Bluetooth Utility Library
The Bluetooth Utility Library provides utility methods which can be useful when developing a Bluetooth Application. It depends on the Bluetooth API Library.
The Bluetooth Utility Library is provided as an Add-On Library.
To use the Bluetooth Utility Library, add the following to the project build file:
<dependency org="ej.library.iot" name="bluetooth-util" rev="1.1.0"/>
Since this library is built on top of the Bluetooth API Library, it inherits its requirements.
Classes Summary
Main classes:
AdvertisementData: Parses or builds an advertisement payload
DescriptorHelper: Constants and utility methods related to GATT descriptors
ServiceHelper: Utility methods related to GATT services
Stateless and immutable classes:
AdvertisementFlags: Flags enumeration used in advertisement payloads
AttributeNotFoundException: Exception thrown by ServiceHelper when a GATT attribute is not found