How To Create Custom ExecTool Task

MicroEJ provides the Gradle execTool task that allows to execute all Command Line Tools. However, it is possible to create a custom task of type ExecToolTask specific to a tool. This task can then be used to execute the tool before or after another task when building your project for example.

You can create a new ExecToolTask in the build file of your project as follows:

  • Import the ExecToolTask and LoadVeeTask classes:

    import com.microej.gradle.tasks.ExecToolTask
    import com.microej.gradle.tasks.LoadVeeTask
  • Create a new task of type ExecToolTask:

    val loadVee = tasks.withType(LoadVeeTask::class).named("loadVee")
    val mainSourceSet = project.extensions.getByType(SourceSetContainer::class).getByName(SourceSet.MAIN_SOURCE_SET_NAME)
    tasks.register<ExecToolTask>("myCustomTask") {
        veeDir.set(loadVee.flatMap { it.loadedVeeDir })
        resourcesDirectories.from(mainSourceSet.output.resourcesDir, layout.buildDirectory.dir("generated/microej-app-wrapper/resources"))
        classesDirectories.from(mainSourceSet.output.classesDirs, layout.buildDirectory.dir("generated/microej-app-wrapper/classes"))
        toolName = "microej_tool_name"
            "property1" to "value1",
            "property2" to "value2",


Only the toolName and toolProperties inputs are specific to the tool. The other task inputs are common to all tasks of type ExecToolTask.

  • The custom task can then be executed:

    $ ./gradlew myCustomTask

As an example, here is how to create a task which calls the Local Deployment Socket tool:

import com.microej.gradle.tasks.ExecToolTask
import com.microej.gradle.tasks.LoadKernelExecutableTask
import com.microej.gradle.tasks.LoadVeeTask

plugins {
    id("com.microej.gradle.application") version "0.19.0"


microej {
    applicationEntryPoint = "com.mycompany.MyFeature"

dependencies {


val loadVee = tasks.withType(LoadVeeTask::class).named("loadVee")
val loadKernelExecutable = tasks.withType(LoadKernelExecutableTask::class).named("loadKernelExecutable")
val mainSourceSet = project.extensions.getByType(SourceSetContainer::class).getByName(SourceSet.MAIN_SOURCE_SET_NAME)
val buildDirectory = layout.buildDirectory

tasks.register<ExecToolTask>("localDeploy") {
    // These inputs are required for all custom tasks of type "ExecToolTask".
    veeDir.set(loadVee.flatMap { it.loadedVeeDir })
    resourcesDirectories.from(mainSourceSet.output.resourcesDir, buildDirectory.dir("generated/microej-app-wrapper/resources"))
    classesDirectories.from(mainSourceSet.output.classesDirs, buildDirectory.dir("generated/microej-app-wrapper/classes"))

    // These inputs are specific to the Local Deployment Socket.
    toolName = "localDeploymentSocket"
    inputs.file(loadKernelExecutable.flatMap { it.loadedKernelExecutableFile })
        "application.main.class" to microej.applicationEntryPoint,
        "" to "",
        "board.server.port" to "4000",
        "board.timeout" to "120000",
        "" to "true"

    doFirst {
        // Use the Executable of the Kernel provided as dependency to build the Feature file.
        toolProperties["kernel.filename"] = loadKernelExecutable.get().loadedKernelExecutableFile.get().asFile.absolutePath

You can then execute the task to build and deploy the Feature file of the Application:

$ ./gradlew localDeploy