Shared Interfaces
The Shared Interface mechanism provided by the Core Engine is an object communication bus based on plain Java interfaces where method calls are allowed to cross Sandboxed Applications boundaries without relying on Kernel APIs.
The Shared Interface mechanism is the cornerstone for designing reliable Service Oriented Architectures. Communication is based on the sharing of interfaces defining APIs (Contract Oriented Programming).
The basic schema:
A provider application publishes an implementation for a shared interface into a system registry.
A user application retrieves the implementation from the system registry and directly calls the methods defined by the shared interface.

Shared Interface Call Mechanism
The Shared Interface mechanism is based on automatic proxy objects created by the Core Engine. This offers a reliable way for users to handle broken links in case the provider application has been stopped or uninstalled.
Applications with a Shared Interface must provide a dedicated implementation (called the Proxy class implementation). Its main goal is to perform the remote invocation and provide a reliable implementation regarding the interface contract even if the remote application fails to fulfill its contract (unexpected exceptions, application killed, …). The Core Engine will allocate instances of this Proxy class when an implementation (of the Shared Interface) owned by another application is being transferred to this application.

Shared Interfaces Proxy Overview
This mecanism is formally specified in the [KF] specification.
Shared Interface Usage
Usage of a Shared Interface follows these steps:
Define the Shared Interface:
Define the Java interface
Implement the proxy for the interface
Register the interface as a Shared Interface
From the provider application,
Create an instance of this Shared Interface
Register the instance to a KF service registry
From the consumer application,
Retrieve a proxy of the instance from the KF service registry
Call methods of the instance proxy.
Define the Shared Interface
Define the Java Interface
The definition of a Shared Interface starts by defining a standard Java interface. For example:
package mypackage;
public interface MyInterface {
void foo();
A Shared Interface includes all methods it declares, along with those inherited from its super types. It can extend any interface, including Feature interfaces (which may or may not be declared as Shared Interfaces) and Kernel interfaces.
Some restrictions apply to Shared Interfaces compared to standard Java interfaces:
Types for parameters and return values must be transferable types;
Thrown exceptions must be classes owned by the Kernel.
Implement the Proxy Class
A proxy class is implemented and executed on the client side.
with the following specification:
its fully qualified name is the shared interface fully qualified name append with
.it extends the Proxy class.
it implements the Shared Interface
it provides an implementation of all interface methods
Each method of the implemented interface must be defined according to the following pattern:
package mypackage;
public class MyInterfaceProxy extends Proxy<MyInterface> implements MyInterface {
public void foo(){
try {
invoke(); // perform remote invocation
} catch (Throwable e) {
// Handle any errors thrown during the remote call, including dead Feature.
// Implement a behavior that complies with the method specification.
// i.e. return a valid error code or throw a documented exception.
// Logging traces for debug can also be added here.
Each implemented method of the proxy class is responsible for performing the remote call and catching all errors from the server side and to provide an appropriate answer to the client application call according to the interface method specification (contract).
The Proxy class implementation section documents how to perform the remote invocation.
Register the Shared Interface
To declare an interface as a Shared Interface, it must be registered in
a Shared Interfaces identification file. A Shared Interface
identification file is an XML file with the .si
filename extension
and the following format:
<sharedInterface name="mypackage.MyInterface"/>
Shared Interface identification files must be placed at the root of the
application classpath, typically it is defined in the
Use the Shared Interface at Runtime
Projects Structure
Both the consumer and the provider applications must have the Java interface, the proxy class and the identification file on the classpath in order to be able to use the Shared Interface.
Typically, the 3 files can be defined in an Add-On Library that both application projects depend on.
Create and Share an instance of a Shared Interface
The provider application can instantiate the Java interface. For example:
MyInterface myInstance = new MyInterface() {
public void foo() {
System.out.println("Hello world!");
In order to share the instance with other applications, the provider application must register the instance with some registry owned by the Kernel (see Communication between Kernel and Feature for details) like so:
ServiceFactory.register(MyInterface.class, myInstance);
Retrieve and Use a Proxy of a Shared Interface Instance
The consumer application can then retrieve the instance from the Kernel registry like so:
MyInterface otherAppInstance = ServiceFactory.getService(MyInterface.class);
// otherAppInstance is actually an instance of the proxy class owned by the consumer application
Then it can call the interface methods transparently:; // remote invocation through the proxy
Transferable Types
In the process of a cross-application method call, parameters and return value of methods declared in a Shared Interface must be transferred back and forth between application boundaries.

Shared Interface Parameters Transfer
The following table describes the rules applied depending on the element to be transferred.
Type |
Owner |
Instance Owner |
Rule |
Base type |
N/A |
N/A |
Passing by value. ( |
Any Class, Array or Interface |
Kernel |
Kernel |
Passing by reference |
Any Class, Array or Interface |
Kernel |
Application |
Kernel specific. Converted to a target Feature object if the Kernel has registered a Kernel type converter, otherwise Forbidden. |
Array of base types |
Any |
Application |
Clone by copy |
Arrays of references |
Any |
Application |
Clone and transfer rules applied again on each element (recursively) |
Shared Interface |
Application |
Application |
Passing by indirect reference (Proxy creation). |
Any Class, Array or Interface |
Application |
Application |
Forbidden |
Objects created by an Application which type is owned by the Kernel can be transferred to another Application provided this has been authorized by the Kernel. When an argument transfer is forbidden, the call is abruptly stopped and an java.lang.IllegalAccessError is thrown by the Core Engine.
The list of Kernel types that can be transferred is Kernel specific, so you have to consult your Kernel specification. The table below lists some well-known types that your Kernel likely can allow to be transferred through a Shared Interface, along with their behaviors. [2].
Type |
Rule |
Clone by copy |
Clone by copy |
Clone by copy |
Clone by copy |
Clone by copy |
Clone by copy |
Clone by copy |
Clone by copy |
Clone by copy |
Create a Proxy reference |
Clone by copy |
Clone by copy with recursive element conversion |
Clone by copy with recursive keys and values conversion |
Implementing the Proxy Class
Remote invocation methods are defined in the super class ej.kf.Proxy
and are named invokeXXX()
where XXX
is the kind of return type.
Invocation Method |
Usage |
void invoke() |
Remote invocation for a proxy method that returns void |
Object invokeRef() |
Remote invocation for a proxy method that returns a reference |
boolean invokeBoolean(), byte invokeByte(), char invokeChar(), short invokeShort(), int invokeInt(), long invokeLong(), double invokeDouble(), float invokeFloat() |
Remote invocation for a proxy method that returns a base type |
As this class is part of the Application, the developer has the full control on the Proxy implementation and is free to insert additional code such as logging calls and errors for example. It is also possible to have different proxy implementations for the same Shared Interface in different applications.