
This documentation is for SDK 5. The latest major version is SDK 6. SDK 5 is in maintenance mode since the release of SDK 5.8.0. Consequently, as stated in the SDK End User License Agreement (EULA), the SDK will reach the end of its life by July 2028. Contact our support team for assistance with migrating to the new SDK, or your sales representative if you require an extension of SDK maintenance as a service.

MicroEJ Module Manager


Modern electronic device design involves many parts and teams to collaborate to finally obtain a product to be sold on its market. MicroEJ encourages modular design which involves various stake holders: hardware engineers, UX designers, graphic designers, drivers/BSP engineers, software engineers, etc.

Modular design is a design technique that emphasizes separating the functionality of an application into independent, interchangeable modules. Each module contains everything necessary to execute only one aspect of the desired functionality. In order to have team members collaborate internally within their team and with other teams, MicroEJ provides a powerful modular design concept, with smart module dependencies, controlled by the MicroEJ Module Manager (MMM). MMM frees engineers from the difficult task of computing module dependencies. Engineers specify the bare minimum description of the module requirements.

The following schema introduces the main concepts detailed in this chapter.

MMM Overview

MMM Overview

MMM is based on the following tools:


MMM provides a non ambiguous semantic for dependencies resolution. Please consult the MMM specification available on https://developer.microej.com/packages/documentation/TLT-0831-SPE-MicroEJModuleManager-2.0-E.pdf.

Module Project Skeleton

In the SDK, a new MicroEJ module project is created as follows:

  • Select File > New > Project…,

  • Select MicroEJ > Module Project [1],

  • Fill the module information (project name, module organization, name and revision),

  • Select one of the suggested skeletons depending on the desired module nature,

  • Click on Finish.

The project is created and a set of files and directories are generated from the selected skeleton.


When an empty Eclipse project already exists or when the skeleton has to be created within an existing directory, the MicroEJ module is created as follows:

  • In the Package Explorer, click on the parent project or directory,

  • Select File > New > Other…,

  • Select EasyAnt > EasyAnt Skeleton.

Module Description File

A module description file is an Ivy configuration file named module.ivy, located at the root of each MicroEJ module project. It describes the module nature (also called build type) and dependencies to other modules.

<ivy-module version="2.0" xmlns:ea="http://www.easyant.org" xmlns:m="http://ant.apache.org/ivy/extra"
                          xmlns:ej="https://developer.microej.com" ej:version="2.0.0">
    <info organisation="[organisation]" module="[name]" status="integration" revision="[version]">
        <ea:build organisation="com.is2t.easyant.buildtypes" module="[buildtype_name]" revision="[buildtype_version]">
            <ea:property name="[buildoption_name]" value="[buildoption_value]"/>

    <configurations defaultconfmapping="default->default;provided->provided">
        <conf name="default" visibility="public"/>
        <conf name="provided" visibility="public"/>
        <conf name="documentation" visibility="public"/>
        <conf name="source" visibility="public"/>
        <conf name="dist" visibility="public"/>
        <conf name="test" visibility="private"/>


      <dependency org="[dep_organisation]" name="[dep_name]" rev="[dep_version]"/>

Enable MMM Semantic

The MMM semantic is enabled in a module by adding the MicroEJ XML namespace and the ej:version attribute in the ivy-module node:

<ivy-module xmlns:ej="https://developer.microej.com" ej:version="2.0.0">


Multiple namespaces can be declared in the ivy-module node.

MMM semantic is enabled in the module created with the Module Project Skeleton.

Module Dependencies

Module dependencies are added to the dependencies node as follow:

  <dependency org="[dep_organisation]" name="[dep_name]" rev="[dep_version]"/>

When no matching rule is specified, the default matching rule is compatible.

Dependency Matching Rule

The following matching rules are specified by MMM:


Range Notation



[M.m.p-RC, (M+1).0.0-RC[

Equal or up to next major version. Default if not set.


[M.m.p-RC, M.(m+1).0-RC [

Equal or up to next minor version


[M.m.p-RC, ∞[

Equal or greater versions


[M.m.p-RC, M.m.(p+1)-RC[

Exact match (strong dependency)

Set the matching rule of a given dependency with ej:match="matching rule". For example:

<dependency org="[dep_organisation]" name="[dep_name]" rev="[dep_version]" ej:match="perfect" />

Dependency Visibility

  • A dependency declared public is transitively resolved by upper modules. The default when not set.

  • A dependency declared private is only used by the module itself, typically for:

    • Bundling the content into the module

    • Testing the module

The visibility is set by the configurations declared in the configurations node. For example:

<configurations defaultconfmapping="default->default;provided->provided">
    <conf name="[conf_name]" visibility="private"/>

The configuration of a dependency is specified by setting the conf attribute, for example:

<dependency org="[dep_organisation]" name="[dep_name]" rev="[dep_version]" conf="[conf_name]->*" />

Build Options

MMM builds can be configured by settings options in the module.ivy file using the ea:property tag inside the ea:build tag:

<ea:build organisation="..." module="..." revision="x.y.z">
    <ea:property name="[build_option_name]" value="[build_option_value]"/>

Refer to the documentation of Module Natures for the list of available build options for each Module Nature.

The options can also be defined via System Properties. If an option is defined as both System Property and ea:property tag, the value passed as System Property takes precedence.

Automatic Update Before Resolution

The Easyant plugin ivy-update can be used to automatically update the version (attribute rev) of every module dependencies declared.

<info organisation="[organisation]" module="[name]" status="integration" revision="[version]">
    <ea:plugin org="com.is2t.easyant.plugins" name="ivy-update" revision="1.+" />

When the plugin is enabled, for each module dependency, MMM will check the version declared in the module file and update it to the highest version available which satisfies the matching rule of the dependency.

SDK Configuration

By default, when starting an empty workspace, the SDK is configured to import dependencies from MicroEJ Central Repository and to publish built modules to a local directory. The repository configuration is stored in a settings file (ivysettings.xml), and the default one is located at $USER_HOME\.microej\microej-ivysettings-[VERSION].xml

Preferences Page

The MMM preferences page in the SDK is available at Window > Preferences > MicroEJ > Module Manager [1].

MMM Preferences Page

MMM Preferences Page

This page allows to configure the following elements:

  1. Settings File: the file describing how to connect module repositories. See the settings file section.

  2. Options: files declaring MMM options. See the Options section.

  3. Use Module repository as Build repository: the settings file for connecting the build repository in place of the one bundled in the SDK. This option shall not be enabled by default and is reserved for advanced configuration.

  4. Build repository Settings File: the settings file for connecting the build repository in place of the one bundled in the SDK. This option is automatically initialized the first time the SDK is launched. It shall not be modified by default and is reserved for advanced configuration.

  5. Set verbose mode: to enable advanced debug traces when building a module.

  6. Runtime JRE: the Java Runtime Environment that executes the build process.

  7. Max build history size: the maximum number of previous builds available in Build Module shortcut list:


Settings File

The settings file is an XML file that describes how MMM connects local or online module repositories. The file format is described in Apache Ivy documentation.

To configure MMM to a custom settings file (usually from an offline repository):

  1. Set Settings file to a custom ivysettings.xml settings file [1],

  2. Click on Apply and Close button

If the workspace is not empty, it is recommended to trigger a full resolution and rebuild all the projects using this new repository configuration:

  1. Clean caches

    • In the Package Explorer, right-click on a project;

    • Select Ivy > Clean all caches.

  2. Resolve projects using the new repository

    To resolve all the workspace projects, click on the Resolve All button in the toolbar:


    To only resolve a subset of the workspace projects:

    • In the Package Explorer, select the desired projects,

    • Right-click on a project and select Ivy > Clean all caches.

  3. Trigger Add-On Library processors for automatically generated source code

    • Select Project > Clean…,

    • Select Clean all projects,

    • Click on Clean button.


Options can be used to parameterize a module description file or a settings file. Options are declared as key/value pairs in a standard Java properties file, and are expanded using the ${my_property} notation.

A typical usage in a settings file is for extracting repository server credentials, such as HTTP Basic access authentication:

  1. Declare options in a properties file

  2. Register this property file to MMM options

  1. Use this option in a settings file


A typical usage in a module description file is for factorizing dependency versions across multiple modules projects:

  1. Declare an option in a properties file

  2. Register this property file to MMM options

  3. Use this option in a module description file


Resolution Logs

Resolution logs of module projects imported in the workspace are available from the console view:

  • Select Windows > Show View > Console,

  • In the Console view, click on the console window icon and select Ivy console:


To enable the verbose mode:

  • In the Ivy console view, click on the debug icon and select debug instead of info (defaults):


This triggers the full workspace resolution with verbose mode enabled.

Module Build

In the SDK, the build of a MicroEJ module project can be started as follows:

  • In the Package Explorer, right-click on the project,

  • Select Build Module.

Module build

Module Build

The build of a module can take time depending on

  • the module nature to build,

  • the number and the size of module dependencies to download,

  • the repository connection bandwidth, …

The module build logs are redirected to the integrated console.

Alternatively, the build of a MicroEJ module project can be started from the build history:

Module Build History

Module Build History

Build Kit

The Module Manager Build Kit is a consistent set of tools, scripts, configuration and artifacts required for building modules in command-line mode. Starting from SDK 5.4.0, it also contains a Command Line Interface (CLI). The Build Kit allows to work in headless mode (e.g. in a terminal) and to build your modules using a Continuous Integration tool.

The Build Kit is bundled with the SDK and can be exported using the following steps: [2]

  • Select File > Export > MicroEJ > Module Manager Build Kit,

  • Choose an empty Target directory,

  • Click on the Finish button.

Once the Build Kit is fully exported, the directory content shall look like:

├─ bin
│  ├─ mmm
│  └─ mmm.bat
├─ conf
├─ lib
├─ microej-build-repository
│  ├─ ant-contrib
│  ├─ com
│  ├─ ...
│  └─ ivysettings.xml
├─ microej-module-repository
│  └─ ivysettings.xml
└─ release.properties
  • Add the bin directory of the Build Kit directory to the PATH environment variable of your machine.

  • Make sure the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set and points to a JRE/JDK installation or that java executable is in the PATH environment variable (Java 8 is required)

  • Confirm that the installation works fine by executing the command mmm --version. The result should display the MMM CLI version.

The mmm tool can run on any supported Operating Systems:

  • on Windows, either in the command prompt using the Windows batch script mmm.bat or in MinGW environments such as Git BASH using the bash script mmm.

  • on macOS and Linux distributions using the bash script mmm.


When copying a build kit from one system to another, make sure to delete the cache of the buildtype repository (/microej-build-repository/cache) which may contain absolute paths.

The build repository (microej-build-repository directory) contains scripts and tools for building modules. It is specific to a SDK version and shall not be modified by default.

The module repository (microej-module-repository directory) contains a default Settings File for importing modules from Central Repository and this local repository (modules that are locally built will be published to this directory). You can override with custom settings or by extracting an offline repository.

To go further with headless builds, please consult the next chapter for command line builds, and this tutorial to setup MicroEJ modules build in continuous integration environments.

Command Line Interface

Starting from version 5.4.0, the SDK provides a Command Line Interface (CLI). Please refer to the Build Kit section for installation details.

The following operations are supported by the MMM CLI:

  • creating a module project

  • cleaning a module project

  • building a module project

  • running a MicroEJ Application project on the Simulator

  • publishing a module in a module repository


In order to use the MMM CLI for your project:

  • go to the root directory of your project

  • run the following command

    mmm [COMMAND] [OPTION]...

where COMMAND is the command to execute (for example mmm build). The available commands are:

  • help: display help information about the specified command

  • init: create a new project

  • clean: clean the project

  • build: build the project

  • publish: build the project and publish the module

  • run: run the MicroEJ Application project on the Simulator

The available options are:

  • --help (-h): show the help message and exit

  • --version (-V): print version information and exit

  • --build-repository-settings-file (-b): path of the Ivy settings file for build scripts and tools. Defaults to ${CLI_HOME}/microej-build-repository/ivysettings.xml.

  • --module-repository-settings-file (-r): path of the Ivy settings file for modules. Defaults to ${CLI_HOME}/microej-module-repository/ivysettings.xml.

  • --ivy-file (-f): path of the project’s Ivy file. Defaults to ./module.ivy.

  • --verbose (-v): verbose mode. Disabled by default. Add this option to enable verbose mode.

  • -Dxxx=yyy: any additional option passed as system properties.

When no command is specified, MMM CLI executes Easyant with custom targets using the --targets (-t) option (defaults to clean,verify).

Shared configuration

In order to share configuration across several projects, these parameters can be defined in the file ${user.home}/.microej/.mmmconfig. This file uses the TOML format. Parameters names are the same than the ones passed as system properties, except the character _ is used as a separator instead of -. The parameters defined in the [options] section are passed as system properties. Here is an example:

build_repository_settings_file = "/home/johndoe/ivy-configuration/ivysettings.xml"
module_repository_settings_file = "/home/johndoe/ivy-configuration/ivysettings.xml"
ivy_file = "ivy.xml"

my.first.property = "value1"
my.second.property = "value2"


  • TOML values must be surrounded with double quotes

  • Backslash characters (\) must be doubled (for example a Windows path C:\\Users\\johndoe\\ivysettings.xml)

Command line options take precedence over those defined in the configuration file. So if the same option is defined in both locations, the value defined in the command line is used.



The command init creates a new project (executes Easyant with skeleton:generate target). The skeleton and project information must be passed with the following system properties:

  • skeleton.org: organisation of the skeleton module. Defaults to com.is2t.easyant.skeletons.

  • skeleton.module: name of the skeleton module. Mandatory, defaults to microej-javalib.

  • skeleton.rev: revision of the skeleton module. Mandatory, defaults to + (meaning the latest released version).

  • project.org: organisation of the project module. Mandatory, defaults to com.mycompany.

  • project.module: name of the project module. Mandatory, defaults to myproject.

  • project.rev: revision of the project module. Defaults to 0.1.0.

  • skeleton.target.dir: relative path of the project directory (created if it does not exist). Mandatory, defaults to the current directory.

For example

mmm init -Dskeleton.org=com.is2t.easyant.skeletons -Dskeleton.module=microej-javalib -Dskeleton.rev=4.2.8 -Dproject.org=com.mycompany -Dproject.module=myproject -Dproject.rev=1.0.0 -Dskeleton.target.dir=myproject

If one of these properties is missing, it will be asked in interactive mode:

$ mmm init -Dskeleton.org=com.is2t.easyant.skeletons -Dskeleton.module=microej-javalib -Dskeleton.rev=4.2.8 -Dproject.org=com.mycompany -Dproject.module=myproject -Dproject.rev=1.0.0


   [input] skipping input as property skeleton.org has already been set.
   [input] skipping input as property skeleton.module has already been set.
   [input] skipping input as property skeleton.rev has already been set.
   [input] The path where the skeleton project will be unzipped [/home/tdelhomenie/microej/working/skeleton]

To force the non-interactive mode, the property skeleton.interactive.mode must be set to false. In non-interactive mode the default values are used for missing non-mandatory properties, and the creation fails if mandatory properties are missing.

$ mmm init -Dskeleton.org=com.is2t.easyant.skeletons -Dskeleton.module=microej-javalib -Dskeleton.rev=4.2.8 -Dproject.org=com.mycompany -Dskeleton.target.dir=myproject -Dskeleton.interactive.mode=false


* Problem Report:

expected property 'project.module': Module name of YOUR project


The command clean cleans the project (executes Easyant with clean target). For example

mmm clean

cleans the project.


The command build builds the project (executes Easyant with clean,verify targets). For example

mmm build -f ivy.xml -v

builds the project with the Ivy file ivy.xml and in verbose mode.


The command publish builds the project and publishes the module. This command accepts the publication target as a parameter, amongst these values:

  • local (default value): executes the clean,publish-local Easyant target, which publishes the project with the resolver referenced by the property local.resolver in the Settings File.

  • shared: executes the clean,publish-shared Easyant target, which publishes the project with the resolver referenced by the property shared.resolver in the Settings File.

  • release: executes the clean,release Easyant target, which publishes the project with the resolver referenced by the property release.resolver the Settings File.

For example

mmm publish local

builds the project and publishes the module using the local resolver.


The command run runs the application on the Simulator (executes Easyant with compile,simulator:run targets). It has the following requirements:

  • to run on the Simulator, the project must be configured with one of the following Module Natures:

  • the property application.main.class must be set to the Fully Qualified Name of the application main class (for example com.mycompany.Main)

  • a MicroEJ Platform must be provided (see Select a VEE Port section)

  • Standalone Application Options must be defined using properties file under in the build directory (see Using a Properties File section)

  • the module must have been built once before running the Simulator. So the mmm build command must be executed before running the Simulator the first time or after a project clean (mmm clean command).


    The next times, it is not required to rebuild the module if source code files have been modified. The content of src/main/java and src/main/resources folders are automatically compiled by mmm run command before running the Simulator.

For example

mmm run -D"platform-loader.target.platform.file"="/path/to/the/platform.zip"

runs the application on the given platform.

The Simulator can be launched in debug mode by setting the property execution.mode of the application file build/commons.properties to debug:


The debug port can be defined with the property debug.port. Go to Simulator Debug options section for more details.


The command help displays the help for a command. For example

mmm help run

displays the help of the command run.

Build System Options

MMM allows to modify the behavior of a build via System options. These options must be passed as system properties, using CLI -D option or via the SDK Configuration options. MMM provides the following options:

  • easyant.debug.port : defines the debug port and triggers the debug mode for the build execution.

Meta Build

A Meta Build is a module allowing to build other modules. It is typically used in a project containing multiple modules. The Meta Build module serves as an entry point to build all the modules of the project.

Meta Build creation

  • In the SDK, select File > New > Module Project.

    New Meta Build Project

    New Meta Build Project

  • Fill in the fields Project name, Organization, Module and Revision, then select the Skeleton named microej-meta-build

  • Click on Finish. A template project is automatically created and ready to use.

Meta Build configuration

The main element to configure in a meta build is the list of modules to build. This is done in 2 files, located at the root folder:

  • public.modules.list which contains the list of the modules relative paths to build and publish.

  • private.modules.list which contains the list of the modules relative paths to build. These modules are not published but only stored in a private and local repository in order to be fetched by the public modules.

The format of these files is a plain text file with one module path by line, for example:


These paths are relative to the meta build root folder, which is set by default to the parent folder of the meta build module (..). For this reason, a meta build module is generally created at the same level of the other modules to build. Here is a typical structure of a meta build:

├─ module1
│  ├─ ...
│  └─ module.ivy
├─ module2
│  ├─ ...
│  └─ module.ivy
├─ module3
│  ├─ ...
│  └─ module.ivy
└─ metabuild
   ├─ private.modules.list
   ├─ public.modules.list
   └─ module.ivy

The modules build order is calculated based on the dependency information. If a module is a dependency of another module, it is built first.

For a complete list of configuration options, please refer to Meta Build Module Nature section.


Unresolved Dependency

If the following message appears when resolving module dependencies:

:: problems summary ::
   module not found: com.mycompany#mymodule;[M.m.p-RC,M.m.(p+1)-RC[


             ::          UNRESOLVED DEPENDENCIES         ::


             :: com.mycompany#mymodule;[M.m.p-RC,M.m.(p+1)-RC[: not found


First, check that either a released module com.mycompany/mymodule/M.m.p or a snapshot module com.mycompany/mymodule/M.m.p-RCYYYYMMDD-HHMM exists in your module repository.

  • If the module does not exist,

    • if it is declared as a direct dependency, the module repository is not compatible with your source code. You can either check if an other module version is available in the repository or add the missing module to the repository.

    • otherwise, this is likely a missing transitive module dependency. The module repository is not consistent. Check the module repository settings file and that consistency check has been enabled during the module repository build (see Configure Consistency Check).

  • If the module exists, this may be either a configuration issue or a network connection error. We have to find the cause in the resolution logs.


    The activation of the verbose mode depends on how the resolution has been launched:

    • if the error occurs during workspace resolution, configure the verbose mode of resolution logs,

    • if the error occurs while building a module from workspace, check the verbose mode option in preferences page,

    • if the error occurs while building a module from command line, set the verbose mode option in command line options.

    For URL repositories, find:

    trying https://[MY_REPOSITORY_URL]/[MY_REPOSITORY_NAME]/com.mycompany/mymodule/
    tried https://[MY_REPOSITORY_URL]/[MY_REPOSITORY_NAME]/com.mycompany/mymodule/

    For filesystem repository, find:

    trying [MY_REPOSITORY_PATH]/com.mycompany/mymodule/
    tried [MY_REPOSITORY_PATH]/com.mycompany/mymodule/

    If your module repository URL or filesystem path does not appear, check your settings file. This is likely a missing resolver.

    Otherwise, if your module repository is an URL, this may be a network connection error between MMM (the client) and the module repository (the server). First, check for Invalid Certificate issue.

    Otherwise, the next step is to debug at the HTTP level:

    HTTP response status: [RESPONSE_CODE] url=https://[MY_REPOSITORY_URL]/com.mycompany/mymodule/
    CLIENT ERROR: Not Found url=https://[MY_REPOSITORY_URL]/com.mycompany/mymodule/

    Depending on the HTTP error code:

    • 401 Unauthorized: check your settings file credentials configuration.

    • 404 Not Found: add the following options to log raw HTTP traffic:

      -Dorg.apache.commons.logging.Log=org.apache.commons.logging.impl.SimpleLog -Dorg.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.showdatetime=true -Dorg.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.log.org.apache.http=DEBUG -Dorg.apache.commons.logging.simplelog.log.org.apache.http.wire=ERROR

      Particularly, Ivy requires the HTTP HEAD request which may be disabled by some servers.

Invalid Certificate

If the following message appears when resolving module dependencies:

HttpClientHandler: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target url=[artifactory address]

This can be raised in several cases, such as:

  • an artifact repository configured in the MicroEJ Module Manager settings using a self-signed SSL certificate or a SSL certificate not trusted by the JDK.

  • the requests to an artifact repository configured in the MicroEJ Module Manager settings are redirected to a proxy server using a SSL certificate not trusted by the JDK.

In all cases, the SSL certificate (used by the artifact repository server or the proxy) must be added to the JDK trust store that is running MicroEJ Module Manager. Ask your System Administrator, or retrieve the SSL certificate and add it to the JDK trust store:

  • on Windows

    1. Install Keystore Explorer.

    2. Start Keystore Explorer, and open file [JRE_HOME]/lib/security/cacerts or [JDK_HOME]/jre/lib/security/cacerts with the password changeit. You may not have the right to modify this file. Edit rights if needed before opening it or open Keystore Explorer with admin rights.

    3. Click on Tools, then Import Trusted Certificate.

    4. Select your certificate.

    5. Save the cacerts file.

  • on Linux/macOS

    1. Open a terminal.

    2. Make sure the JDK’s bin folder is in the PATH environment variable.

    3. Execute the following command:

      keytool -importcert -v -noprompt -trustcacerts -alias myAlias -file /path/to/the/certificate.pem -keystore /path/to/the/truststore -storepass changeit

If the problem still occurs, set the javax.net.debug property to all to enable SSL protocol traces:

  • when using the MMM CLI, add the property in the command line with: -Djavax.net.debug=all

  • when using the Build Module button in the SDK, add the property in the MicroEJ Module Manager options as described in the section Options

  • when resolving the dependencies on a project in the SDK with the button Ivy > Resolve, add the following line at the end of the file MicroEJ-SDK.ini located at the root of the SDK installation:


    and start the SDK from a terminal.

In all cases, such logs should appear in the terminal or in the SDK console:

javax.net.ssl|DEBUG|01|main|2022-09-09 18:22:20.828 CEST|SSLContextImpl.java:428|System property jdk.tls.client.cipherSuites is set to 'null'
javax.net.ssl|DEBUG|01|main|2022-09-09 18:22:20.871 CEST|SSLCipher.java:464|jdk.tls.keyLimits:  entry = AES/GCM/NoPadding KeyUpdate 2^37. AES/GCM/NOPADDING:KEYUPDATE = 137438953472
javax.net.ssl|DEBUG|01|main|2022-09-09 18:22:20.892 CEST|SSLContextImpl.java:402|Ignore disabled cipher suite: TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA

There should be a trace at the beginning which indicates the path of the truststore used by the JDK:

javax.net.ssl|FINE|01|main|2022-09-05 14:34:38.631 CEST|TrustStoreManager.java:112|trustStore is: /path/to/the/truststore

The error very probably occurs during the handshake phase of the SSL negotiation. There should be the following trace before the error:

Consuming server Certificate handshake message

The traces below this one indicates the SSL certificate (or the SSL certificates chain) presented by the server. This certificate or one of the root or intermediate certificates must be added in the JDK truststore as explained previously.

Target “simulator:run” does not exist

If the following message appears when executing the mmm run command:

* Problem Report:

Target "simulator:run" does not exist in the project "my-app".

it means that the command run is not supported by the build type declared by your module project. Make sure it is one of the following ones:

  • build-application, with version 7.1.0 or higher

  • build-microej-javalib, with version 4.2.0 or higher

  • build-firmware-singleapp, with version 1.3.0 or higher

Could not load SWT library

Trying to use MMM Build Kit on headless system may lead to this error when building a VEE Port.
To fix this on Ubuntu (tested on 22.04), install the libwebkit2gtk-4.0-37 package.

systemmicroui.xml:47: Terminated with errors

Trying to build a VEE Port may lead to an “Internal limits reached” for which the log file contains this error.
This is caused by using an incompatible JDK distribution (such as openjdk-11-jdk Ubuntu distribution).
To fix this, change your JDK distribution. See recommended JDK distributions.

Former SDK Versions (lower than 5.2.0)

This section describes MMM configuration elements for SDK versions lower than 5.2.0.

New MicroEJ Module Project

The New MicroEJ Module Project wizard is available at File > New > Project…, EasyAnt > EasyAnt Project.

Preferences Pages

MMM Preferences Pages are located in two dedicated pages. The following pictures show the options mapping using the same options numbers declared in Preferences Page.

Ivy Preferences Page

The Ivy Preferences Page is available at Window > Preferences > Ivy > Settings.


Easyant Preferences Page

The Easyant Preferences Page is available at Window > Preferences > EasyAnt4Eclipse.


Build Kit

  • Create an empty directory (e.g. mmm_sdk_[version]_build_kit),

  • Locate your SDK installation plugins directory (by default, C:\Program Files\MicroEJ\MicroEJ SDK-[version]\rcp\plugins on Windows OS),

  • Open the file com.is2t.eclipse.plugin.easyant4e_[version].jar with an archive manager,

  • Extract the directory lib to the target directory,

  • Open the file com.is2t.eclipse.plugin.easyant4e.offlinerepo_[version].jar with an archive manager,

  • Navigate to directory repositories,

  • Extract the file named microej-build-repository.zip for SDK 5.x or is2t_repo.zip for SDK 4.1.x to the target directory.

Former SDK Versions (from 5.2.0 to 5.3.x)

Build Kit

The Build Kit is bundled with the SDK and can be exported using the following steps:

  • Select File > Export > MicroEJ > Module Manager Build Kit,

  • Choose an empty Target directory,

  • Click on the Finish button.

Once the Build Kit is fully exported, the directory content shall look like:
