Select a VEE Port

Building or running an Application or a Test Suite with the SDK requires a VEE Port.

Use one of the following available options to provide it to your project.


Declaring a VEE Port in project dependencies only applies to the current project. This configuration is not fetched transitively by consumer projects. Especially when configuring the VEE Port to test a library project, application projects depending on this library will not “see” this test VEE Port, they must configure a VEE Port on their own and are free to use a different one.

Using a Module Dependency

When your VEE Port is published in an artifact repository, you can define the VEE Port by declaring a module dependency in the build.gradle.kts file, with the microejVee configuration:

dependencies {

and by setting the Architecture Usage of the VEE Port.

This is generally the case for developers focused on Application and Library development. They don’t have (and don’t need) the VEE Port project locally, they only need to use it.


For dependencies stored in an Ivy repository, Gradle fetches them with the configuration default. If several artifacts are published with this configuration, the build will fail because it doesn’t know which artifact to choose. You can select the right artifact by adding information on the one to fetch in the artifact block, for example:

microejVee("com.mycompany:myveeport:1.0.0") {
   artifact {
      name = "artifact-name"
      type = "zip"

This will select the artifact with the name artifact-name and with the type zip.

Refer to the Gradle documentation to learn all the options to select dependencies.

VEE Port project inside a multi-project

When the VEE Port project is in the same multi-project than the component which needs it (an Application for example), the VEE Port project should be declared as a project dependency.

For example if the multi-project contains an Application subproject named my-app and a VEE Port subproject called vee-port, the VEE Port project must be declared as a dependency in the build.gradle.kts file of the my-app subproject as follows:

dependencies {



and the Architecture Usage of the VEE Port must be set.

The VEE Port will be automatically built when it is required by the Application. For example when running the Application on the Simulator (with the runOnSimulator task) or when building the Application Executable (with the buildExecutable), the VEE Port will be built before executing the requested task.

Local VEE Port project outside a multi-project

When the Application or the Library which needs the VEE Port is not is the same multi-project than the VEE Port, the VEE Port project can be imported thanks to the Gradle Composite Build feature.

This allows to consider the VEE Port project as part of the Application project, so all changes done to the VEE Port are automatically considered when building or running the Application.

This is done by adding the following line in the settings.gradle.kts file of the Application project:


Then declaring the VEE Port as a dependency in the build.gradle.kts file of the Application project:

dependencies {



The dependency must use the module notation ("group:name:version"), where the group and name match with the ones declared in the VEE Port project. The group is defined in the build.gradle.kts file of the vee-port project by the group property. The name is defined in the settings.gradle.kts file when the vee-port project is included. For example, the name of the VEE Port is my-custom-vee-port if the vee-port subproject is included with:

project(":my-custom-vee-port").projectDir = file("vee-port")

Otherwise the name of the subproject folder is used, so vee-port in the recommended structure.

Using a Local VEE Port Directory

When your VEE Port is available in a local directory, you can use it by declaring a file dependency in the build.gradle.kts file, with the microejVee configuration:

dependencies {

This is generally the case when the VEE Port has been built locally

  • in SDK 6, by executing the buildVeePort Gradle task on the VEE Port project. In this case, the VEE Port directory is located at build/veePort/source in the project.

  • in SDK 5, by executing a Build Module on the VEE Port configuration project. In this case, the VEE Port is a sibling folder of the VEE Port configuration project, named after the VEE Port name.


This file, as well as other Gradle configuration files, respects the Java properties file convention: the OS path must use the UNIX path convention (path separator is /). The Windows paths must have been converted manually replacing \ by / or by \\.

Using a Local VEE Port Archive

When your VEE Port is available locally as an archive file (.zip or .vde), you can use it by declaring a file dependency in the build.gradle.kts file, with the microejVee configuration:

dependencies {

This is generally the case when

  • the VEE Port has been built locally in SDK 6, by executing the buildVeePort Gradle task on the VEE Port project. In this case, the VEE Port archive is located at build/ in the project.

  • the VEE Port has been built and published in SDK 5. In this case, the VEE Port archive is available in an artifact repository and can be downloaded manually to be used in your Application or Library project.


The legacy JPF format of a VEE Port is not supported anymore in the SDK 6. If you want to use a VEE Port .jpf file, you have to use the SDK 5.

Architecture Usage Selection

When the selected VEE Port is fetched from a repository or is a subproject of a multi-project, the default Architecture Usage is eval (no matter what is configured in the VEE Port project). It is possible to change the Architecture Usage in the project which needs it (an Application for example) by setting the architectureUsage property in the microej block in the build.gradke.kts file:

microej {
   architectureUsage = "prod"

Set the property to prod to use a Production Architecture and to eval to use an Evaluation Architecture. If not set, the eval value is used.


When the VEE Port is a local archive or folder (microejVee(files(...))), the Architecture Usage is defined when the VEE Port is built and can no longer be changed. In SDK 6 (with the buildVeePort task), the Architecture Usage is defined by setting the architectureUsage property in the build.gradke.kts file of the VEE Port project.