How To Build and Deploy Object Files without Building the Executable

If you need to produce the object files of the Application, deploy them to the BSP, but delegate the build of the Executable to another build system, call the buildExecutable task with the Application option deploy.bsp.microejscript set to false:

./gradlew buildExecutable -Dmicroej.option.deploy.bsp.microejscript=false

You should see logs similar to the following ones:

=============== [ Deployment ] ===============
The application output file has been generated here: 'C:\Users\johndoe\my-project\my-app\build\application\object\SOAR.o'
=============== [ Completed Successfully ] ===============
VEE Port connected to BSP location 'C:\Users\johndoe\my-project\bsp' using platform option 'root.dir' in 'bsp/'.
=============== [ Deployment ] ===============
MicroEJ application (microejapp.o) has been deployed to: 'C:\Users\johndoe\my-project\bsp\vee\lib'.
MicroEJ library (microejruntime.a) has been deployed to: 'C:\Users\johndoe\my-project\bsp\vee\lib'.
MicroEJ header files (*.h) have been deployed to: 'C:\Users\johndoe\my-project\bsp\vee\inc'.
=============== [ Completed Successfully ] ===============