Vector Images


Vector Images are graphical resources that can be accessed with a call to ej.microvg.VectorImage.getImage(). The images are converted at build-time (using the image generator tool) to binary resources.

Images that must be processed by the image generator tool are declared in *.vectorimages.list files (or in *.externvectorimages.list for an external resource, see External Images). The file format is a standard Java properties file, each line representing a / separated resource path relative to the MicroEJ classpath root referring to a vector image file (e.g. .svg, .xml). The resource must be followed by a parameter (separated by a :) which defines and/or describes the image output file format (raw format).

Currently accepted formats are :

  • :VGF: MicroVG compatible format with coordinates encoded as float numbers (32 bits).

  • :VG32: MicroVG compatible format with coordinates encoded as signed int numbers (32 bits).

  • :VG16: MicroVG compatible format with coordinates encoded as signed short numbers (16 bits).

  • :VG8: MicroVG compatible format with coordinates encoded as signed char numbers (8 bits).


The ouput format may be adjusted by the MicroVG engine to fit the capabilities of the vectorial GPU.




In the case where the output format is not specified, the resource is embedded as is, as described in the Image Generator chapter Unspecified Output Format. This use case is useful for loading an encoded VG image, as described in the Android Vector Drawable Loader chapter.

Supported Input Files

The image generator tool supports the following input file formats:

  • Android Vector Drawable

  • SVG

Refer to the Limitations / Supported Features section for the list of supported features for these file formats.

The vector image objects are extracted and converted to paths made of Move, Line and Curve commands.

Each path is associated with either a fill color or a linear gradient. All object strokes are converted to filled paths at build-time.

Objects group transformations are also extracted from the input file and applied at run-time.

Drawing Images

Drawing and Transforming Images

Once an image has been loaded it can be drawn in the graphic context with a call to ej.microvg.VectorGraphicsPainter.drawImage().

The image is associated with a transformation Matrix that will be applied in order to translate, scale and/or rotate the image.

The application can get the width and the height of the image with ej.microvg.VectorImage.getWidth() and ej.microvg.VectorImage.getHeight() to correctly scale and position the image in the application window.

The following example describes how an Android Vector Drawable file can be drawn and positioned on the display.

  • Android Vector Drawable file:

<vector xmlns:android="" xmlns:aapt=""
   android:width="100dp" android:height="100dp" android:viewportWidth="100" android:viewportHeight="100">
   <path android:pathData="M 0 0 h50 v50 h-50 z" android:fillColor="#FFFFAA"/>
   <path android:pathData="M 50 50 h50 v50 h-50 z">
      <aapt:attr name="android:fillColor">
               android:startColor="#0000ff" android:startX="50" android:startY="50"
               android:endColor="#ff00ff" android:endX="100" android:endY="100"

public static void main(String[] args) {


   Display display = Display.getDisplay();
   GraphicsContext g = display.getGraphicsContext();

   VectorImage image = VectorImage.getImage("/images/myImage.xml"); //$NON-NLS-1$

   Matrix matrix0 = new Matrix();
   matrix0.setTranslate(20, 20);
   matrix0.preScale(50 / image.getWidth(), 50 / image.getHeight());

   Matrix matrix1 = new Matrix();
   matrix1.setTranslate(150, 150);

   VectorGraphicsPainter.drawImage(g, image, matrix0);
   VectorGraphicsPainter.drawImage(g, image, matrix1);


Draw and transform image

Drawing With Opacity

The vector image can be drawn with a global opacity level.

VectorImage image = VectorImage.getImage("/images/myImage.xml"); //$NON-NLS-1$

// the global opacity rendering value, between 0 (transparent) and 255 (opaque)
int opacity = 0x80;

VectorGraphicsPainter.drawImage(g, image, new Matrix(), opacity);

Draw image with alpha


As paths are drawn one after the other, images that contain overlapping paths are not correctly colored when a global opacity is applied. The rendering of these images will throw an exception. The images must be reworked to suppress overlapping.

Color Filtering

A VectorImage object can be derived from another VectorImage object, keeping the paths and transformations but updating the colors using a color matrix.

This color matrix is a 4x5 float matrix. It is organized like that:

  • Each line is used to compute a component of the resulting color, in this order: red, green, blue, alpha.

  • The four first columns are multipliers applied to a component of the initial color, in this order: red, green, blue, alpha.

  • The last column is a constant value.

Let A, R, G, B be the components of the initial color and the following array a color matrix:

{ rR, rG, rB, rA, rC,  // red
  gR, gG, gB, gA, gC,  // green
  bR, bG, bB, bA, bC,  // blue
  aR, aG, aB, aA, aC } // alpha

The resulting color components are computed as:

resultRed = rR * R + rG * G + rB * B + rA * A + rC
resultGreen = gR * R + gG * G + gB * B + gA * A + gC
resultBlue = bR * R + bG * G + bB * B + bA * A + bC
resultAlpha = aR * R + aG * G + aB * B + aA * A + aC

If the resulting component value is below 0 or above 255, the component value is clamped to these limits.


The new image is a ResourceVectorImage. The image buffer is allocated in the MicroUI image heap. The application must manage the image cycle life and close the image to free the image buffer.

A VectorImage object can also be drawn associated to a color matrix by a call to ej.microvg.VectorGraphicsPainter.drawFilteredImage().

The following example illustrates this feature.

VectorImage image = VectorImage.getImage("/images/myImage.xml"); //$NON-NLS-1$

 // Derive a new VectorImage
 float[] colorMatrix0 = new float[] { //
       1f, 0, 0, 0, 0, // red
       0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // green
       0, 0, 1f, 0, 0, // blue
       0, 0, 0, 1f, 0, // alpha

 VectorImage imageFiltered = image.filterImage(colorMatrix0);
 VectorGraphicsPainter.drawImage(g, imageFiltered, new Matrix());

 float[] colorMatrix1 = new float[] { //
       0f, 0, 0, 0, 0, // red
       0.5f, 0.5f, 0, 0, 0, // green
       0, 0, 1f, -0.5f, 0, // blue
       0, 0, 0, 1f, 0, // alpha
 Matrix matrix1 = new Matrix();
 matrix1.setTranslate(image.getWidth(), 0);

 VectorGraphicsPainter.drawFilteredImage(g, image, matrix1, colorMatrix1);

Draw and filter image

Animated Vector Images

The Android Vector Drawable format provides the ability to change the properties of vector graphics over time, in order to create animated effects.

The transformations of the objects over the time are embedded in the Vector image file and a call to ej.microvg.VectorGraphicsPainter.drawAnimatedImage() or ej.microvg.VectorGraphicsPainter.drawFilteredAnimatedImage() will draw the image for a specific time frame.

The application can get the duration of the image animation with a call to ej.microvg.VectorImage.getDuration().

Every image object that is animated outside the image viewbox is clipped at the image boundary. In any cases, especially when the image is rotated, the image boundary is the rectangle that contains all the corners of the original image.

The supported file format is an Animated Vector Drawable xml file with animations and vector definition in the same file as described in Android API.

The SVG format also supports the animation of vector graphics objects, but this feature is not yet implemented in the MicroVG library for this file format.

SVG files that need to be animated should be converted to Android Vector Drawable format with the Android Vector Asset tool and then animated manually or with a tool like Shapeshifter.


A flaw in Eclipse Temurin™ JDK 8 causes animated vector images to render incorrectly on the Simulator. You should upgrade to Eclipse Temurin™ JDK 11 instead.

Supported animations

This section will present the different available animations with an example.

For each example, this simple java code will be used.

VectorImage image = VectorImage.getImage("/images/myImage.xml"); //$NON-NLS-1$
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();

long elapsed = 0;
long step = 10;
while (true) {
   // Clear Screen
   Painter.fillRectangle(g, 0, 0, display.getWidth(), display.getHeight());

   VectorGraphicsPainter.drawAnimatedImage(g, image, matrix, elapsed);


   // Pause the current thread
   try {
   } catch (InterruptedException e) {

   // Update current image time
   if (elapsed < image.getDuration()) {
      elapsed += step;
   } else {
      elapsed = 0;

TranslateX and TranslateY

Any group in the Android Vector Drawable can be translated in X or Y direction with an object animator.

<animated-vector xmlns:android=""
<aapt:attr name="android:drawable">
   <vector android:width="100dp" android:height="100dp"
            android:viewportWidth="100" android:viewportHeight="100">
      <group android:name="yellow_group">
            <path android:pathData="M 0 0 h50 v50 h-50 z" android:fillColor="#FFFFAA"/>
      <group android:name="gradient_group">
      <path android:pathData="M 50 50 h50 v50 h-50 z">
            <aapt:attr name="android:fillColor">
                  android:startColor="#0000ff" android:startX="50" android:startY="50"
                  android:endColor="#ff00ff" android:endX="100" android:endY="100"
<target android:name="yellow_group">
   <aapt:attr name="android:animation">
      <set android:ordering="together">
            <objectAnimator android:propertyName="translateX" android:valueType="floatType"
               android:duration="1000" android:startOffset="0" android:valueFrom="0" android:valueTo="50"/>
            <objectAnimator android:propertyName="translateX" android:valueType="floatType"
               android:duration="1000" android:startOffset="1500" android:valueFrom="50" android:valueTo="0"/>
<target android:name="gradient_group">
   <aapt:attr name="android:animation">
      <set android:ordering="together">
            <objectAnimator android:propertyName="translateX" android:valueType="floatType"
               android:duration="1000" android:startOffset="0" android:valueFrom="0" android:valueTo="-50"/>
            <objectAnimator android:propertyName="translateX" android:valueType="floatType"
               android:duration="1000" android:startOffset="1500" android:valueFrom="-50" android:valueTo="0"/>
            <objectAnimator android:propertyName="translateY" android:valueType="floatType"
               android:duration="1000" android:startOffset="0" android:valueFrom="0" android:valueTo="-50"/>
            <objectAnimator android:propertyName="translateY" android:valueType="floatType"
               android:duration="1000" android:startOffset="1500" android:valueFrom="-50" android:valueTo="0"/>

Draw animated image with translate

TranslateXY over a path

Any group in the Android Vector Drawable can be translated over a path.

<animated-vector xmlns:android=""
<aapt:attr name="android:drawable">
   <vector android:width="100dp" android:height="100dp"
            android:viewportWidth="100" android:viewportHeight="100">
     ... same as previous example
<target android:name="gradient_group">
   <aapt:attr name="android:animation">
      <set android:ordering="together">
                 android:propertyName="translateXY" android:duration="5000"
                 android:propertyXName="translateX" android:propertyYName="translateY"
                 android:pathData="M -0.143 0.479 C -30.355 28.02 -153.405 -111.8 -39.441 -70.818
                                  C -48.423 -63.52 70.593 -18.608 -91.09 -15.802 Z"/>

Draw animated image over a path

ScaleX and ScaleY

A group in the Android Vector Drawable can be scaled on X or Y direction. The scaling pivot point is the one defined in the group attributes. By default, the pivot point is (0,0).

<animated-vector xmlns:android=""
<aapt:attr name="android:drawable">
   <vector android:width="100dp" android:height="100dp"
            android:viewportWidth="100" android:viewportHeight="100">
      <group android:name="yellow_group" android:pivotX="25" android:pivotY="25">
            <path android:pathData="M 0 0 h50 v50 h-50 z" android:fillColor="#FFFFAA"/>
      <group android:name="gradient_group" >
      <path android:pathData="M 50 50 h50 v50 h-50 z">
            <aapt:attr name="android:fillColor">
                  android:startColor="#0000ff" android:startX="50" android:startY="50"
                  android:endColor="#ff00ff" android:endX="100" android:endY="100"
<target android:name="yellow_group">
   <aapt:attr name="android:animation">
      <set android:ordering="together">
            <objectAnimator android:propertyName="scaleX" android:valueType="floatType"
               android:duration="1000" android:startOffset="0" android:valueFrom="1"
            <objectAnimator android:propertyName="scaleX" android:valueType="floatType"
               android:duration="1000" android:startOffset="1500" android:valueFrom="0.5"
<target android:name="gradient_group">
   <aapt:attr name="android:animation">
      <set android:ordering="together">
            <objectAnimator android:propertyName="scaleX" android:valueType="floatType"
               android:duration="1000" android:startOffset="0"
               android:valueFrom="0.2" android:valueTo="1"/>
            <objectAnimator android:propertyName="scaleX" android:valueType="floatType"
               android:duration="1000" android:startOffset="1500"
               android:valueFrom="1" android:valueTo="0.2"/>
            <objectAnimator android:propertyName="scaleY" android:valueType="floatType"
               android:duration="1000" android:startOffset="0"
               android:valueFrom="0.2" android:valueTo="1"/>
            <objectAnimator android:propertyName="scaleY" android:valueType="floatType"
               android:duration="1000" android:startOffset="1500"
               android:valueFrom="1" android:valueTo="0.2"/>

Draw animated image over a path


A group in the Android Vector Drawable can be rotated around a pivot point. The pivot point is the one defined in the group attributes. By default, the pivot point is (0,0).

<animated-vector xmlns:android=""
<aapt:attr name="android:drawable">
   <vector android:width="100dp" android:height="100dp"
            android:viewportWidth="100" android:viewportHeight="100">
      ... same as previous example
<target android:name="yellow_group">
   <aapt:attr name="android:animation">
      <set android:ordering="together">
            <objectAnimator android:propertyName="rotation" android:valueType="floatType"
               android:duration="1000" android:startOffset="0"
               android:valueFrom="0" android:valueTo="720"/>
            <objectAnimator android:propertyName="rotation" android:valueType="floatType"
               android:duration="1000" android:startOffset="1500"
               android:valueFrom="720" android:valueTo="0"/>

Draw animated image over a path


The Android Vector Drawable format supports the animation of the pathData attribute of a path. With this type of animation a shape can be transformed to a totally different other shape. The only constraint is that the origin and destination pathData must have the same commands format.

Lets take, for instance, the morphing of a rectangle to a circle which have the following commands.

Circle: M 11.9 9.8 C 11.9 8.1 13.3 6.7 14.9 6.7 C 16.6 6.7 18 8.1 18 9.8 C 18 11.6 16.6 13 14.9 13 C 13.3 13 11.9 11.6 11.9 9.8 Z

Rectangle: M 11.9 6.7 H 18 V 13 H 11.9 Z

The rectangle path has to be reworked to match with the sequence of commands of the circle path.

The following tools can be used to manipulate the paths to create the wanted animation effect:

There is an infinity of possibilities to create the new path, and the association of each points of the paths will induce a specific morphing animation. As an example, let’s define two rectangles very similar visually but with different definitions:

New Rectangle path1: M 11.9 9.8 C 11.897 7.735 11.906 7.995 11.906 6.697 C 16.6 6.7 16.601 6.706 17.995 6.697 C 18 11.6 17.995 11.587 18.004 13.006 C 13.3 13 13.852 13.006 11.897 13.006 Z

New Rectangle path2: M 11.906 6.697 C 11.953 6.698 12.993 6.698 17.995 6.697 C 17.999 8.331 17.997 9.93 18.002 13.004 C 16.239 13.007 16.009 13.001 11.893 13.007 C 13.3 13 13.852 13.006 11.893 13.007 Z

<animated-vector xmlns:android=""
 <aapt:attr name="android:drawable">
     <vector android:width="20dp" android:height="20dp"
              android:viewportWidth="20" android:viewportHeight="20">
         <path android:fillColor="#FF0000" android:pathData="M 0 0 h40 v40 h-40"/>
         <path android:fillColor="#FF0000" android:pathData="M 0 0 h40 v40 h-40"/>
         <group android:name="group1" android:translateX="-10">
                 android:pathData="M 11.9 9.8 C 11.9 8.1 13.3 6.7 14.9 6.7
                                   C 16.6 6.7 18 8.1 18 9.8
                                   C 18 11.6 16.6 13 14.9 13
                                   C 13.3 13 11.9 11.6 11.9 9.8 Z"
         <group android:name="group2">
             <path android:name="circle2"
                 android:pathData="M 11.9 9.8 C 11.9 8.1 13.3 6.7 14.9 6.7
                                   C 16.6 6.7 18 8.1 18 9.8
                                   C 18 11.6 16.6 13 14.9 13
                                   C 13.3 13 11.9 11.6 11.9 9.8 Z"
                 android:fillColor="#00FFAA" />

 <target android:name="circle1">
 <aapt:attr name="android:animation">
             android:valueFrom="M 11.9 9.8 C 11.9 8.1 13.3 6.7 14.9 6.7
                                C 16.6 6.7 18 8.1 18 9.8
                                C 18 11.6 16.6 13 14.9 13
                                C 13.3 13 11.9 11.6 11.9 9.8 Z"
             android:valueTo="M 11.9 9.8 C 11.897 7.735 11.906 7.995 11.906 6.697
                              C 16.6 6.7 16.601 6.706 17.995 6.697
                              C 18 11.6 17.995 11.587 18.004 13.006
                              C 13.3 13 13.852 13.006 11.897 13.006 Z"
 <target android:name="circle2">
     <aapt:attr name="android:animation">
                 android:valueFrom="M 11.9 9.8 C 11.9 8.1 13.3 6.7 14.9 6.7
                                    C 16.6 6.7 18 8.1 18 9.8
                                    C 18 11.6 16.6 13 14.9 13
                                    C 13.3 13 11.9 11.6 11.9 9.8 Z"
                 android:valueTo="M 11.906 6.697 C 11.953 6.698 12.993 6.698 17.995 6.697
                                  C 17.999 8.331 17.997 9.93 18.002 13.004
                                  C 16.239 13.007 16.009 13.001 11.893 13.007
                                  C 13.3 13 13.852 13.006 11.893 13.007 Z"

Draw animated image with path morphing


As path strokes are converted at build-time to filled path, the morphing of stroked paths is not supported. Any image with a path morphing animation on a stroked path will be rejected. Path strokes must be manually converted to filled path and the morphing of these new filled paths must be created.

Color and Opacity

Any path fillColor, strokeColor, fillAlpha and strokeAlpha attributes in the Android Vector Drawable can be animated.

<animated-vector xmlns:android=""
 <aapt:attr name="android:drawable">
     <vector android:width="55dp" android:height="55dp"
              android:viewportWidth="55" android:viewportHeight="55">
        <group android:translateX="5">
         <path android:name="fillColor" android:fillColor="#FF00FF"
               android:pathData="M 0 0 h20 v20 h-20 Z"/>
         <path android:name="fillAlpha" android:fillColor="#FF0000"
               android:pathData="M 25 0 h20 v20 h-20 Z"/>
         <path android:name="strokeColor" android:strokeWidth="5"
               android:strokeColor="#FFFF00" android:pathData="M 0 25 h20 v20 h-20 Z"/>
         <path android:name="strokeAlpha" android:strokeWidth="5" android:strokeColor="#00FF00"
               android:pathData="M 25 25 h20 v20 h-20 Z"/>

 <target android:name="fillColor">
 <aapt:attr name="android:animation">
 <target android:name="strokeColor">
     <aapt:attr name="android:animation">

 <target android:name="fillAlpha">
     <aapt:attr name="android:animation">
         <set> <objectAnimator
 <target android:name="strokeAlpha">
     <aapt:attr name="android:animation">
         <set> <objectAnimator

Draw animated image with path morphing


The color of paths colored with a linear gradient can not be animated.

Easing Interpolators

Every animation is associated with an easing interpolator. By default, the animation transition is linear, but the rate of change in the animation can be defined by an interpolator. This allows the existing animation effects to be accelerated, decelerated, repeated, bounced, etc.

The supported Android interpolators are:

  • accelerate_cubic

  • accelerate_decelerate

  • accelerate_quad

  • anticipate

  • anticipate_overshoot

  • bounce

  • cycle

  • decelerate_cubic

  • decelerate_quad

  • decelerate_quint

  • fast_out_extra_slow_in

  • fast_out_linear_in

  • fast_out_slow_in

  • linear

  • linear_out_slow_in

  • overshoot

Any other vectorial path can also be used as the interpolator easing function.

Following examples show the behavior of some of the interpolators for a simple translation animation.

  • Image:

<animated-vector xmlns:android="" xmlns:aapt="">
 <aapt:attr name="android:drawable">
     <vector android:width="100dp" android:height="100dp" android:viewportWidth="100" android:viewportHeight="100">
     <path android:pathData="M 0 0 h100 v20 h-100 Z" android:strokeColor="#FFFFFF" android:strokeWidth="1"/>
        <group android:name="translate">
         <path android:pathData="M 0 0 h20 v20 h-20 Z" android:fillColor="#335566"/>

 <target android:name="translate">
 <aapt:attr name="android:animation">
             android:interpolator = "@android:interpolator/linear" />

android:interpolator = "@android:interpolator/linear"

Draw animated image with path morphing

android:interpolator = "@android:interpolator/accelerate_cubic"


android:interpolator = "@android:interpolator/bounce"


android:interpolator = "@android:interpolator/fast_out_slow_in"


<aapt:attr name="android:interpolator">
   <pathInterpolator android:pathData="M 0 0 C 0.371 2.888 0.492 -1.91 1 1"/>

../../../_images/custom0Interpolator.gif ../../../_images/custom0Interpolator.png

<aapt:attr name="android:interpolator">
   <pathInterpolator android:pathData="M 0 0 C 0.333 1.939 0.171 -0.906 0.601 0.335 C 0.862 0.998 0.83 -0.771 1 1"/>

../../../_images/custom1Interpolator.gif ../../../_images/custom1Interpolator.png

External Images

To fetch images from external memory, the application must pre-register the external Image resources. The management of this kind of image may be different than the compile-time images and may require some allocations in the MicroUI Images Heap. For more details about the external image management, refers to the VEE Port Guide chapter External Memory.

Caching Generated Images

Images converted using the Image Generator can be cached so that they are not rebuilt every time the application is launched. Doing so can significantly speed up the application build phase.

See Caching Generated Images to have more details.


The cache is available from version 13.6 of the UI Pack.

Limitations / Supported Features

Android Vector Drawable

The MicroVG library supports most of the Android Vector Drawable features with the following limitations:

  • clip-path feature is only supported for static images.

  • trim-path animation is not supported.

  • morphing animations are not supported for paths with stroke.

  • usage of path opacity is limited

    • drawImage with alpha is not supported if the image contains overlapping paths.

    • images with global alpha(android:alpha attribute of vector element) and overlapping paths are not supported.

    • Beware that using android:fillColor and android:strokeColor attributes on the same path leads to overlapping paths.

  • radial and sweep gradient types are not supported.

  • tint, tintMode and autoMirrored features are not supported.

  • trimPath feature is not supported.


The MicroVG library supports a subset of SVGTiny: including:

  • Path

  • Basic shape

  • Painting filling

  • Painting stroking

  • Painting gradient (only linear gradient with one pattern)

  • Painting color formats : #RRGGBB, #RGB, rgb(r,g,b), keywords

  • Transforms

  • Text

  • Fonts (the text fonts used in the SVG file has to be installed on the operating system)