Default Application

As of Architecture 8.1.0, a default pre-built application (microejapp.o) is provided with the VEE Port. It simplifies the early-stage integration into a BSP project by eliminating the need to create and build an Application project within the SDK, thereby removing the requirement to obtain a valid SDK license.

The default pre-built application is available at [VEE_PORT_DIR]/defaultApp/microejapp.o. It prints a splash with Architecture Characteristics on the standard output:


,--.   ,--.,--.                    ,------.     ,--. ,--.   ,--.,------.,------.
|   `.'   |`--' ,---.,--.--. ,---. |  .---'     |  |  \  `.'  / |  .---'|  .---'
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`--'   `--'`--' `---'`--'    `---' `------' `-----'      `-'    `------'`------'

                      *******++:...           ..:=+*******
                    ******+:..                  ...+******
                    *****+:.                        .:+*****
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                    ***+...:****-.             .****=...=****
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                  ****:....-++-                :++=....:+***
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                  ******=..........           .........-******
            ******   ***********+=-:......:-=++**********   ******
            *****    #***********************************    *****
              ***     #*********************************     ***
                *****   ********************************   *****
              ********  ##****************************  ********
              ****   ***  ###***********************##  ***   ****
              ***    *     ###******************###     *    ***
                **           #####************#####           **


You successfully linked your first Application with the following Architecture characteristics:
- Name:                         atsauce6
- Version:                      8.1.0 (20231220-1011)
- Usage:                        Production
- Core Engine Capability:       Multi-Sandbox
- Instruction Set Architecture: x86
- Compilation Toolchain:        GNU GCC (GNUvX_X86Linux)
MicroEJ END (exit code = 0)
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