Select a VEE Port

Building or running an Application or a Test Suite with the SDK requires a VEE Port.

Use one of the following available options to provide it to your project.

Using a Module Dependency

When your VEE Port is published in an artifact repository, you can define the VEE Port by declaring a module dependency in the build.gradle.kts file, with the microejVee configuration:

dependencies {


For dependencies stored in an Ivy repository, Gradle fetches them with the configuration default. If several artifacts are published with this configuration, the build will fail because it doesn’t know which artifact to choose. You can select the right artifact by adding information on the one to fetch in the artifact block, for example:

microejVee("com.mycompany:myveeport:1.0.0") {
   artifact {
      name = "artifact-name"
      type = "zip"

This will select the artifact with the name artifact-name and with the type zip.

Refer to the Gradle documentation to learn all the options to select dependencies.

Using a Local VEE Port Directory

When your VEE Port has been built locally and is therefore available in a local directory, you can use it by declaring a file dependency in the build.gradle.kts file, with the microejVee configuration:

dependencies {


This file, as well as other Gradle configuration files, respects the Java properties file convention: the OS path must use the UNIX path convention (path separator is /). The Windows paths must have been converted manually replacing \ by / or by \\.

Using a Local VEE Port Archive

When your VEE Port is available locally as an archive file (.zip or .vde), you can use it by declaring a file dependency in the build.gradle.kts file, with the microejVee configuration:

dependencies {


The legacy JPF format of a VEE Port is not supported anymore in the SDK 6. If you want to use a VEE Port .jpf file, you have to use the SDK 5.