Error Messages

When an exception is thrown by the implementation of the ECOM-COMM API, the error message


is issued, where <messageId> meaning is defined in the next table:

ECOM-COMM error messages
Message ID Description
1 The connection descriptor must start with "comm:"
2 Reserved.
3 The Comm port is unknown.
4 The connection descriptor is invalid.
5 The Comm port is already open.
6 The baudrate is unsupported.
7 The number of bits per character is unsupported.
8 The number of stop bits is unsupported.
9 The parity is unsupported.
10 The input stream cannot be opened because native driver is not able to create a RX buffer to store the incoming data.
11 The output stream cannot be opened because native driver is not able to create a TX buffer to store the outgoing data.
12 The given connection descriptor option cannot be parsed.