
This documentation is for SDK 5. The latest major version is SDK 6. SDK 5 is in maintenance mode since the release of SDK 5.8.0. Consequently, as stated in the SDK End User License Agreement (EULA), the SDK will reach the end of its life by July 2028. Contact our support team for assistance with migrating to the new SDK, or your sales representative if you require an extension of SDK maintenance as a service.

Test a VEE Port

VEE Port Qualification

The SDK provides the capability to test a VEE Port. While you can create your own tests (see Create a VEE Port Test Suite), MicroEJ provides a set of tools and pre-defined projects aimed at simplifying the steps for validating VEE Ports in the form of the VEE Port Qualification Tools (PQT).

Please refer to the VEE Port Qualification Tools README to learn how to setup and run this Qualification process.

Create a VEE Port Test Suite

A VEE Port Test Suite is composed of two projects:

  • the Test Suite module: the project that contains test cases. Test cases are written in Junit. When this project is built, it produces a versionned library. See Test Suite Versioning for available Test Suite modules for the most common Packs provided by MicroEJ Corp.

  • the Test Suite runner: the project that contains the configuration for its execution on a VEE Port. When this project is built, it runs the Test Suite on a Device and generates the Test Suite report.


Creating a VEE Port Test Suite requires SDK 5.6.0 or higher.

Create the Test Suite Module

The Test Suite module contains the tests of the Foundation Library to be qualified.

Create the Test Suite Module Project

A new Test Suite module is created using the microej-javaimpl Skeleton (see Foundation Library Implementation).

To create the Test Suite module, click on: File > New > Project… then select MicroEJ > Module Project

Fill up the following fields of the form:

  • Project name (e.g: myFoundationLib-testsuite).

  • Organization (e.g: com.mycompany).

  • Module (e.g: myFoundationLib-testsuite).

  • Revision (version of your Test Suite module).

  • Select the Skeleton: microej-javaimpl.

Then, create two test source folders:

  • Right-click on your project.

  • Click on: New > Source Folder.

  • Fill up the Folder name field of the form with: src/test/java and for the second folder: src/test/resources.

You should get a Foundation Library Test Suite project that looks like:

Foundation Library Test Suite Project Skeleton

Foundation Library Test Suite Project Skeleton

Your Test Suite module project is created and ready to be setup.

Configure the Test Suite Module Project

Open the module.ivy file and follow steps below:

  • Edit the module ivy-module > info > ea:build node to update rip.printableName:

    <ea:build organisation="com.is2t.easyant.buildtypes" module="build-microej-javaimpl" microej.lib.name="myFoundationLib-testsuite-1.0" rip.printableName="myFoundationLib Test Suite Impl" revision="5.2.+">
  • Add the following properties in the ivy-module > info node:

    <ea:property name="skip.test" value="set"/>
    <ea:property name="target.main.classes" value="${basedir}/target~/test/classes"/>
    <ea:property name="addon-processor.src.test.java.path.ref.name" value="src.java.path"/>
  • Update the JUnit dependency to:

    <dependency org="ej.library.test" name="junit" rev="1.7.1" conf="default;test->*"/>
  • Add a module.ant file at the root of the Test Suite project with the following content:

            <target name="BuildTestTarget" extensionOf="abstract-compile:compile-ready" depends="resources-std:copy-test-resources">
                    <augment id="src.java.path">
                            <path location="${basedir}/src/test/java" />
                            <path location="${target}/adpgenerated/src-adpgenerated/junit/java"/>


An error on module.ant file can occurred with message Target resources-std:copy-test-resources does not exist in this project. Please ignore it.

Create a New Test Case

Right click on src/test/java, then click on New > Class. Fill Name: with the MyTest and then click on Finish. Copy/paste the following example in MyTest.java file:

import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;

public class MyTest {

        public static void Test() {

The console output on the Simulator for this test should be:

=============== [ Initialization Stage ] ===============
=============== [ Launching on Simulator ] ===============
OK: Test
=============== [ Completed Successfully ] ===============


Build the Test Suite Module

Once the test cases are implemented, you can build the module. The next step is to create a Test Suite Runner. The Test Suite Runner will fetch the Test Suite Module dependency.

Create the Test Suite Runner

The Test Suite runner project contains configuration files for running a Test Suite module on a Device using a VEE Port.

Create the Test Suite Runner Project

  • To create the Test Suite runner project, click on: File > New > Other… > MicroEJ > Module Project.

  • Fill up the following fields of the form:

    • Project name

    • Organization

    • Module

    • Revision (version of your Test Suite module)

    • Select the Skeleton: microej-testsuite

  • Inside the module.ivy file, add the dependency to the Test Suite module as following:

    <dependency org="com.mycompany" name="myFoundationLib-testsuite" rev="0.1.0" conf="test->default;provided->provided"/>
  • Inside the module.ant, add the following ANT target to configure trace redirection options :

    <target name="tracefile:init" extensionOf="abstract-test:test-ready">
            <!-- Set the launch.test.trace.file when the testsuite.trace.ip properties is not set -->
            <condition property="microej.testsuite.properties.launch.test.trace.file">
                            <isset property="microej.testsuite.properties.testsuite.trace.ip" />
  • Create the file override.module.ant at the root of the project. Add the following content to configure the load of testsuite options:

    <project name="myFoundationlib.testsuite.override" xmlns:ac="antlib:net.sf.antcontrib">
            <!-- Load options from 'local.properties' beside this file -->
                    <available file="local.properties" type="file"/>
                            <property file="local.properties"/>
            <!-- Load options from 'config.properties' beside this file -->
            <property file="config.properties"/>
  • Create the following .properties files:


{PROJECT_LOC} refers here to the location of your Test Suite runner project.

Configure and Run the Test Suite

Follow the Run the FS Test Suite on ESP32-WROVER VEE Port tutorial to configure your VEE Port and run the Test Suite on your Device.