MicroEJ Test Suite Engine


The MicroEJ Test Suite Engine is a generic tool made for validating any development project using automatic testing.

This section details advanced configuration for users who wish to integrate custom test suites in their build flow.

The MicroEJ Test Suite Engine allows the user to test any kind of projects within the configuration of a generic Ant file.

MicroEJ Test Suite Engine Overview

The MicroEJ Test Suite Engine is already pre-configured for running test suites on a VEE Port (either on Simulator or on Device).

Using the MicroEJ Test Suite Ant Tasks

Multiple Ant tasks are available in the testsuite-engine.jar provided in the Build Kit:

  • testsuite allows the user to run a given test suite and to retrieve an XML report document in a JUnit format.

  • javaTestsuite is a subtask of the testsuite task, used to run a specialized test suite for Java (will only run Java classes).

  • htmlReport is a task which will generate an HTML report from a list of JUnit report files.

The testsuite Task

The following attributes are mandatory:

testsuite task mandatory attributes

Attribute Name



The output folder of the test suite. The final report will be generated at [outputDir]/[label]/[reportName].xml, see the testsuiteReportFileProperty and testsuiteReportDirProperty attributes.


The harness script must be an Ant script and it is the script which will be called for each test by the test suite engine. It is called with a basedir located at output location of the current test.

The test suite engine provides the following properties to the harness script giving all the informations to start the test:

harnessScript properties

Attribute Name



The output name of the current test in the report. Default value is the relative path of the test. It can be manually set by the user. More details on the output name are available in the section Specific Custom Properties.


The current test absolute path in the filesystem.


The absolute path to the custom properties of the current test (see the property customPropertiesExtension)


The absolute path to the common properties of all the tests (see the property commonProperties)


The absolute path to the directory of the final report.

The following attributes are optional:

testsuite task optional attributes

Attribute Name


Default value


The time in seconds before any test is considerated as unknown. Set it to 0 to disable the time-out.



The required level to output messages from the test suite. Can be one of those values: error, warning, info, verbose, debug.



The final report name (without extension).



The extension of the custom properties for each test. For instance, if it is set to .options, a test named xxx/Test1.class will be associated with xxx/Test1.options. If a file exists for a test, the property testsuite.test.properties is set with its absolute path and given to the harnessScript. If the test path references a directory, then the custom properties path is the concatenation of the test path and the customPropertiesExtension value.



The properties to apply to every test of the test suite. Those options might be overridden by the custom properties of each test. If this option is set and the file exists, the property testsuite.common.properties is set to the absolute path of the harnessScript file.

no common properties


The build label.

timestamp of when the test suite was invoked.


The name of the current tested product.



The location of your Java VM to start the test suite (the harnessScript is called as is: [jvm] [...] -buildfile [harnessScript]).

java.home location if the property is set, java otherwise.


The arguments to pass to the Java VM started for each test.



The name of the Ant property in which the path of the final report is stored. Path is [outputDir]/[label]/[reportName].xml



The name of the Ant property in which is store the path of the directory of the final report. Path is [outputDir]/[label].



The name of the Ant property in which you want to have the result of the test suite (true or false), depending if every tests successfully passed the test suite or not. Ignored tests do not affect this result.


Finally, you have to give as nested element the path containing the tests.

testsuite task nested elements

Element Name



Containing all the file of the tests which will be launched by the test suite.

testIgnoredPath (optional)

Any test in the intersection between testIgnoredPath and testPath will be executed by the test suite, but will not appear in the JUnit final report. It will still generate a JUnit report for each test, which will allow the HTML report to let them appears as “ignored” if it is generated. Mostly used for known bugs which are not considered as failure but still relevant enough to appears on the HTML report.

Example of test suite task invocation
<!-- Launch the testusite engine -->
    productName="${module.name} testkf"
    <testPath refid="target.testkf.path"/>

The javaTestsuite Task

This task extends the testsuite task, specializing the test suite to only start real Java class. This task retrieves the classname of the tests from the classfile and provides new properties to the harness script:

javaTestsuite task properties

Property Name



The classname of the current test. The value of the property testsuite.test.name is also set to the classname of the current test.


The classpath of the current test.

Example of javaTestsuite task invocation
<!-- Launch test suite -->
    productName="${module.name} @{prefix}"
    <testPath refid="target.@{prefix}.path"/>
    <testIgnoredPath refid="tests.@{prefix}.ignored.path" />

The htmlReport Task

This task allow the user to transform a given path containing a sample of JUnit reports to an HTML detailed report. Here is the attributes to fill:

  • A nested fileset element containing all the JUnit reports of each test. Take care to exclude the final JUnit report generated by the test suite.

  • A nested element report:

    • format: The format of the generated HTML report. Must be noframes or frames. When noframes format is choosen, a standalone HTML file is generated.

    • todir: The output folder of your HTML report.

    • The report tag accepts the nested tag param with name and expression attributes. These tags can pass XSL parameters to the stylesheet. The built-in stylesheets support the following parameters:

      • PRODUCT: the product name that is displayed in the title of the HTML report.

      • TITLE: the comment that is displayed in the title of the HTML report.


It is advised to set the format to noframes if your test suite is not a Java test suite. If the format is set to frames, with a non-Java MicroEJ Test Suite, the name of the links will not be relevant because of the non-existency of packages.

Example of htmlReport task invocation
<!-- Generate HTML report -->
    <fileset dir="${@{prefix}.testsuite.report.dir}">
        <include name="**/*.xml"/> <!-- include unary reports -->
        <exclude name="**/bin/**/*.xml"/> <!-- exclude test bin files -->
        <exclude name="*.xml"/> <!-- exclude global report -->
    <report format="noframes" todir="${target.test.html}/@{prefix}"/>

Using the Trace Analyzer

This section will shortly explains how to use the Trace Analyzer. The MicroEJ Test Suite comes with an archive containing the Trace Analyzer which can be used to analyze the output trace of an application. It can be used from different forms;

  • The FileTraceAnalyzer will analyze a file and research for the given tags, failing if the success tag is not found.

  • The SerialTraceAnalyzer will analyze the data from a serial connection.

The TraceAnalyzer Tasks Options

Here is the common options to all TraceAnalyzer tasks:

  • successTag: the regular expression which is synonym of success when found (by default .*PASSED.*).

  • failureTag: the regular expression which is synonym of failure when found (by default .*FAILED.*).

  • verboseLevel: int value between 0 and 9 to define the verbose level.

  • waitingTimeAfterSuccess: waiting time (in s) after success before closing the stream (by default 5).

  • noActivityTimeout: timeout (in s) with no activity on the stream before closing the stream. Set it to 0 to disable timeout (default value is 0).

  • stopEOFReached: boolean value. Set to true to stop analyzing when input stream EOF is reached. If false, continue until timeout is reached (by default false).

  • onlyPrintableCharacters: boolean value. Set to true to only dump ASCII printable characters (by default false).

The FileTraceAnalyzer Task Options

Here is the specific options of the FileTraceAnalyzer task:

  • traceFile: path to the file to analyze.

The SerialTraceAnalyzer Task Options

Here is the specific options of the SerialTraceAnalyzer task:

  • port: the comm port to open.

  • baudrate: serial baudrate (by default 9600).

  • databits: databits (5|6|7|8) (by default 8).

  • stopBits: stopbits (0|1|3 for (1_5)) (by default 1).

  • parity: none | odd | event (by default none).


The goal of this section is to explain some tips and tricks that might be useful in your usage of the test suite engine.

Specific Custom Properties

Some custom properties are specifics and retrieved from the test suite engine in the custom properties file of a test.

  • The testsuite.test.name property is the output name of the current test. Here are the steps to compute the output name of a test:

    • If the custom properties are enabled and a property named testsuite.test.name is find on the corresponding file, then the output name of the current test will be set to it.

    • Otherwise, if the running MicroEJ Test Suite is a Java test suite, the output name is set to the class name of the test.

    • Otherwise, from the path containing all the tests, a common prefix will be retrieved. The output name will be set to the relative path of the current test from this common prefix. If the common prefix equals the name of the test, then the output name will be set to the name of the test.

    • Finally, if multiples tests have the same output name, then the current name will be followed by _XXX, an underscore and an integer.

  • The testsuite.test.timeout property allow the user to redefine the time out for each test. If it is negative or not an integer, then global timeout defined for the MicroEJ Test Suite is used.