
[1.1.0] - 2025-02-28


  • Allow to execute a KF testsuite.

  • Add a dedicated task to run the Stack Trace Reader.

  • Allow to define VEE used for tests in the test classpath only.


  • Removed deprecated com.microej.gradle.runtime-api and com.microej.gradle.j2se-library plugins.


  • Improve testsuite report.

  • Always generate file when building a VEE Port to not make the Pack FS fail.


  • Execute testsuite when there is no testsuite called test declared.

  • VEE Port load issue with Gradle greater than 8.10.

  • Tool declared as dependency not installed in the augmented built Virtual Device of the Application project.

  • Wrong location of the generated Application object file displayed when executing the buildApplicationObjectFile task.

  • Error message when a local Kernel whose Executable or Virtual Device does not exist is provided.

  • User defined source sets are ignored by ADP.

  • Error message when a Virtual Device is used to run tests on a device.

  • RC versions not declared with the right version pattern in the generated Ivy descriptor.

  • ADP not found when JUnit dependency is defined in custom testsuite.

  • Error message when a VEE Project dependency is defined and the Gradle configuration-on-demand feature is enabled.

  • VEE Port scripts execution fails when the User Home folder contains a space.

  • Failure when running tests defined in the default sources folder of a custom testsuite.

  • Testsuite fails after upgrading from 0.15.0 to 1.0.0 without cleaning.

[1.0.0] - 2024-12-18


  • Allow to define the Artifact Checker root directory.


  • Improve Gradle version error message to explain how to solve the issue.

  • Improve SDK EULA acceptation error message.

  • Reorganize Virtual Device structure to reduce the number of files at the root folder.


  • Fix compilation error during VEE Port build when fetching JDT Core library from Maven Central.

  • Exclude .gitkeep files from Java sources.

  • Fix Application Wrapper class generation when Main class has no package.

  • Do not force custom tool tasks to set an Application Entry Point.

  • Include local JAR dependencies in classpaths.

  • Fix error when building a WPK with a jar in a local repository.

  • Support Addon Libraries in Runtime Environments.

  • Wrong classpath when running an Application or a testsuite on device.

[0.20.0] - 2024-10-23


  • Allow to build a Feature from a WPK and a Kernel.

  • Allow to filter the BSP files included in a published VEE Port.

  • Check that the MicroEJ Runtime Library is not in the BSP before publishing a VEE Port.

  • Support the import of a VEE Port as an included build.


  • Fail with clear error message when trying to build an Executable and provided Runtime API conflicts with other dependency.

  • Hide checkModule internal task.

  • Use the original BSP when depending on a local VEE Port project in BSP Full Connection mode.

  • Set Java source to 1.8 to be compatible with new IDEs versions, but keep 1.7 as the target version.

  • Upgrade Gradle minimal supported version to 8.6.

  • Enable MicroEJ Java H module by default when building a VEE Port.

  • Deploy Application object files in BSP only if their content changed.

  • Prevent flaky tests from causing build failure.

  • Use “Runtime Environment” term instead of “Runtime API”.

  • Use Java SE term instead of J2SE.

  • Use version 2.2.0 of the microej-licenses library to check with the new SDK EULA 3.1-C.

  • Do not produce Virtual Device by default during Application build.


  • Wrong path used for custom test properties files.

  • Fix VEE Port build failure when using Architecture with deployment hook for Keil.

  • Use the generated kernel.kf file when running an Application on a Multi-Sandbox VEE Port with the simulator.

  • Generate again the kernel.kf file when the project version has changed.

  • Failure when calling the local deploy tool because of missing generated KF file in the classpath.

  • Setting com.microej.runtime.capability=multi does generate a Multi-Sandbox VEE Port when using an Architecture 8.1 or higher.

[0.19.0] - 2024-09-13


  • Allow to define properties of a testsuite project in the file.

  • Display clear error message when trying to build a Feature with a Virtual Device built with a Mono-Sandbox VEE Port.


  • Application options must now add microej.option.* prefix to be defined as System properties.

  • Load VEE Port MicroUI configuration files from the extensions/microui folder instead of the microui folder.


  • Project not configured to build with Java 1.7 when runtimeClasspath configuration has already been resolved.

  • Allow to produce feature files during the build in a multi-project with several feature projects.

  • Use the provided Runtime API jar if it contains KF to compile the Wrapper class instead of fetching KF to avoid dependency resolution error with Offline repositories.

  • Fail with readable error message when building a Runtime API with no Kernel API declared.

  • VG Pack 1.6.0+ cannot be used for a VEE Port because it provides JAR artifacts on its default configuration (besides the Pack RIP).

  • Use the Runtime API provided by the Kernel to build an augmented Virtual Device.

[0.18.0] - 2024-08-22


  • Allow to build a VEE Port.

  • Retry tests when they fail to avoid flaky tests (mainly due to license check) to fail the whole build.

  • Support build incremental when using a published VEE Port with Full BSP Connection.

  • Add the plugin com.microej.gradle.runtime-api to build a Runtime API.

  • Allow to enable/disable the publication of the Ivy descriptor.

  • Allow to run dependent applications on simulator (declared with microejApplication).


  • Fix publication to add dependencies defined with MicroEJ configurations to the .module and .pom files.

  • Comment the stop method of the generated Wrapper class to prevent potential Sonar issue.

  • Fix MicroEJ Test Engine compatibility with Gradle 8.6 and higher.

  • Allow to run a Virtual Device via its launchers on a JDK version higher than 11.

  • Fix build failure on multi-project with several applications depending on a kernel as project dependency.

  • Some projects are not configured to be built with Java 1.7 when imported in Eclipse.

  • Fix feature not found when launching a Virtual Device with installed applications.

[0.17.0] - 2024-05-30


  • Allow to add tools to a Virtual Device.

  • Allow to fetch Runtime APIs with the microejRuntimeApi configuration.


  • Merge the loadXXXConfiguration tasks with their matching task.

  • Split buildExecutable in 2 tasks to support incremental build of the microejapp.o file.

  • Make FeatureEntryPoint take priority over main method when generating the Application entryPoint wrapper.


  • Re-Generate the Application entrypoint wrapper if the entrypoint class is modified, if the applicationEntryPoint property is changed or if the resources changed.

  • Simplify Ant classpath when executing an Ant script to avoid too long classpath and support multiple Windows drives.

  • Append Applications provided with the microejApplication configuration to a Virtual Device.

  • Make sure to always generate the Kernel certificate if it does not exist.

  • Remove deprecated APIs used to generate Application certificates.

  • Log filter in Ant scripts.

  • Print last relevant logs as exception message when Ant script execution fails.

  • Fix failing Javadoc generation when using EDC 1.3.6 and Null Analysis annotations.

  • Make the generated Wrapper Feature class call the main method of the Application with an empty array as parameter instead of null.

  • Generate Application entrypoint wrapper if the entrypoint class extends a class implementing the FeatureEntryPoint interface.

  • Do not embed generated KF files in Application JAR to avoid switching in KF mode when executing an Application on a VEE Port.

  • Fix configurations used to fetch Kernels to avoid NPE during build when a project is provided as dependency.

  • Set ADP generated folders in the sourcesets to be detected by the IDEs.

  • Make sure to copy the Assembly file in the BSP when it is generated.

[0.16.0] - 2024-03-18


  • Unify Application entryPoints.

  • Allow to append an Application to a Virtual Device.

  • Make execTool task available in library projects.

  • Add a check on the dependencies versions format to reduce the risk of mistakes.

  • Generate the Feature Definition Files and Kernel Definition Files of an Application.


  • Rename applicationMainClass property to applicationEntryPoint.

  • Hide MicroEJ internal tasks.

  • Set the file as output of the loadTestApplicationConfiguration task instead of its parent folder.


  • Load Kernel and Main Application properties when starting the Application on the Simulator.

  • Can run more than one simulator on the same Application on IntelliJ/Windows.

  • Fix Addon-Processor not reexecuted when dependencies are updated.

  • Do not execute tests when building the Executable of an Application.

  • MicroEJ Test Engine compatibility with Gradle 8.6.

  • Do not force the compilation of J2SE tests classes in Java 7.

  • Generate Jar file when building a project containing all MicroEJ artifacts.

  • Clean the working files before creating the WPK file to prevent failure if the task is not UP-TO-DATE.

[0.15.0] - 2024-01-26


  • Unify microejVeePort and microejKernel configurations into microejVee.

  • Add verification of dependencies checksums during build.

  • Add the plugin com.microej.gradle.mock to build a Mock.

  • Mention the system property to accept SDK EULA in error message.


  • Task :execTool looks for a script named after the argument NAME with the following patterns in that order: NAME, NAME.microejTool, NAME.microejLaunch.

  • Align the behavior of the :buildFeature task with the localDeploymentSocket.microejLaunch script.

    • output files are derived after “application” instead of “feature” (for example “”).

    • the application.main.class is set to the entryPoint defined in the .kf of the application.


  • Upgrade to junit-test-engine 0.2.2 to fix failing tests using fonts.

  • Handle Security Manager removal from JDK 18+ when executing MicroEJ VEE scripts.

  • Support all MicroEJ VEE (VEE Ports & Kernel) for the task :execTool.


  • Remove support of dropIns folder for MicroEJ VEE (VEE Port or Kernel) selection.

[0.14.0] - 2024-01-03


  • Add Jenkinsfile files to build and test with a JDK 17 and a JDK 21 (LTS versions).


  • Do not build/publish an Executable or a Feature by default and add the produceExecutableDuringBuild() and produceFeatureDuringBuild() methods to build them if needed.

  • Set group and version for all projects, including the root project, in order to generate correctly the release tag.

  • Use version 2.1.0 of the microej-licenses library to check with the new SDK EULA 3.1-B.


  • Fix the override behavior of the Application main class that was not consistent when -Dapplication.main.class is used.

  • Fix the Custom Ant Logger to display build errors without having to enable the verbose mode.

  • Follow Gradle recommendation on resolvable and consumable configurations.

  • Move the Custom Logger to a dedicated module and use its jar instead of fetching the plugin when executing VEE Port scripts to fix the tests failure during a release.

  • Set Java Compiler encoding to UTF-8.

  • Set Java Compliance level to 1.7 in JavaPluginExtension to fix the Cannot find the class file for java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles error when opening a Gradle project in Eclipse.

  • Fix wrong generated Virtual Device of an Application when the VEE Port changed.

  • Bump source level for javadoc task to 1.8 to support JDK 21.

  • Fix classpaths when using a Virtual Device to remove warnings about kf files not found.

  • Make sure to close all opened streams.

  • Fix Wrong java/lang/Object error when running an Application on the Simulator with a local repository.

  • Fix No .kf file found for this feature classpath error message in logs when running VD with launcher script.

[0.13.0] - 2023-11-10


  • Add a check on EULA acceptation when using the MicroEJ Gradle plugin.

  • Automatically publish the ASSEMBLY_EXCEPTION.txt file if it exists at the root of the project.

  • Allow to publish the Feature file of an Application.

  • Add :execTool task to execute Stack Trace Reader and Code Coverage Analyzer Tools provided by the selected VEE Port or Kernel.


  • Fix warning during compilation because of non-existing file or folder (incorrect classpath: C:\\Users\\user\\...\myProject\\build\\resources\\main).

  • Fix warning in SOAR when building an Executable with Architecture 8.0.0 ([M59] - Classpath file [C:\Users\user\...\myProject\build\resources\main] does not exist).

  • Enable Ant verbose mode for VEE Port scripts when Gradle debug log level is enabled.

  • Fix the build of a Feature when the provided Virtual Device does not contain the dynamicFeatureLink.microejLaunch build script (Virtual Device built with SDK 5).

[0.12.1] - 2023-10-16


  • Fix the issue with the microejKernel configuration that prevented IDEs from loading a project.

[0.12.0] - 2023-10-13


  • Allow to publish the Virtual Device of an Application.

  • Allow to fetch a Virtual Device and an Executable with the microejKernel configuration.


  • Add README, CHANGELOG and License files as publication artifacts in the generated ivy.xml file.

  • Publish test report in Jenkins job.

  • Set deploy.bsp.microejscript property to true by default to build the executable.

  • Publish the Executable file as a variant.

  • Rename the kernelFile property to kernelExecutableFile.

  • Use File dependency instead of the veePortPath property to load a local VEE Port.

  • Use File dependency instead of the kernelExecutableFile property to load a local Kernel Executable.


  • Fix unexpected fetch of the transitive dependencies of a VEE Port dependency (microejVeePort configuration).

  • Fix System properties defined in are ignored.

  • Fix VEE Port launcher: temporary configuration file could prevent to launch a second time.

  • Remove usage of deprecated API Project.getBuildDir().

  • Fix the message when no executable are found by the runOnDevice task.

  • Fix Executable not updated after a project change and a call to the buildExecutable task.

  • Fix wrong order of tests classes and resources folder in the test classpath.

  • Call VEE Port Ant script from a separate temporary directory to satisfy MicroEJ Architecture. This fixes spurious HIL timeouts when calling the runOnSimulator task.

  • Fix Java process still running when Simulator is interrupted.

  • Fix missing Nashorn dependencies when running a testsuite and when launching the launcher scripts to make it work with JDK 17 and higher.

[0.11.1] - 2023-09-22


  • Fix usage of a SNAPSHOT version of the junit-test-engine dependency.

[0.11.0] - 2023-09-22


  • Use Gradle standard mechanism to support Multi-VEEPort instead of relying on an in-house feature.

[0.10.0] - 2023-09-13


  • Add a task runOnDevice to run the Executable on a Device.

  • Support all JDK LTS versions higher or equals to version 11.


  • Allow to build a Feature file of an Application with a Virtual Device.

  • Fix javadoc failure when the project contains a JDK class.

[0.9.0] - 2023-09-01


  • Allow to depend on local Application project (dependency with microejApplication configuration).

  • Implement properties loading chain.

  • Add launcher scripts to the Virtual Device.


  • Move the vd-init.xml script in the template file instead of hardcoding it in the class.

  • Remove the Application properties from options/ file and rename file to in Virtual Device.

  • Merge veePortFiles and veePortDirs properties into the veePortPaths property.

  • Add missing Javadoc and clean the project.


  • Fix resources generated by Addon Processors of type FolderKind.MainResources not processed.

  • Fix root path used for relative VEE port path: use the project root directory.

  • Fix the content of a WPK to remove the Foundation Libraries.

  • Make sure .a and .o files of an Application are correct by always executing the buildExecutable task.

[0.8.0] - 2023-07-13


  • Allow to build the Virtual Device of an Application.

  • Add checks to ensure that a Virtual Device can be used or not depending on the called task.

  • Allow to build the Feature binary file of an Application.


  • Add the Application properties defined in the configuration folder to the WPK file.

[0.7.0] - 2023-06-26


  • Add Standard Java Library plugin (com.microej.gradle.j2se-library).

  • Rename com.microej.gradle.library plugin to com.microej.gradle.addon-library.


  • Unbind the checkModule task from the build task.

  • Use version 0.1.1 of the MicroEJ JUnit Test Engine to fix error when test classes are not in a package.

  • Use version 2.0.0 of the microej-licenses library to check with the new authorized licenses.

[0.6.0] - 2023-05-30


  • Allow to publish WPK file artifact.

  • Allow to publish files generated by the buildExecutable task.

  • Allow to define multiple testsuites in different environments (sim or J2SE).

  • Allow to define a testsuite for tests on device.


  • Use Ivy descriptor content to know if a dependency is a Foundation Library or an Addon Processor Library.

  • Optimize the loadVeePort task to reduce the time to load a VEE Port.

  • Use a smaller VEE Port as dependency in tests to reduce the time to build.

  • Remove JPF support.

  • Check that the given file/directory is a VEE Port.

  • Move Application properties to configuration folder instead of src/main/resources.

  • Clean the Jenkins workspace after a successful build.

  • Improve the checker on changelog files to support “-SNAPSHOT” suffix and “Unreleased” label.

  • Remove the debugOnSimulator task and use a property to run an Application in debug mode.


  • Fix multiple VEE Ports error message in loadConfiguration task.

  • Fix connection to a debugger and debug.port property.

  • Fix StackOverflow error when building a project with cyclic dependencies.

[0.5.0] - 2023-03-24


  • Add Xlint checking.

  • Add verification of using java 11 by user’s project.

  • Allow to build the Executable file of an Application.

  • Allow to build the WPK file of an Application.

  • Allow to define multiple VEE Ports.

  • Check that the project uses at least Gradle 8.0.

  • Add more tests on topological order in the Application classpath.


  • Make the plugin compatible with Gradle 8.0.

[0.4.0] - 2023-01-27


  • Apply the Java Library Plugin to user’s project.

  • Allow to load a VEE Port by dropping it in the dropIns folder.


  • Optimise memory used by project.

  • Remove the runArtifactChecker property, the Artifact Checker task must be executed explicitly.

  • Hide compilation warnings in the adp and compileJava tasks.


  • Disable the warning on non-compatible version for Maven client.

  • Fix loading new dependency when the build.gradle.kts file is updated.

  • Fix too long classpath error when running the simulator on Windows.

[0.3.0] - 2022-12-09


  • Add feature to avoid loading the VEE Port when there is no test.

  • Add the auto assembling project for runOnSimulator and debugOnSimulator tasks.

  • Add the opportunity disable custom conflict resolution rules.

  • Add the plugin com.microej.gradle.library to build an Addon Library.

  • Generate and publish the Java sources jar.

  • Generate and publish the Javadoc jar.

  • Publish, and LICENSE.txt files if they exist in the project.

  • Suffix version with timestamp when it ends with “-RC”.

  • Make the build fail if a direct dependency is resolved with a higher minor version than the one declared.

  • Add the checkModule task to check compliance of the module with MicroEJ rules.

  • Add the execution of tests on the simulator.

  • Add support for Mac M1.

  • Build the plugin in Java 11.

  • Add test to ensure that the dependencies are topologically sorted.


  • Remove automatic version conversion.

  • Rename the Application plugin to com.microej.gradle.application.

  • Change the publication plugin to publish Maven modules instead of Ivy modules.

  • Use Ant Java API to launch the simulator to avoid requiring an Ant installation.

  • Rename the runOnSim and debugOnSim tasks to runOnSimulator and debugOnSimulator.

  • Use JDT compiler instead of javac.

  • Isolate functional tests to keep a quick build.


  • VEE Port not reloaded when referenced by veePortDirPath and the VEE Port source folder is updated.

  • Set Java source and target version to be recognized by IDEs.

  • Make processResources task implicitly depend on ADP task to fix failures during runOnSimulator.

[0.2.0] - 2022-05-17


  • Make the build fails when an ADP raises errors.

  • Convert build scripts from Groovy to Kotlin.

[0.1.0] - 2022-05-03


  • Add the capability to load the platform from dependencies.

  • Add the task debugOnSim to execute the application in debug mode in the simulator.

  • Publish the sources jar of the plugin.


  • Extract ADP classpath JAR files into OS temp dir to avoid error on cleaning because of locks.