Migrate a VEE Port Project

This page explains how to migrate an VEE Port project created with the SDK 5 or lower to the SDK 6.

Project Structure

Even if it is not mandatory, a VEE Port project is most of the time structured as a multi-project. Indeed, it generally contains other subprojects than the configuration module, for example a Front Panel or an Image Generator subproject. It can also contains the BSP.

Whereas it was not necessarily structured as a meta-build in SDK 5, it is recommended to structure it as a multi-project in SDK 6.

This brings to the following recommended structure for the VEE Port multi-project:

|- my-board-vee-port/
|    |- bsp/
|    |- demo-application/ (optional)
|    |    |- src/main/java/
|    |- vee-port/
|    |    |- extensions/
|    |    |    |- my-front-panel/ (optional)
|    |    |    |- my-image-generator/ (optional)
|    |    |    |- microui/ (optional)
|    |    |    |- ...
|    |    |- validation/
|    |    |    |- core/ (optional)
|    |    |    |- fs/ (optional)
|    |    |    |- ...
|    |    |- dropins/ (optional)
|    |    |- configuration.properties
|    |    |- build.gradle.kts
|    |- settings.gradle.kts

This migration guide will go in details in each changes, but as a quick overview, here are the main changes compared to SDK 5:

  • All root modules have been moved under a vee-port folder, except for the BSP folder.

  • The configuration module (*-configuration) is now the vee-port module, which includes configuration properties, dropins folder, as well as the other modules required by the VEE Port.

  • All configuration properties file have been gathered in the vee-port/configuration.properties (except for microui).

  • The specific components required by the VEE Port are now in the vee-port/extensions folder, such as Front Panel or Image Generator modules.

  • The MicroUI extension has been moved in the vee-port/extensions/microui folder.

New Development Flow

With the SDK 5, the development flow consisted in 3 main steps:

  • Make a change in one the VEE Port projects (for example *-configuration or *-fp).

  • Build the VEE Port configuration project (*-configuration), which generates a built VEE Port in the sibling folder.

  • Run or build an Application (after defining the path to the VEE Port in the module.ivy file) on this VEE Port.

While this development flow is still possible with the SDK 6, the recommended approach is to make the Application depend directly on the VEE Port project (the way to do it is detailed in the following sections). This allows to automatically build the updated projects (VEE Port Configuration, Front Panel, Mock, …) when running or building the Application. There is no need to build the VEE Port anymore before using it, Gradle does it for you. It automatically detects that the VEE Port has changes and triggers the tasks to build the updated components, and only the updated components. Therefore, the development flow in SDK 6 is now:

  • Make a change in the VEE Port project.

  • Run or build an Application on this VEE Port.

Settings Build File

A multi-project requires a settings.gradle.kts file located in the root folder. Its main purposes are to optionaly define a name for the multi-project and to define its subprojects. Create this file and add this line with the name of your choice:

rootProject.name = "my-board-vee-port"

Configuration Subproject

The Configuration (*-configuration) subproject is still there, but it is recommended to name it vee-port. Follow these steps to migrate it:

  • Rename the folder to vee-port.

  • Replace the module.ivy file by a build.gradle.kts file.

  • Use the com.microej.gradle.veeport plugin in this file:

    plugins {
       id("com.microej.gradle.veeport") version "0.19.0"
  • Still in the build.gradle.kts file, define the group and version property, which respectively replace the organisation and revision of the module.ivy file. For example:

    group = "com.mycompany"
    version = "0.1.0"


Refer to Manage Versioning section for more information on the way to define the module version.

  • Define the dependencies previously defined in the module.ivy file. In SDK 6, dependencies are defined in a dependencies block in the build.gradle.kts file, and each type of VEE Port component must be defined with a dedicated configuration:

    • Architecture: microejArchitecture

    • Pack: microejPack

    • Mock: microejMock

    • Front Panel: microejFrontPanel

    • Tool: microejTool

    For example the Architecture defined like this in SDK 5:

       <dependency group="com.microej.architecture.CM7.CM7hardfp_GCC48" name ="flopi7G26" rev="8.1.1">
          <artifact name="flopi7G26" m:classifier="eval" ext="xpf" />

    must be changed to this in build.gradle.kts file:

    dependencies {


    Note that the Architecture usage (eval or prod) is not defined in the VEE Port configuration anymore. It is now set by the project which consumes the VEE Port (for example an Application).

    And the Pack defined like this in SDK 5:

    <dependency group="com.microej.pack" name ="fs" rev="6.0.4" />

    must be changed to this in SDK 6:

  • Create a configuration.properties file at the root of the vee-port folder.

  • Move the property related to the Runtime Capability from the file mjvm/mjvm.properties to the vee-port/configuration.properties file, then delete the mjvm/mjvm.properties file.

  • Move all configuration properties related to the BSP (bsp/bsp.properties) into the vee-port/configuration.properties file. Each property name must be prefixed by bsp.<name>.. For example, the microejapp.relative.dir property must be moved as bsp.microejapp.relative.dir in the vee-port/configuration.properties file.

  • Move the microui folder (if it exists) into the vee-port/extensions folder.

  • Move the configuration properties related to all the other Packs (fs/fs.properties, …) into the vee-portconfiguration.properties file. Each property name must be prefixed by com.microej.pack.<name>., where <module> is the name of the Pack. For example, the bpp property defined in the display/display.properties file must be moved as com.microej.pack.display.bpp in the vee-portconfiguration.properties file.

  • Delete old configuration properties files ((bsp/bsp.properties, display/display.properties, fs/fs.properties, …) can be deleted.

  • Enable disable Pack modules if required, as described in Enabling/Disabling modules of Legacy and Architecture Specific Packs.

  • Delete the .platform file located at the root of the Configuration subproject, since it is now obsolete.

  • Delete all the other files related to SDK 5:

    • module.ant

    • override.module.ant

    • module.properties

    • configuration.xml

    • build folder

  • The dropins folder was used as a destination folder for some generated files in SDK 5, so it may contain more than the committed files. So make sure to clean it to keep only committed files. This can be done with git with the following command in the dropins folder:

    git clean -xdf

Front Panel Project

The Front Panel is generally a subproject of the VEE Port multi-project. These steps must be followed to migrate a Front Panel subproject:

  • Move the Front Panel folder into the vee-port/extensions folder.

  • Replace the module.ivy file by a build.gradle.kts file.

  • Use the com.microej.gradle.mock-frontpanel plugin in this file:

    plugins {
  • Define the dependencies previously defined in the module.ivy file. A Front Panel generally depends on libraries, so they can be defined with the implementation configuration. For example to declare a dependency on the Front Panel framework library, use:


    Also note that the Front Panel library from the UI Pack must be declared with the name and extension:

    implementation("com.microej.pack.ui:ui-pack:14.0.1") {
         artifact {
             name = "frontpanel"
             extension = "jar"
  • Include the Front Panel subproject in the multi-project in the settings.gradle.kts file:

    project(":vee-port:front-panel").projectDir = file("vee-port/extensions/front-panel")
  • Make the VEE Port configuration subproject depend on the Front Panel subproject by adding a project dependency in the vee-port/build.gradle.kts file:



If the VEE Port project contains Mock subprojects, they must be migrated by following these steps:

  • Move the Mock folder into the vee-port/extensions folder.

  • Replace the module.ivy file by a build.gradle.kts file.

  • Use the com.microej.gradle.mock plugin in this file:

    plugins {
  • Define the dependencies previously defined in the module.ivy file. A Mock generally depends on libraries, so they can be defined with the implementation configuration.

  • Include the Mock subproject in the multi-project in the settings.gradle.kts file:

    project(":vee-port:mock").projectDir = file("vee-port/extensions/mock")
  • Make the VEE Port configuration subproject depend on the Mock subproject by adding a project dependency in the vee-port/build.gradle.kts file:

  • Delete all the files related to SDK 5:

    • module.ant

    • content/scripts/init-* folder

Tool Subproject

If the VEE Port project contains Tool subprojects (such as an Image Generator), they must be migrated by following these steps:

  • Move the Tool folder into the vee-port/extensions folder.

  • Replace the module.ivy file by a build.gradle.kts file.

  • Use the com.microej.gradle.j2se-library plugin in this file:

    plugins {
  • Define the dependencies previously defined in the module.ivy file. A Tool generally depends on libraries, so they can be defined with the implementation configuration. Note that when the Tool is an Image Generator and depends on the Image Generator library from the UI Pack, the dependency must be declared with the name and extension:

    implementation("com.microej.pack.ui:ui-pack:14.0.1") {
         artifact {
             name = "imageGenerator"
             extension = "jar"
  • Include the Tool subproject in the multi-project in the settings.gradle.kts file:

    project(":vee-port:image-generator").projectDir = file("vee-port/extensions/image-generator")
  • Make the VEE Port subproject depend on the Tool subproject by adding a project dependency in the vee-port/build.gradle.kts file:


Testsuites Project

These steps must be followed to migrate the Testsuites:

  • Move the Testsuite folder into the vee-port/validation folder.

Then for each Testsuite:

  • Replace the module.ivy file by a build.gradle.kts file.

  • Use the com.microej.gradle.testsuite plugin in this file:

    plugins {
  • The tested VEE Port was defined in SDK 5 in the config.properties file, with the target.platform.dir property. In SDK 6, it is done by declaring the VEE Port Configuration project as a project dependency:

    dependencies {

    and including the testsuite project in the settings.gradle.kts file of the multi-project:

    project(":java-testsuite-runner-security").projectDir = file("validation/security/java-testsuite-runner-security")

    The second line is required when the testsuite subproject is not directly in a subfolder of the multi-project. The path set as the value is relative to the root folder of the multi-project.

    Once done, you can delete the target.platform.dir property in the config.properties file.

  • define the testsuite in the build.gradle.kts file:

    testing {
       suites {
          val test by getting(JvmTestSuite::class) {
             microej.useMicroejTestEngine(this, TestTarget.EMB, TestMode.MAIN)
             dependencies {
                implementation(project()) // (1)
                implementation("ej.library.test:junit:1.7.1") // (2)
                implementation("org.junit.platform:junit-platform-launcher:1.8.2") // (3)
                implementation("ej.api:security:1.4.0") // (4)
                implementation("com.microej.pack.security:security-1_4-testsuite:1.3.0") // (4)

    The testsuite dependencies must contain:

    • the project (1)

    • the JUnit libraries (2)

    • the Foundation Library to test (3)

    • the Testsuite related to the Foundation Library (4)

  • The patterns of the included and excluded test classes was defined with the test.run.includes.pattern and test.run.excludes.pattern properties in the config.properties file. There must be now defined directly in the testsuite configuration in the build.gradle.kts file, by using the standard Gradle filter feature:

    testing {
       suites {
          val test by getting(JvmTestSuite::class) {
             microej.useMicroejTestEngine(this, TestTarget.EMB, TestMode.MAIN)
             dependencies {
             targets {
                 all {
                     testTask.configure {
                         filter {

    Refer to the Gradle documentation on test filtering for more details.

    Once done, you can delete the test.run.includes.pattern and test.run.excludes.pattern properties in the config.properties file.

  • Delete all the files related to SDK 5:

    • module.ant

    • override.module.ant


It is recommended to keep the BSP folder at the root of the multi-project. The paths to the BSP can be updated in the VEE Port configuration (vee-port/configuration.properties) if necessary.

The ${project.parent.dir} variable can be used to refer to the project root folder. For example with the recommended structure described at the beginning of this page (the bsp is at the root of the project), add this line in the vee-port/configuration.properties file:


Refer to the BSP Connection documentation for more details.

Wrap up

At the end of the migration, you should have a structure similar to the one presented at the beginning of this page. The settings.gradle.kts should look like:

// Define the VEE Port mulit-project name
rootProject.name = "my-board-vee-port"

// Include the subprojects
include("vee-port", "vee-port:front-panel", "vee-port:mock", "vee-port:image-generator", "demo-application")

// Define the paths of the subprojects
project(":vee-port:front-panel").projectDir = file("vee-port/extensions/front-panel")
project(":vee-port:image-generator").projectDir = file("vee-port/extensions/image-generator")
project(":vee-port:validation:java-testsuite-runner-core").projectDir = file("vee-port/validation/core/java-testsuite-runner-core")
project(":vee-port:validation:java-testsuite-runner-fs").projectDir = file("vee-port/validation/fs/java-testsuite-runner-fs")