How To Create a Custom Configuration in the IDE

This chapter explains how to create a new Configuration in all the supported IDEs.

The creation of a new Configuration with Android Studio / IntelliJ IDEA is done as follows:

  • Click on Run > Edit Configurations….
  • Click on + and Select Gradle.
  • Fill the name of the new Configuration in the Name field.
  • Add a task and a property if needed in the Run dialog, for example runOnSimulator -Pdebug.mode=true.
Configuration Creation in IntelliJ IDEA

Configuration Creation in IntelliJ IDEA

  • Click on OK.
  • Select the newly created Configuration in the drop-down list in the Navigation bar and click on the run button to launch it.
Navigation bar in IntelliJ IDEA

Navigation bar in IntelliJ IDEA

  • The Configuration can also be launched by double-clicking on it in the Gradle tasks view.
Gradle view in IntelliJ IDEA

Gradle view in IntelliJ IDEA