Migration Notes


When updating the plugin version, it is recommended to perform a clean on your project(s). For multi-projects, run the clean command on the root project.

From 0.15.0 to 0.16.0

This section applies if MicroEJ SDK 6 0.16.0 is used on a project that was created using MicroEJ SDK 6 0.15.0 or lower.

Unification of Application EntryPoint

The creation of a Sandboxed Application and a Standalone Application have been unified. To create an Application, the following steps must be done:

  • Create the Java main class in the src/main/java folder.

  • Define the property applicationEntryPoint in the microej configuration block of the build.gradle.kts file. It must be set to the Full Qualified Name of the Application main class:

    microej {
       applicationEntryPoint = "com.mycompany.Main"
  • Define a VEE (VEE Port or Kernel) by declaring a dependency in the build.gradle.kts file:

    dependencies {

If your Application requires the use of advanced features, you must create a Feature class, for example:

package com.mycompany;

import ej.kf.FeatureEntryPoint;

public class MyFeature implements FeatureEntryPoint {

  public void start() {
    System.out.println("Feature MyFeature started!");

  public void stop() {
    System.out.println("Feature MyFeature stopped!");

and set the property applicationEntryPoint to the Full Qualified Name of the Feature class:

microej {
   applicationEntryPoint = "com.mycompany.MyFeature"

From 0.14.0 to 0.15.0

This section applies if MicroEJ SDK 6 0.15.0 is used on a project that was created using MicroEJ SDK 6 0.14.0 or lower.

Unification of VEE dependency declaration

The microejVeePort configuration, used to define a VEE Port, and the microejKernel configuration, used to define a Kernel, have been unified into the microejVee configuration.

  • To use a VEE Port or a Kernel published in an artifact repository, declare a Module dependency in the build.gradle.kts file:

    dependencies {
  • To use a VEE Port directory available locally, declare a file dependency in the build.gradle.kts file:

    dependencies {
  • To use a VEE Port archive available locally, declare a file dependency in the build.gradle.kts file:

    dependencies {
  • To use a Kernel Virtual Device and Executable available locally, declare a file dependency in the build.gradle.kts:

    dependencies {
       microejVee(files("C:\\path\\to\\my\\kernel\\executable.out", "C:\\path\\to\\my\\kernel\\virtual\\device"))

From 0.11.1 to 0.12.0

This section applies if SDK 6 0.12.0 is used on a project that was created using SDK 6 0.11.1 or lower.

Use of File Dependencies to Define a Local VEE Port or a Kernel Executable

The veePortPath and the kernelFile properties have been replaced by file dependencies.

  • To use a VEE Port archive available locally, declare a file dependency in the build.gradle.kts file, with the microejVeePort configuration:

    dependencies {
  • To use a VEE Port directory available locally, declare a file dependency in the build.gradle.kts file, with the microejVeePort configuration:

    dependencies {
  • To use a kernel Virtual Device and Executable available locally, declare a file dependency in the build.gradle.kts file, with the microejKernel configuration:

    dependencies {
       microejKernel(files("C:\\path\\to\\my\\kernel\\executable.out", "C:\\path\\to\\my\\kernel\\virtual\\device"))

From 0.10.0 to 0.11.0

This section applies if SDK 6 0.11.0 is used on a project that was created using SDK 6 0.10.0 or lower.

Gradle mechanism usage for Multiple VEE Ports Support

Using multiple VEE Ports in a project uses Gradle mechanism now instead of relying on in-house feature. This implies: - the veePortPaths property has been renamed to veePortPath and accepts a String value:

microej {
   veePortPath = "C:\\path\\to\\my\\veePort\\source"
  • the kernelFiles property has been renamed to kernelFile and accepts a String value:

    microej {
       kernelFile = "C:\\path\\to\\my\\kernel\\file"

Refer to the How To Build an Executable With Multiple VEE Ports section to learn how to support multiple VEE Ports using the Gradle mechanisms.

From 0.8.0 to 0.9.0

This section applies if SDK 6 0.9.0 is used on a project that was created using SDK 6 0.8.0 or lower.

Merge of the veePortDirs and veePortFiles properties

The build properties veePortDirs and veePortFiles have been merged into a single property veePortPaths. To define a local VEE Port, set the build property veePortPaths in the microej configuration block to the path of the VEE Port file (.zip or .vde) or to the source folder of the VEE Port:

microej {
  veePortPaths = listOf("C:\\path\\to\\my\\veePort\\source")

The veePortPaths property is defined as a list in order to provide multiple VEE Port files or source folders if it is needed:

microej {
  veePortPaths = listOf("C:\\path\\to\\my\\veePort1\\source", "C:\\path\\to\\my\\veePort2\\file.zip")