Module Repositories

This chapter describes the module repositories provided by MicroEJ Corp.

Central Repository

The Central Repository is the module repository distributed and maintained by MicroEJ Corp. It contains a selection of production-grade modules such as Libraries and Packs.


By default, the SDK is configured to import modules from the online Central Repository.

You can manually browse the repository at

Before starting to develop production code, it is strongly recommended to import the repository to your local environment. Please follow the steps described at


The Central Repository is a set of modules distributed under various software licenses, including the SDK EULA for some of them. Please consult the LICENSE.txt file attached to each module.


The Central Repository content is versioned. The overall changelog is available at and describes modules additions or removals. For module content changes, please consult the file attached to each module.

Java APIs (Javadoc)

To consult the Java APIs documentation (Javadoc) of all libraries available in the repository, please visit

Developer Repository

The developer repository is an online repository hosted by MicroEJ Corp., contains community modules provided “as-is”. It is similar to what Maven Central Repository are for hosting Java standard modules.

MicroEJ Corp. contributes to the developer repository in the following cases:

  • Demos (VEE Ports, Kernel Executables, Virtual Devices, Applications),
  • Incubating Libraries,
  • Former Central Repository versions,
  • Hardware specific modules.


By default, the SDK is configured to import modules from the developer repository [1].

You can also manually browse the repository at

Before starting to develop production code, it is strongly recommended to transfer the desired modules to your local environment by creating your own module repository copy.

[1]Require SDK version 5.4.0 or higher.


The developer repository is a set of modules distributed under various software licenses. Please consult the LICENSE.txt file attached to each module.


The developer repository is populated from multiple sources, thus there is no changelog for the whole repository content as it is the case of the Central Repository.

Please consult the file attached to each module.


To consult the APIs documentation (Javadoc) of libraries available in the developer repository, please consult the javadoc attached to each module.


The developer repository can host modules developed by the community. If your organization plan to develop such module, please contact our support team to get dedicated credentials for publication.

Content Organization

The following table describes how are organized the modules natures within the repository.

Modules Organization
Organization Module Nature
ej.api, com.microej.api Foundation Library API
com.microej.architecture Architecture
com.microej.pack Pack
ej.tool, com.microej.tool Tool or Add-On processor
Any other Add-On Library