command Line Interface in Build Kit
  • Added ignore optional compilation problems in Addon Processor generated source folders
  • Added logs to Standalone Application build indicating the mapping of Foundation Libraries to the Platform
  • Updated End User License Agreement
  • Added the latest HIL Engine API to mock-up skeleton (native resources management)
  • Updated the Architecture import wizard to automatically accept Pack licenses when the Architecture license is accepted

MicroEJ Module Manager


  • Added JSCH library to execute MicroEJ test suites on Device through ssh
  • Added pre-compilation phase before executing Addon Processor to have compiled classes available
  • Updated the default settings file to import modules from MicroEJ Developer repository (located at ${user.dir}\.microej\microej-ivysettings-5.4.xml)

Build Types

  • Updated all relevant build types to load the Platform using the platform configuration instead of the test configuration:
    • Sandboxed Application (application)
    • Foundation Library Implementation (javaimpl)
    • Addon Library (javalib)
    • MicroEJ Testsuite (testsuite)
  • Updated Module Repository to allow to partially include an Architecture module (eval and/or prod)
  • Fixed potential Addon Processor error NoClassDefFoundError: ej/tool/addon/util/Message depending on the resolution order
  • Removed javadoc generation for microej-extension
  • New build types added:
    • build-application#8.0.0
    • build-artifact-repository#2.3.0
    • build-firmware-singleapp#1.4.0
    • build-microej-extension#1.4.0
    • build-microej-javaimpl#4.0.0
    • build-microej-javalib#5.0.0
    • build-microej-testsuite#3.0.0

Build Plugins

  • Updated Addon Processor to fail the build when an error is detected. Error messages are dumped to the build logs.
  • Updated Platform Loader to handle Platform module (.zip file)
  • Updated Platform Loader to handle Virtual Device module (.vde file) declared as a dependency. It worked before only by using the dropins folder.
  • Updated Platform Loader to list the Platforms locations when too many Platform modules are detected


  • Fixed wrong generation for artifact-repository skeleton
  • Removed useless files in microej-javaapi, microej-javaimpl and microej-extension skeletons (intern changelog and .dbk file)

[5.3.1] - 2020-12-11


This release is both compatible with Eclipse version 2020-06 and Eclipse Oxygen, so it can still be installed on a previous SDK Distribution.


  • Fixed missing default settings file for connecting MicroEJ Central Repository when starting a fresh install (introduced in 5.3.0)

MicroEJ Module Manager

Build Plugins

  • Fixed potential build error when computing Sonar classpath from dependencies (ivy:cachepath task was sometimes using a wrong cache location)


[5.3.0] - 2020-10-30


This release is both compatible with Eclipse version 2020-06 and Eclipse Oxygen, so it can still be installed on a previous SDK Distribution.

Known Issues

  • Library module build may lead to unexpected Unresolved Dependencies error in some cases (in sonar:init target / ivy:cachepath task). Workaround is to trigger the library build again.


  • Fixed various plugins for Eclipse version 2020-06 compatibility (icons, project explorer menu entries)
  • Fixed closed module.ivy files after an SDK restart that were opened before
  • Removed license check before launching an Application on Device
  • Disabled Activate on new event option of the Error Log view to prevent popup of this view when an internal error is thrown
  • Removed license check before Platform build
  • Updated filter of the Launch Group configuration (exclude the deprecated Eclipse CDT one)
  • Fixed inclusion of mock project dependencies in launcher mock classpath
  • Enhance error message in Platform editor (.platform files) when the required Architecture has not been imported (displays Architecture information)

MicroEJ Module Manager


  • Fixed workspace default settings file when clicking on the Default button
  • First wrong resolved dependency when ChainResolver returnFirst option is enabled and the module to resolve is already in the cache
  • Fixed potential build module crash (Not comparable issue) when resolving module dependencies across multiple configurations

Build Types

  • Exclude packs from artifact checker when building a module repository
  • Merged Foundation & Add-On Libraries javadoc when building a module repository
  • Added Module dependency line for each type in module repository javadoc
  • Added an option to skip deprecated types, fields, methods in module repository javadoc
  • Allow to include or exclude Java packages in module repository javadoc
  • Added an option skip.publish to skip artifacts publication in build-custom build type
  • Allow to define Application options from build option using the platform-launcher.inject. prefix
  • Added generation and publication of code coverage report after a testsuite execution. The report generation is enabled under the following conditions:
    • at least one test is executed,
    • tests are executed on Simulator,
    • build option is set to true (default),
    • the Platform is based on an Architecture version 7.12.0 or higher
    • if testing a Foundation Library (using microej-testsuite), build option must be set to match the simple name of the library being covered (e.g. edc-*.jar or microui-*.jar)
  • Fixed sonar false negative Null Analysis detection in some cases
  • Added a better error message for Studio rebrand build when izpack.microej.product.location option is missing
  • Deprecated build-microej-ri and disabled documentation generation (useless docbook toolchains have been removed to reduce the bundle size: -150MB)
  • New build types added:
    • build-artifact-repository#2.0.1
    • build-custom#1.2.0
    • build-firmware-singleapp#1.2.10
    • build-microej-ri#2.4.0


  • Fixed microej-mock content script initialization folder name

[5.2.0] - 2020-07-28


  • Added Dist. prefix in default workspace and repository name to avoid confusion between SDK distribution vs SDK version
  • Replaced Version by Dist. in Help > About MicroEJ® SDK menu. The SDK version is available in Installation Details view.
  • Replaced IS2T S.A. and MicroEJ S.A. by MicroEJ Corp. in Help > About MicroEJ® SDK menu.
  • Updated Front Panel plugin to version 6.1.1
  • Removed MicroEJ Copyright in Java class template and skeletons files
  • Fixed Stopping a MicroEJ launch in the progress view doesn’t stop the launch

MicroEJ Module Manager


  • Added a new configuration page (Window > Preferences > Module Manager). This page is a merge of formerly named Easyant4Eclipse preferences page and Ivy Settings relevant options for MicroEJ.
  • Added Export > MicroEJ > Module Manager Build Kit wizard, to extract the files required for automating MicroEJ modules builds out of the IDE.
  • Added New > MicroEJ > Module Project wizard (formerly named New Easyant Project), with module fields content assist and alphabetical sort of the skeletons list
  • Added Import > MicroEJ > Module Repository wizard to automatically configure workspace with a module repository (directory or zip file)
  • Added New MicroEJ Add-On Library Project wizard to simplify Add-On Library skeleton project creation
  • Updated the build repository ( to be self contained with its owns ivysettings.xml
  • Updated Virtual Device Player (firmware-singleapp) launcher-windows.bat (use launcher-windows-verbose.bat to get logs)
  • Renamed the classpath container to Module Dependencies instead of Ivy
  • Fixed Addon Processor src-adpgenerated folder generation when creating or importing a project with the same name than a previously deleted one
  • Fixed implementation of settings ChainResolver returnFirst option
  • Fixed Ivy module resolution being blocked from time to time

Build Types

  • Fixed meta build to publish correct snapshot revisions for built dependencies. (Indirectly fixes ADP resolution issue when an Add-On Library and its associated Addon Processor were built together using a meta build)
  • Fixed potential infinite loop when building a Modules Repository with MMM semantic enabled
  • Fixed javadoc not being generated in artifactory repository build when skip.javadoc is set to false
  • Added the capability to build partial modules repository, by using the user provided ivysettings.xml file to check the repository consistency
  • Added the possibility to partially extend the build repository in a module repository. The build repository can be referenced by a file system resolver using the property ${microej-build-repository.repo.dir}
  • Added the possibility to include a module repository into an other module repository (using new configuration repository->*)
  • Added the possibility to bundle a set of Virtual Devices when building a branded Studio. They are automatically imported to the MicroEJ repository when booting on a new workspace.
  • Added the possibility to bundle a Module Repository when building a branded Studio. It is automatically imported and settings file is configured when booting on a new workspace.

Build Plugins

  • Fixed microej-kf-testsuite repository access issue (introduced in SDK 5.0.0).
  • Fixed artifact-checker to accept revisions surrounded by brackets (as specified by


  • Updated module.ivy indentation characters with tabs instead of spaces
  • Updated formatting
  • Updated and standardized files
  • Updated dependencies in module.ivy to use the latest versions
  • Added .gitignore to ignore the target~ and src-adpgenerated folder where the module is built
  • Added Sandboxed Application WPK dropins folder (META-INF/wpk)
  • Removed conf provided in module.ivy for foundation libraries dependencies
  • Remove MicroEJ internal site reference in module.ant file
  • Fixed corrupted library workbenchExtension-api.jar in microej-extension skeleton
  • Fixed corrupted library HILEngine.jar in microej-mock skeleton
  • Fixed javadoc content issue in Main class firmware-singleapp skeleton


  • Updated End User License Agreement
  • Added support for generating Application Options in reStructured Text format

[5.1.2] - 2020-03-09

MicroEJ Module Manager

  • Fixed potential build error when generating fixed dependencies file (fixdeps task was sometimes using a wrong cache location)
  • Fixed topogical sort of classpath dependencies when building using Build Module (same as in IvyDE classpath sorted view)
  • Fixed resolution of modules with a version 0.m.p when transitively fetched (an error was thrown with the range [1.m.p-RC,1.m.(p+1)-RC[)
  • Fixed missing classpath dependencies to prevent an error when building a standard JAR with JUnit tests

[5.1.1] - 2019-09-26


  • Fixed files locked in Platform in workspace projects preventing the Platform from being deleted or rebuilt

[5.1.0] - 2019-05-17


  • Updated MicroEJ icons (16x16 and 32x32)
  • Fixed potential long-blocking operation when launching an application on a Virtual Device on Windows 10 (Windows defender performs a slow analysis on a zip file when it is open for the first time since OS startup)
  • Fixed missing ADP resolution on a fresh MicroEJ installation
  • Fixed ADP source folders order generation in .classpath (alphabetical sort of the ADP id)
  • Fixed Run As… > MicroEJ Application automatic launcher creation: when selecting a Platform in workspace, an other platform of the repository was used instead
  • Fixed Memory Map Analyzer load of mapping scripts from Virtual Devices
  • Fixed MMM and ADP resolution when importing a zip project in a fresh MicroEJ install
  • Fixed ADP crash when a project declares dependencies without a source folder
  • Fixed inability to debug an application on a Virtual Device if option execution.mode was specified in firmware build properties (now SDK options cannot be overridden)
  • Updated Front Panel plugin to comply with the new Front Panel engine
    • The Front Panel engine has been refactored and moved from UI Pack to Architecture (UI pack 12.0.0 requires Architecture version 7.11.0 or higher)
    • New Front Panel Project wizard now generates a project skeleton for this new Front Panel engine, based on MMM
    • Legacy Front Panel projects for UI Pack v11.1.0 or higher are still valid
  • Updated Virtual Device builder to speed-up Virtual Device boot time (pre-installed Applications are now extracted at build time)
  • Fixed inability to select a Platform in workspace in a MicroEJ Tool launch configuration
  • Fixed broken title in MicroEJ export menu (Platform Export)

MicroEJ Module Manager

Build Plugins

  • Added a new option application.project.dir passed to launch scripts with the workspace project directory
  • Updated MMM to throw a non ambiguous error message when a module.ivy configured for MMM declares versions with legacy Ivy range notation
  • Updated MicroEJ Central Repository cache directory to ${user.dir}\.microej\caches\[version] instead of ${user.dir}\.ivy2
  • Updated Update Module Dependencies... to be disabled when module.ivy cannot be loaded. The menu entry is now grayed when the project does not declare an IvyDE classpath container
  • Fixed wrong resolution order when a module is both resolved in the repository and the workspace (the workspace module must always take precedence to the module resolved in the repository)
  • Fixed useless unknown resolver trace when cache is used by multiple Ivy settings configurations with different resolver names.
  • Fixed slow Add-On Processor generation. The classpath passed to ADP modules could contain the same entry multiple times, which leads each ADP module to process the same classpath multiple times.
  • Fixed misspelled recommendation message when a build failed
  • Fixed Update Module Dependencies... tool: wrong ej:match="perfect" added where it was expected to be compatible
  • Fixed Update Module Dependencies... tool: parse error when module.ivycontains <artifact type="rip"/> element
  • Fixed resolution and publication of a module declared with an Ivy branch
  • Fixed character '-' rejected in module organisation (according to MMM specification 2.0-B)
  • Fixed ADP resolution error when the Add-On Processor module was only available in the cache
  • Fixed potential build crash depending on the build kit classpath order (error was This module requires easyant [0.9,+])
  • Fixed product-java broken skeleton

Build Types

  • Updated Platform Loader error message when the property is set to an invalid directory
  • Fixed meta build property substitution in *.modules.list files
  • Fixed missing publications for and files
  • Update skeletons to fetch latest libraries (Wadapps Framework v1.10.0 and Junit v1.5.0)
  • Updated publication to generate MMM usage and the list of Foundation Libraries dependencies
  • Added a new build nature for building platform options pages (microej-extension)
  • Updated Virtual Device builder to speed-up Virtual Device boot time (pre-installed Applications are now extracted at build time)
  • Fixed Virtual Device Player builder (dependencies were not exported into the zip file) and updated firmware-singleapp skeleton with missing configurations


  • Updated based on Keep a Changelog specification (
  • Updated offline module repository skeleton to fetch in a dedicated cache directory under ${user.dir}/.microej/caches

[5.0.1] - 2019-02-14


  • Removed Wadapps Code generation (see migration notes below)
  • Added support for MicroEJ Module Manager semantic (see migration notes below)
  • Added a dedicated view for Virtual Devices in MicroEJ Preferences
  • Removed Platform related views and menus in the SDK (Import/Export and Preferences)
  • Added Studio rebranding capability (product name, icons, splash screen and installer for Windows)
  • Added a new meta build version, with simplified syntax for multi-projects build (see migration notes below)
  • Added a skeleton for building offline module repositories
  • Added support for importing extended characters in Fonts Designer
  • Allow to import Virtual Devices with .vdeextension (*.jpf import still available for backward compatibility)
  • Removed legacy selection for Types, Resources and Immutables in MicroEJ Launch Configuration (replaced by *.list files since MicroEJ 4.0)
  • Enabled IvyDE workspace dependencies resolution by default
  • Enabled MicroEJ workspace Foundation Libraries resolution by default
  • Added possibility for Architectures to check for a minimum required version of SDK (sdk.min.version property)
  • Updated New Standalone Application Project wizard to generate a single-app firmware skeleton
  • Updated Virtual Device Builder to manage Sandboxed Applications (compatible with Architectures Products *_7.10.0 or newer)
  • Updated Virtual Device Builder to include kernel options (now options are automatically filled for the application developer on Simulator)

MicroEJ Module Manager

Build Plugins

  • Added IvyDE resolution from properties defined in Windows > Preferences > Ant > Runtime > Properties
  • Fixed Illegal character in path error that may occur when running an Add-On Processor
  • Fixed IvyDE crash when defining an Ant property file with Eclipse variables

Build Types

  • Kept only latest build types versions (skeletons updated)
  • Updated metabuild to execute tests by default for private module dependencies
  • Removed remaining build dependencies to JDK (Java code compiler and Javadoc processors). All MicroEJ code is now compiled using the JDT compiler
  • Introduced a new plugin for executing custom testsuite using MicroEJ testsuite engine
  • Fixed MalformedURLException error in Easyant trace
  • Fixed Easyant build crash when an Ivy settings file contains a cache definitions with a wildcard
  • Updated Platform Builder to keep track in the Platform of the architecture on which it has been built (
  • Updated Virtual Device Builder to generate with .vde extension
  • Updated Multi-app Firmware Builder to embed (Sim/Emb) specific modules (Add-On libraries and pre-installed Applications)
  • Fixed build-microej-ri v1.2.1 missing dependencies (embedded in SDK 4.1.5)


  • Updated all skeletons: migrated to latest build types, added more comments, copyright cleanup and configuration for MicroEJ Module Manager semantic)
  • Added the latest HIL Engine API to mock-up skeleton (Start and Stop listeners hooks)

Build Types per SDK

  • SDK 5.9.0
    • build-addon-processor#2.2.0
    • build-application#9.3.0
    • build-artifact-repository#3.4.0
    • build-custom#2.2.0
    • build-firmware-customizer#3.2.0
    • build-firmware-multiapp#8.2.0
    • build-firmware-singleapp#2.4.0
    • build-izpack#3.3.0
    • build-microej-extension#2.2.0
    • build-microej-javaapi#5.2.0
    • build-microej-javaimpl#5.3.0
    • build-microej-javalib#6.3.0
    • build-microej-mock#2.2.1
    • build-microej-ri#3.2.0
    • build-microej-testsuite#4.3.0
    • build-product-java#2.2.0
    • build-runtime-api#4.1.0
    • build-std-javalib#3.3.1
    • microej-meta-build#3.0.0
  • SDK 5.8.2
    • build-addon-processor#2.2.0
    • build-application#9.2.0
    • build-artifact-repository#3.4.0
    • build-custom#2.2.0
    • build-firmware-customizer#3.2.0
    • build-firmware-multiapp#8.2.0
    • build-firmware-singleapp#2.3.0
    • build-izpack#3.3.0
    • build-microej-extension#2.2.0
    • build-microej-javaapi#5.2.0
    • build-microej-javaimpl#5.2.0
    • build-microej-javalib#6.2.0
    • build-microej-mock#2.2.0
    • build-microej-ri#3.2.0
    • build-microej-testsuite#4.2.0
    • build-product-java#2.2.0
    • build-runtime-api#4.1.0
    • build-std-javalib#3.3.0
    • microej-meta-build#3.0.0
  • SDK 5.8.0 and SDK 5.8.1
    • build-addon-processor#2.2.0
    • build-application#9.2.0
    • build-artifact-repository#3.4.0
    • build-custom#2.2.0
    • build-firmware-customizer#3.2.0
    • build-firmware-multiapp#8.1.0
    • build-firmware-singleapp#2.2.0
    • build-izpack#3.3.0
    • build-microej-extension#2.2.0
    • build-microej-javaapi#5.2.0
    • build-microej-javaimpl#5.2.0
    • build-microej-javalib#6.2.0
    • build-microej-mock#2.2.0
    • build-microej-ri#3.2.0
    • build-microej-testsuite#4.2.0
    • build-product-java#2.2.0
    • build-runtime-api#4.1.0
    • build-std-javalib#3.2.0
    • microej-meta-build#3.0.0
  • SDK 5.7.0
    • build-addon-processor#2.2.0
    • build-application#9.2.0
    • build-artifact-repository#3.3.0
    • build-custom#2.2.0
    • build-firmware-customizer#3.2.0
    • build-firmware-multiapp#8.1.0
    • build-firmware-singleapp#2.2.0
    • build-izpack#3.2.0
    • build-microej-extension#2.2.0
    • build-microej-javaapi#5.2.0
    • build-microej-javaimpl#5.2.0
    • build-microej-javalib#6.2.0
    • build-microej-mock#2.2.0
    • build-microej-ri#3.2.0
    • build-microej-testsuite#4.2.0
    • build-product-java#2.2.0
    • build-runtime-api#4.1.0
    • build-std-javalib#3.2.0
    • microej-meta-build#3.0.0
  • SDK 5.6.2, 5.6.1 and SDK 5.6.0
    • build-addon-processor#2.1.0
    • build-application#9.1.0
    • build-artifact-repository#3.2.0
    • build-custom#2.1.0
    • build-firmware-customizer#3.1.0
    • build-firmware-multiapp#8.0.0
    • build-firmware-singleapp#2.1.0
    • build-izpack#3.1.0
    • build-microej-extension#2.1.0
    • build-microej-javaapi#5.1.0
    • build-microej-javaimpl#5.1.0
    • build-microej-javalib#6.1.0
    • build-microej-mock#2.1.0
    • build-microej-ri#3.1.0
    • build-microej-testsuite#4.1.0
    • build-product-java#2.1.0
    • build-runtime-api#4.0.0
    • build-std-javalib#3.1.0
    • microej-meta-build#3.0.0
  • SDK 5.5.3, SDK 5.5.2, SDK 5.5.1 and SDK 5.5.0
    • build-addon-processor#2.0.0
    • build-application#9.0.0
    • build-artifact-repository#3.0.0
    • build-custom#2.0.0
    • build-firmware-customizer#3.0.0
    • build-firmware-multiapp#7.0.0
    • build-firmware-singleapp#2.0.0
    • build-izpack#3.0.0
    • build-microej-extension#2.0.0
    • build-microej-javaapi#5.0.0
    • build-microej-javaimpl#5.0.0
    • build-microej-javalib#6.0.0
    • build-microej-mock#2.0.0
    • build-microej-ri#3.0.0
    • build-microej-testsuite#4.0.0
    • build-product-java#2.0.0
    • build-runtime-api#3.0.0
    • build-std-javalib#3.0.0
    • microej-meta-build#3.0.0
  • SDK 5.4.1
    • build-addon-processor#1.0.3
    • build-application#8.0.0
    • build-artifact-repository#2.3.0
    • build-custom#1.2.0
    • build-firmware-customizer#2.0.1
    • build-firmware-multiapp#5.1.2
    • build-firmware-singleapp#1.4.0
    • build-izpack#2.0.1
    • build-microej-extension#1.4.0
    • build-microej-javaapi#4.0.4
    • build-microej-javaimpl#4.0.0
    • build-microej-javalib#5.0.0
    • build-microej-mock#1.0.3
    • build-microej-ri#2.4.0
    • build-microej-testsuite#3.0.0
    • build-product-java#1.2.4
    • build-runtime-api#2.0.2
    • build-std-javalib#2.0.1
    • microej-meta-build#2.0.1
  • SDK 5.4.0
    • build-addon-processor#1.0.3
    • build-application#8.0.0
    • build-artifact-repository#2.3.0
    • build-custom#1.2.0
    • build-firmware-customizer#2.0.1
    • build-firmware-multiapp#5.1.2
    • build-firmware-singleapp#1.4.0
    • build-izpack#2.0.1
    • build-microej-extension#1.4.0
    • build-microej-javaapi#4.0.4
    • build-microej-javaimpl#4.0.0
    • build-microej-javalib#5.0.0
    • build-microej-mock#1.0.3
    • build-microej-ri#2.4.0
    • build-microej-testsuite#3.0.0
    • build-product-java#1.2.4
    • build-runtime-api#2.0.2
    • build-std-javalib#2.0.1
    • microej-meta-build#2.0.0
  • SDK 5.3.1 and SDK 5.3.0
    • build-addon-processor#1.0.3
    • build-application#7.0.2
    • build-artifact-repository#2.0.1
    • build-custom#1.2.0
    • build-firmware-customizer#2.0.1
    • build-firmware-multiapp#5.1.2
    • build-firmware-singleapp#1.2.10
    • build-izpack#2.0.1
    • build-microej-extension#1.3.2
    • build-microej-javaapi#4.0.4
    • build-microej-javaimpl#3.2.2
    • build-microej-javalib#4.1.1
    • build-microej-mock#1.0.3
    • build-microej-ri#2.4.0
    • build-microej-testsuite#2.2.2
    • build-product-java#1.2.4
    • build-runtime-api#2.0.2
    • build-std-javalib#2.0.1
    • microej-meta-build#2.0.0
  • SDK 5.2.0
    • build-addon-processor#1.0.3
    • build-application#7.0.2
    • build-artifact-repository#1.6.2
    • build-custom#1.1.3
    • build-firmware-customizer#2.0.1
    • build-firmware-multiapp#5.1.2
    • build-firmware-singleapp#1.2.9
    • build-izpack#2.0.1
    • build-microej-extension#1.3.2
    • build-microej-javaapi#4.0.4
    • build-microej-javaimpl#3.2.2
    • build-microej-javalib#4.1.1
    • build-microej-mock#1.0.3
    • build-microej-ri#2.3.1
    • build-microej-testsuite#2.2.2
    • build-product-java#1.2.4
    • build-runtime-api#2.0.2
    • build-std-javalib#2.0.1
    • microej-meta-build#2.0.0
  • SDK 5.1.2, SDK 5.1.1 and SDK 5.1.0
    • build-addon-processor#1.0.3
    • build-application#7.0.2
    • build-artifact-repository#1.6.0
    • build-custom#1.1.3
    • build-firmware-customizer#2.0.1
    • build-firmware-multiapp#5.1.2
    • build-firmware-singleapp#1.2.9
    • build-izpack#2.0.1
    • build-microej-extension#1.3.2
    • build-microej-javaapi#4.0.4
    • build-microej-javaimpl#3.2.2
    • build-microej-javalib#4.1.1
    • build-microej-mock#1.0.3
    • build-microej-ri#2.3.1
    • build-microej-testsuite#2.2.2
    • build-product-java#1.2.4
    • build-runtime-api#2.0.2
    • build-std-javalib#2.0.1
    • microej-meta-build#2.0.0