The SDK provides the capability to test a VEE Port.
While you can create your own tests (see Create a VEE Port Test Suite),
MicroEJ provides a set of tools and pre-defined projects aimed at simplifying the steps for validating VEE Ports
in the form of the VEE Port Qualification Tools (PQT).
A VEE Port Test Suite is composed of two projects:
the Test Suite module: the project that contains test cases. Test cases are written in Junit.
When this project is built, it produces a versionned library. See Test Suite Versioning for available Test Suite modules for the most common Packs provided by MicroEJ Corp.
the Test Suite runner: the project that contains the configuration for its execution on a VEE Port.
When this project is built, it runs the Test Suite on a Device and generates the Test Suite report.
Creating a VEE Port Test Suite requires SDK 5.6.0 or higher.
Edit the module ivy-module>info>ea:build node to update rip.printableName:
<ea:buildorganisation="com.is2t.easyant.buildtypes"module="build-microej-javaimpl""myFoundationLib-testsuite-1.0"rip.printableName="myFoundationLib Test Suite Impl"revision="5.2.+">
Add the following properties in the ivy-module>info node:
Right click on src/test/java, then click on New > Class. Fill Name: with the MyTest
and then click on Finish. Copy/paste the following example in file:
Once the test cases are implemented, you can build the module.
The next step is to create a Test Suite Runner.
The Test Suite Runner will fetch the Test Suite Module dependency.
Inside the module.ant, add the following ANT target to configure trace redirection options :
<targetname="tracefile:init"extensionOf="abstract-test:test-ready"><!-- Set the launch.test.trace.file when the testsuite.trace.ip properties is not set --><conditionproperty=""><not><issetproperty=""/></not></condition></target>
Create the file override.module.ant at the root of the project. Add the following content to configure the load of testsuite options:
<projectname="myFoundationlib.testsuite.override"xmlns:ac="antlib:net.sf.antcontrib"><!-- Load options from '' beside this file --><ac:if><availablefile=""type="file"/><ac:then><propertyfile=""/></ac:then></ac:if><!-- Load options from '' beside this file --><propertyfile=""/></project>