Test a VEE Port

The SDK provides the capability to test a VEE Port. While you can create your own tests, MicroEJ provides a set of tools and pre-defined projects aimed at simplifying the steps for validating VEE Ports in the form of the VEE Port Qualification Tools (PQT).

Please refer to the VEE Port Project Template README to learn how to setup and run this Qualification process.

Configure a Testsuite

The SDK allows to configure the Testsuite, as well as the Tests being executed. Refer to the Configure the Testsuite Engine section to discover the configuration options.

Besides allowing to configure the Testsuite in the build.gradle.kts file of the Testsuite, the configuration properties can be defined in the config.properties file located at the root of the Testsuite project. For example:

# The testsuite timeout (in seconds)

# The number of times we'll retry a test if it fails

Also, the configuration options used for each test can be defined in the validation/microej-testsuite-common.properties file located at the root of the Testsuite project. For example:

# Java memory settings