The Input module contains the C part of the MicroUI implementation which manages input devices. This module is composed of two elements:
the C part of MicroUI input API (a built-in C archive) called Input Engine,
an implementation of Abstraction Layer APIs for the input devices that must be provided by the BSP (see LLUI_INPUT: Input).
Functional Description
The Input module implements the MicroUI int
-based event generators’ framework.
specifies the Abstraction Layer APIs that send events to the Java world.
Drivers for input devices must generate events that are sent, via a MicroUI Event Generator, to the application. An event generator accepts notifications from devices, and generates an event in a standard format that can be handled by the application. Depending on the MicroUI configuration, there can be several different types of event generator in the system, and one or more instances of each type.
Each MicroUI Event Generator represents one side of a pair of collaborative components that communicate using a shared buffer:
The producer: the C driver connected to the hardware. As a producer, it sends its data into the communication buffer.
The consumer: the MicroUI Event Generator. As a consumer, it reads (and removes) the data from the communication buffer.
Drivers and MicroUI Event Generators Communication
API allows multiple pairs of <driver - event generator>
to use the same buffer, and associates drivers and event generators using an int ID.
The ID used is the event generator ID held within the MicroUI global registry.
Apart from sharing the ID used to “connect” one driver’s data to its respective event generator, both entities are completely decoupled.
The MicroUI thread waits for data to be published by drivers into the “input buffer”, and dispatches to the correct (according to the ID) event generator to read the received data. This “driver-specific-data” is then transformed into MicroUI events by event generators and sent to objects that listen for input activity.

MicroUI Events Framework
Driver Listener
Drivers may either interface directly with event generators, or they can send their notifications to a Listener, also written in C, and the listener passes the notifications to the event generator. This decoupling has two major benefits:
The drivers are isolated from the MicroEJ libraries – they can even be existing code.
The listener can translate the notification; so, for example, a joystick could generate pointer events.
Static Initialization
The event generators available on MicroUI startup (after the call to MicroUI.start()) are the event generators listed in the MicroUI description file (XML file). This file is a part of the MicroUI Static Initialization step (Static Initialization).
The order of event generators defines the unique identifier for each event generator.
These identifiers are generated in a header file called microui_constants.h
The input driver (or its listener) has to use these identifiers to target a specific event generator.
If an unknown identifier is used or if two identifiers are swapped, the associated event may be never received by the application or may be misinterpreted.
Standard Event Generators
MicroUI provides a set of standard event generators: Command, Buttons, Pointer and States. For each standard generator, the Input Engine proposes a set of functions to create and send an event to this generator.
Static Initialization proposes an additional event generator: Touch
A touch event generator is a Pointer event generator whose area size is the display size where the touch panel is placed.
Furthermore, contrary to a pointer, a press action is required to be able to have a move action (and so a drag action).
The Input Engine proposes a set of functions to target a touch event generator (equal to a pointer event generator but with some constraints).
The touch event generator is identified as a standard Pointer event generator, by consequence the Java application has to use the Pointer API to deal with a touch event generator.
According to the event generator, one or several parameters are required.
The parameter format is event generator dependant.
For instance a Pointer
X-coordinate is encoded on 16 bits (0-65535 pixels).
and Touch
origin (point 0,0
) is the top-left point.
Generic Event Generators
MicroUI provides an abstract class GenericEventGenerator (package ej.microui.event
The aim of a generic event generator is to be able to send custom events from native world to the application.
These events may be constituted by only one 32-bit word or by several 32-bit words (maximum 255).
On the application side, a subclass must be implemented by clients who want to define their own event generators. Two abstract methods must be implemented by subclasses:
: The event generator received an event from a C driver through the Abstraction Layer APIsendEvent
: The event generator received an event made of severalint
The event generator is responsible for converting incoming data into a MicroUI event and sending the event to its listener. It should be defined during MicroUI Static Initialization step (in the XML file, see Static Initialization). This allows the MicroUI implementation to instantiate the event generator on startup.
If the event generator is not available in the application classpath, a warning is thrown (with a stack trace) and the application continues. In this case, all events sent by BSP to this event generator are ignored because no event generator is able to decode them.
Abstraction Layer API
The implementation of the MicroUI Event Generator
APIs provides some Abstraction Layer APIs.
The BSP has to implement these Abstraction Layer APIs, making the link between the MicroUI C library inputs
and the BSP input devices
The Abstraction Layer APIs to implement are listed in the header file LLUI_INPUT_impl.h
It allows events to be sent to the MicroUI implementation.
The input drivers are allowed to add events directly using the event generator’s
unique ID (see Static Initialization).
The drivers are fully dependent on the MicroEJ framework (a driver or a driver listener cannot be developed without MicroEJ because it uses the header file generated during the MicroUI initialization step).
To send an event to the application, the driver (or its listener) has to call one of the event engine function, listed in LLUI_INPUT.h
These functions take as parameter the MicroUI EventGenerator to target and the data.
The event generator is represented by a unique ID.
The data depends on the type of the event.
To run correctly, the event engine requires an implementation of functions listed in LLUI_INPUT_impl.h
When an event is added, the event engine notifies MicroUI library.

Input Abstraction Layer API
When there is no input device on the board, a stub implementation of C library is available. This C library must be linked by the third-party C IDE when the MicroUI module is installed in the VEE Port. This stub library does not provide any Abstraction Layer API files.
Typical Implementation
This chapter helps to write a basic LLUI_INPUT_impl.h
This implementation should be divided into several files:
: implementsLLUI_INPUT_imp.h
and receives the input devices interrupts / callbacks (button press, touch move, etc.).xxx_helper.c
: one helper per kind of input device (group of buttons, touch, etc.).It links the input device hardware status and the software status (MicroUI event status).
: converts the input device hardware events in MicroUI events.
The pseudo-code calls external functions such as BUTTONS_DRIVER_xxx
to symbolize the use of external drivers.
Its main aim is to synchronize the Input Engine with the input devices.
The Input Engine holds a circular FIFO to store the input devices’ events.
The use of this FIFO must be performed under the critical section.
The concurrent actions “an input device adds a new event in the Input Engine” and “the Input Engine reads an event from the FIFO” must not be performed simultaneously.
The implementation does not need to manage the concurrency: the Input Engine automatically calls the functions LLUI_INPUT_IMPL_enterCriticalSection
and LLUI_INPUT_IMPL_leaveCriticalSection
when an event is added or read.
If the input devices add events under interrupt, the critical section must disable and re-enable the input devices’ interrupts.
If the input devices add events from an OS task, the critical section must use a semaphore to prevent scheduling.
If both modes are used (typical use case), the critical section must be designed in consequence.
The following pseudo-code shows a typical implementation with:
buttons under interrupt.
touch panel from an OS task.
static xSemaphoreHandle _sem_input;
void LLUI_INPUT_IMPL_initialize(void)
_sem_input = xSemaphoreCreateBinary();
xSemaphoreGive(g_sem_input); // first take must pass
jint LLUI_INPUT_IMPL_getInitialStateValue(jint stateMachinesID, jint stateID)
// no state on this BSP
return 0;
void LLUI_INPUT_IMPL_enterCriticalSection()
if (MICROEJ_FALSE == interrupt_is_in())
xSemaphoreTake(_sem_input, portMAX_DELAY);
// else: already in secure state (under interrupt)
void LLUI_INPUT_IMPL_leaveCriticalSection()
if (MICROEJ_FALSE == interrupt_is_in())
// else: already in secure state (under interrupt)
The other aim of this implementation is to receive the input devices’ hardware events and to redirect these events to the dedicated helper.
// called by the touch panel dedicated task
void TOUCH_DRIVER_callback(uint8_t pressed, int32_t x, int32_t y)
if (pressed)
// here, pen is down for sure
TOUCH_HELPER_pressed(x, y);
// here, pen is up for sure
void GPIO_IRQHandler(int32_t button, uint32_t port, uint32_t pin)
if (GPIO_PIN_SET == GPIO_ReadPin(port, pin))
// GPIO == 1 means "pressed"
// GPIO == 0 means "released"
The Input Engine’s FIFO might be full. In such a case, a new input device event cannot be added. Consequently, a touch move / drag event should not be added to the FIFO if the previous touch press event had not been added. This helper keeps the software state: the input device’s state seen by the application.
This helper also filters the touch panel events.
It uses two defines FIRST_MOVE_PIXEL_LIMIT
to reduce the number of events sent to the application (values are expressed in pixels).
This helper does not convert the hardware event in the MicroUI event. It lets event_generator.c
performs this job.
// Number of pixels to generate a move after a press
#error "Please set the define FIRST_MOVE_PIXEL_LIMIT (in pixels)"
// Number of pixels to generate a move after a move
#error "Please set the define MOVE_PIXEL_LIMIT (in pixels)"
#define DIFF(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (b-a) : (a-b))
#define KEEP_COORD(p,n,limit) (DIFF(p,n) <= limit ? MICROEJ_FALSE : MICROEJ_TRUE)
#define KEEP_PIXEL(px,x,py,y,limit) (KEEP_COORD(px,x,limit) || KEEP_COORD(py,y,limit))
#define KEEP_FIRST_MOVE(px,x,py,y) (KEEP_PIXEL(px,x,py,y, FIRST_MOVE_PIXEL_LIMIT))
#define KEEP_MOVE(px,x,py,y) (KEEP_PIXEL(px,x,py,y, MOVE_PIXEL_LIMIT))
static uint8_t touch_pressed = MICROEJ_FALSE;
static uint8_t touch_moved = MICROEJ_FALSE;
static uint16_t previous_touch_x, previous_touch_y;
void TOUCH_HELPER_pressed(int32_t x, int32_t y)
// here, the pen is down for sure
if (MICROEJ_TRUE == touch_pressed)
// pen was down => move event
// keep pixel according first "move" event or not
int keep_pixel;
if(MICROEJ_TRUE == touch_moved)
keep_pixel = KEEP_MOVE(previous_touch_x, x, previous_touch_y, y);
keep_pixel = KEEP_FIRST_MOVE(previous_touch_x, x, previous_touch_y, y);
if (MICROEJ_TRUE == keep_pixel)
// store the new pixel
previous_touch_x = x;
previous_touch_y = y;
touch_moved = MICROEJ_TRUE;
// send a MicroUI touch event (don't care if event is lost)
EVENT_GENERATOR_touch_moved(x, y);
// else: same position; no need to send an event
// pen was up => press event
if (LLUI_INPUT_OK == EVENT_GENERATOR_touch_pressed(x, y))
// the event has been managed: we can store the new touch state
// touch is pressed now
previous_touch_x = x;
previous_touch_y = y;
touch_pressed = MICROEJ_TRUE;
touch_moved = MICROEJ_FALSE;
// else: event has been lost: stay in "release" state
void TOUCH_HELPER_moved(int32_t x, int32_t y)
// manage this move like a press event to check "software" touch state
TOUCH_HELPER_pressed(x, y);
void TOUCH_HELPER_released(void)
// here, the pen is up for sure
if (MICROEJ_TRUE == touch_pressed)
// pen was down => release event
if (LLUI_INPUT_OK == EVENT_GENERATOR_touch_released())
// the event has been managed: we can store the new touch state
// touch is released now
touch_pressed = MICROEJ_FALSE;
// else: event has been lost: stay in "press | move" state
// else: the pen was already up
This file aims to convert the events (received by LLUI_INPUT_impl.c
and then filtered by xxx_helper.c
) to the application through the Input Engine.
This C file should be the only C file to include the header file microui_constants.h
This header file has been generated during the VEE Port build (see Static Initialization).
It holds some defines that describe the available list of MicroUI Event Generators.
Each MicroUI Event Generator has its identifier: 0 to n-1.
A button event is often converted in the MicroUI Command event.
That allows the application to be button-independent: the application is not waiting for button 0 or button 1 events but MicroUI Command ESC
for instance.
The following pseudo-code converts the buttons events in MicroUI Command events.
Each hardware event can be converted into another kind of MicroUI event. For instance, a joystick can simulate a MicroUI Pointer; a touch panel can be reduced to a set of MicroUI Commands (left, right, top, left), etc.
#include "microui_constants.h"
static uint32_t _get_button_command(int32_t button_id)
switch (button_id)
int32_t EVENT_GENERATOR_button_pressed(int32_t buttonId)
return LLUI_INPUT_sendCommandEvent(MICROUI_EVENTGEN_COMMANDS, _get_button_command(buttonId));
int32_t EVENT_GENERATOR_button_repeated(int32_t buttonId)
return LLUI_INPUT_sendCommandEvent(MICROUI_EVENTGEN_COMMANDS, _get_button_command(buttonId));
int32_t EVENT_GENERATOR_button_released(int32_t buttonId)
// do not send a Command event on the release event
return LLUI_INPUT_OK; // the event has been managed
int32_t EVENT_GENERATOR_touch_pressed(int32_t x, int32_t y)
return LLUI_INPUT_sendTouchPressedEvent(MICROUI_EVENTGEN_TOUCH, x, y);
int32_t EVENT_GENERATOR_touch_moved(int32_t x, int32_t y)
return LLUI_INPUT_sendTouchMovedEvent(MICROUI_EVENTGEN_TOUCH, x, y);
int32_t EVENT_GENERATOR_touch_released(void)
return LLUI_INPUT_sendTouchReleasedEvent(MICROUI_EVENTGEN_TOUCH);
Event Buffer
MicroUI is using a circular buffer to manage the input events.
As soon as an event is added, removed, or replaced in the queue, the event engine calls the associated Abstraction Layer API (LLAPI) LLUI_INPUT_IMPL_log_queue_xxx()
This LLAPI allows the BSP to log this event to dump it later thanks to a call to LLUI_INPUT_dump()
When the functions LLUI_INPUT_IMPL_log_queue_xxx()
are not implemented, a call to LLUI_INPUT_dump()
has no effect (there is no default logger).
The following steps describe how the logger is called:
On startup, MicroUI calls
: it gives the event buffer. The implementation should prepare its logger.The BSP adds or replaces an event in the queue, the event engine calls
. The implementation should store the event metadata: buffer index, event size, etc.If the event cannot be added because the queue is full, the event engine calls
. The implementation can print a warning, throw an error, etc.MicroUI reads an event, the event engine calls
. The implementation has to update its metadata (if required).
The following steps describe how the dump is performed:
The BSP calls
: the event engine starts a dump of the event buffer.First, the event engine dumps the older events. It calls
for each old event. The log type value is0
; it means that all logs are the events or events’ data already consumed (past events), and the first log is the latest event or data stored in the queue.Then, the event engine dumps the future events (events not consumed yet by MicroUI). It calls
for each new event. The log type value is1
; it means that all logs are the events or data not consumed yet (future events).The future events can target a MicroUI object (a Displayable for a requestRender event, a Runnable for a callSerially event, etc.). The event engine notifies the logger to print the MicroUI objects by calling
as log type value.Finally, the event engine notifies the logger about the end of the dump by calling
as log type value.
The dump of MicroUI objects linked to the future events is only available with the MicroEJ Architectures 7.16 and higher. With older MicroEJ Architectures, nothing is dumped.
An implementation is available on the MicroUI C module. This logger is constituted with two files:
: this file holds some metadata for each event. When the event engine callsLLUI_INPUT_IMPL_log_dump()
, the logger retrieves the event metadata and callsmicroui_event_decoder.c
functions. To enable this logger, set the defineMICROUIEVENTDECODER_ENABLED
: this file describes the MicroUI events. It has to be customized with the MicroUI event generators identifiers. Seemicroui_event_decoder_conf.h
Example of a dump:
============================== MicroUI FIFO Dump ===============================
---------------------------------- Old Events ----------------------------------
[27: 0x00000000] garbage
[28: 0x00000000] garbage
[99: 0x00000000] garbage
[00: 0x08000000] Display SHOW Displayable (Displayable index = 0)
[01: 0x00000008] Command HELP (event generator 0)
[02: 0x0d000000] Display REPAINT Displayable (Displayable index = 0)
[03: 0x07030000] Input event: Pointer pressed (event generator 3)
[04: 0x009f0063] at 159,99 (absolute)
[05: 0x07030600] Input event: Pointer moved (event generator 3)
[06: 0x00aa0064] at 170,100 (absolute)
[07: 0x02030700] Pointer dragged (event generator 3)
[08: 0x0d000000] Display REPAINT Displayable (Displayable index = 0)
[09: 0x07030600] Input event: Pointer moved (event generator 3)
[10: 0x00b30066] at 179,102 (absolute)
[11: 0x02030700] Pointer dragged (event generator 3)
[12: 0x0d000000] Display REPAINT Displayable (Displayable index = 0)
[13: 0x07030600] Input event: Pointer moved (event generator 3)
[14: 0x00c50067] at 197,103 (absolute)
[15: 0x02030700] Pointer dragged (event generator 3)
[16: 0x0d000000] Display REPAINT Displayable (Displayable index = 0)
[17: 0x07030600] Input event: Pointer moved (event generator 3)
[18: 0x00d00066] at 208,102 (absolute)
[19: 0x02030700] Pointer dragged (event generator 3)
[20: 0x0d000000] Display REPAINT Displayable (Displayable index = 0)
[21: 0x07030100] Input event: Pointer released (event generator 3)
[22: 0x00000000] at 0,0 (absolute)
[23: 0x00000008] Command HELP (event generator 0)
---------------------------------- New Events ----------------------------------
[24: 0x0d000000] Display REPAINT Displayable (Displayable index = 0)
[25: 0x07030000] Input event: Pointer pressed (event generator 3)
[26: 0x002a0029] at 42,41 (absolute)
--------------------------- New Events' Java objects ---------------------------
[0] com/microej/examples/microui/mvc/MVCDisplayable@0xC000BAC0
[1] null
The event
holds an object in the events objects array (aDisplayable
); its object index is0
.An object is
when the memory slot has been used during the application execution but freed at the dump time.The object array’ size is the maximum of non-null objects reached during application execution.
The indices of old events are out-of-date: the memory slot is now null or reused by a newer event.
The event
targets the event generator3
; the identifier is available inmicroui_constants.h
(created during the VEE Port build, see Static Initialization).The events
cannot be identified (no metadata or partial event content due to circular queue management).Refers to the implementation on the MicroUI C module to have more information about the format of the event; this implementation is always up-to-date with the MicroUI implementation.
MicroUI module (see MicroUI)
Static MicroUI initialization step (see Static Initialization). This step generates a header file which contains some unique event generator IDs. These IDs must be used in the BSP to make the link between the input devices drivers and the MicroUI
Event Generator
implementation (see LLUI_INPUT: Input).The MicroUI C module to optionally use the default input logger.
Input module is a sub-part of the MicroUI library. The Input module is installed at same time than MicroUI module.
The MicroUI Input APIs are available in the classes of packages ej.microui.event
and ej.microui.event.generator