Application Wrapper

The unification of the Application EntryPoints allows to build and run an Application regardless of the VEE provided by the user (a VEE Port or a Kernel). To ensure that an Application can run on different kinds of VEE, a wrapper class is generated. For example, if your Application EntryPoint is a class containing a public static void main(String[args]) method:

package com.mycompany;

public class MyClass {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
      System.out.println("Hello World!");

A wrapper class implementing the ej.kf.FeatureEntryPoint interface is created:

package com.mycompany;

import ej.kf.FeatureEntryPoint;

public class MyClassWrapper implements FeatureEntryPoint {
    public void start() {
      com.mycompany.MyClass.main(new String[0]);

    public void stop() {

Then, the execution of the Application depends on the VEE provided in the build.gradle.kts file of your project:

  • If a VEE Port or a Mono-Sandbox Kernel has been provided, the MyClass main class of the Application is executed.
  • If a Multi-Sandbox Kernel has been provided, the Application is executed as a Feature of the Kernel.

In addition to the wrapper class, the following resource files are generated:

  • The Feature Definition Files (feature.kf, feature.cert), if they do not already exist, to use your Application as a Sandboxed Application.
  • The Kernel Definition Files (kernel.kf, kernel.cert), if they do not already exist, to use your Application as a Kernel Application.

Refer to the Feature Definition Files section for more information about Feature and Kernel Definition Files.

If your Application requires advanced features, it is also possible to use a FeatureEntryPoint class as Application EntryPoint. In that case the created wrapper class is a class containing a public static void main(String[args]) method that calls the start() method of your Application EntryPoint class:

package com.mycompany;

public class MyClassWrapper {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
      new com.mycompany.MyClass.start();

and the Kernel and Feature Definition files are generated.