Run on the Device

The deployment of a Sandboxed Application on a device depends on the Kernel implementation. We can group them in two categories:

  • Local Deployment: the device is connected to the developer’s computer, the SDK builds the .fo from the workspace project classes and transfers it on the device (recommended during application development).

  • Remote Deployment: the Application is built, then the device connects a Repository where the Application is stored, and deploys it over the air using a device management system (production deployment).

In both cases, deploying a Sandboxed Application requires that a Multi-Sandbox Executable is running on the device. Please refer to the Kernel Developer Guide to learn how to build it or browse the Resources Repository for Multi-Sandbox demo Firmware available for popular hardware evaluation kits.

Local Deployment

Deploying an Application on a device locally is the easiest way to test it since it only requires:

  • the Application project sources imported in the SDK,

  • the device programmed with a Multi-Sandbox Executable that provides the Local Deployment capability (you can browse the Resources Repository for available demos of such Multi-Sandbox Executable),

  • the device connected to the developer’s computer either on the same network (LAN) or using a serial wire, depending on the Firmware capabilities.

If these prerequisites are fulfilled:

Duplicate Run Configuration

Duplicate Run Configuration

  • rename the duplicated Run Configuration, for example by prefixing by (Local),

  • in the Execution tab, modify the Execution mode to Execute on Device,


    The selected Platform must be a Virtual Device (VDE) including the Local Deployment capability, not a VEE Port.

  • select the option Local Deployment (Socket) in the Settings list. Note that depending on the device capability, the virtual device may implement a local deployment over a Comm Port.

Configure Run Configuration

Configure Run Configuration

  • go to the Configuration tab,

  • select the item Local Deployment (Socket),

  • set the IP address of the device in the Host field,

  • click on the Run button to deploy the Application on the board.

The Console output should be:

=============== [ Initialization Stage ] ===============
=============== [ Converting fonts ] ===============
=============== [ Converting images ] ===============
=============== [ Build Application ] ===============
=============== [ Completed Successfully ] ===============
=============== [ Deploy on ] ===============
=============== [ Completed Successfully ] ===============

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The Application is deployed on the device and automatically started. You can use a Serial terminal to get the traces of the Application:

KERNEL Hello World!
=> Starting Feature MyApplication
Feature MyApplication started!
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Remote Deployment

Remote Deployment requires building and publishing the Sandboxed Application module. To do so, in the SDK, right-click on the Sandboxed Application project and click on Build Module.

The build process will display messages in the console, ending up the following message:

[echo] project hello published locally with version 0.1.0-RC201907091602


Total time: 1 minute 6 seconds
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The files produced by the build process are located in a dedicated target~/artifacts folder in the project and is published to the target module repository declared in MicroEJ Module Manager settings file.

The file that ends with .wpk (the WPK file) is a portable file that contains all necessary binary data to build .fo files on any compatible Multi-Sandbox Executable. Then, the WPK file can be published to a MICROEJ FORGE instance. Please contact our support team if you want to get more information on MICROEJ FORGE and automated Applications deployment through a device management system.